Chapter 724 Fairy Tail Civil War

In the manor of the Garden of Quiet Spirits. Mitarashi Mukuro looked at the vase in front of him… suddenly raised his finger to the bottle. The vases were all broken…The broken porcelain slag was scattered together. But Mukuro turned a deaf ear.

Then after a few breaths, a strange scene happened.

The scene in front of me seems to have gone backwards. The broken porcelain slag that was originally scattered on the ground gathered together again, and then formed a brand-new vase!

“Is this the arc of time!?”

Mukuro looked at the intact vase in front of him, lost in thought.

When Mukuro uses the arc of time for the vase. I can clearly perceive that my magic power has been changed into another kind of power. That is-the power of time! This is also the first time Mukuro feels the power of time! It’s just a trace, but Mukuro can feel the power of it! In the face of the mighty power of time…how small I am!

Even Mitarashi Mukuro is already the master of the three-dimensional world! But time is a source of power that transcends the origin of the world! !

No matter which world you are in, time can’t be shaken like a long river!



Urrutia exclaimed from the side: “It’s just one morning, and the arc of time has been mastered! Back then, I was under Hades’s hands, but it took seven years to reach this level. Yeah!”

“It’s really amazing.” Mukuro nodded and said, “Of course, I mean the arc of time! It’s definitely my biggest gain in this world.”

“This world!? What… mean!?”

Urrutia just wanted to ask. Suddenly there was a riot outside the manor.

“What happened!?” Mukuro frowned.

Then Observation Haki and Kagura’s heart eyes were opened at the same time. Suddenly… the entire Magnolia was included in Mukuro’s detection!

“Damn it… this fellow Ragasus!”

In the fairy tail, Makarov clenched his fists tightly. There was a look of regret on his face… He didn’t expect it. The grandson who inherited his own blood-Ragusas. Actually, there will be no scruples in the civil war of Fairy Tail! And, in less than an hour! Except for themselves, Naz, Gajru who were trapped in the Fairy Tail’s resident, and Elisa and Miraj who were petrified, all the remaining wizards of Fairy Tail were defeated by the Thunder Gods. !

And Makarov himself was trapped in the Fairy Tail Guild by Felid’s technique [People over eighty years old and stone statues cannot enter]! The dual technique of [Age Restriction] and [Material Restriction] is a magical barrier that even Makarov can’t break!

“Companions are killing each other…plus the attacks of the Thunder Gods. Has the fairy tail wizards been wiped out!? There are no more fighting wizards!” Makarov’s face was gloomy. horrible.

“I’m going out! Let me out!!” Naz shouted.

“Damn it! How could I be eighty years old!” Jajiru also looked unhappy.

At this moment, a crackling sound came into the ears of several people. A few people looked over… I don’t know when, the stone statue of Elisa actually fell to the ground! At the location of the face, a crack clearly appeared.

“It’s over!! It’s cracked!! Glue! Glue!! Hobby…Glue!!” Naz shouted in shock. But Jajiru cursed at the side: “You are stupid! That will work!? Use your torch to melt my iron, and then solder it.”

With that, the arm has become an Iron Body.


Makarov was already in a cold sweat by being scared at this time.

Bang! !

Suddenly a fist threw Naz away.

Elisa looked at Naz with an angry face: “It’s so hot…you did it, Naz. What are you doing…!!!”

With that said, the fist beat Naz away again!

“Great, Elisa is resurrected!” Hobby cheered, completely ignoring Naz who was beaten out by Elisa. Because in the eyes of Hobby, it is really normal for Naz to be beaten by Elisa.

“Elusa…Why would you!?”

Makarov was puzzled. Because Elsa and the others were completely petrified by Eba Green’s petrified eyes. Iba Green can completely petrify what I see… Unless I can defeat Iba Green, the effect of petrification will never be eliminated.

Elisa touched her right eye, a slight smile appeared on her face.

“Brother must have done it…I knew it.”

After a pause, Elisa said: “I have heard the situation… Don’t worry. I will leave it to me. Um… Since I was resurrected, has the number of people left changed?” De’s technique changed from the remaining two to the remaining three. But just as Elisa was speaking, the number on the technique changed again… it became four!

The corners of Elisa’s mouth rose slightly.

Muttered: “It seems that that person is going to fight 557 too! That’s okay… let’s compare who is the strongest true fairy!”

on the other side.

Mukuro also stepped into Magnolia.

But he was stopped by a man with green hair.

“Philip Justin!? I’m very interested in your magic…don’t know if you can teach it to me?” Mukuro said.

Philip Justin.

The members of Fairy Tail, because they admire Ragusas very much. So the Guards of Ragosas were formed-the Thunder Gods! And served as its captain…Although he is not an S-rank wizard. But Elisa was called “a person with the strength of an S-rank wizard”!

Magic is “surgery” and “dark text”!

Set “surgery style”: draw the rules and scope, the magic that allows the person who stepped into the trap to fall into the trap. It is a kind of enchantment magic. It imposes a rule on the person stepping into the enchantment. If the target does not comply with it, they will not be able to get out Enchantment can also make the target lose power through the rules.

Magic “Dark Text”: Use a sword to write text on the target or yourself to make the text on the painting a reality, which is used to assist in setting the shortcomings of “surgery” magic that is not suitable for melee combat.

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