Chapter 722 Seven Star Sword

Mukuro completely ignored it… when he was voting just now, he was the first one to vote for it, and there were two votes at once.

“Then… First Congressman, what should I do now!?”

Crawford Sim’s face at the moment was uglier than anyone else. If you really let Geral resurrect Jeff. So… the consequences simply don’t look at the assumptions! First of all… he, the speaker of the Magic Council, don’t want to serve anymore.

“how could I know.”

Mukuro gave Crawford Sim a blank look and spoke unceremoniously.

After a pause, the conversation suddenly changed: “But… after all, I am a member of the Magic Council. The magic world is in trouble, so I should come forward.”

“En, en.” Crawford Sim couldn’t help but nod his head.

“Well… Since Senator Zickrein is Geral, then… he should be removed from the Magic Council. Then… the vacant member. I think Elisa is quite suitable, you What do you mean? Speaker.” Mukuro said lightly.

Anyway, the Tower of Paradise will definitely go, so why not take advantage of it! ?

“Elisa will be a member of the Magic Council from now on!”

Crawford Sim, but he spoke directly without even thinking about it. A member of the Magic Council. As long as you don’t want your own seat of speaker. Crawford Sim would definitely not hesitate at this time.

“Leave me the Tower of Paradise.” After that, Mukuro disappeared.

“Damn it… Geral, I’m going to kill you!”

Elisa said. Raising the giant sword in his hand… just want to rush towards Geral. But I was surprised to find that… my body could not move anymore.

“This…what is this!?”

In this matter, a black pattern suddenly appeared on Elisa’s arm.

“The restrained snake was left on you when I just touched you… I have already obtained the magic power used to activate the R system. Next… only sacrifices are needed to bring Jeff back to life! I have no time to finish with you anymore… Let your body merge with this magic crystal that has deposited 2.7 billion conceptual magic power. Then, your body will be decomposed and reorganized into Jeff’s body. Become a part of Jeff, It will be your honor!”

“Damn it! Damn it!!!”

Elisa’s body is constantly blending into the magic crystal beside her.

“Great Jeff!! Now I dedicate this woman’s body to you… and then complete your resurrection!”

Geral opened his arms and said loudly.

Just when Elisa’s body was about to sink into the magic crystal. Mukuro appeared and pulled Elisa out of the magic crystal.

“Elusa. Next… leave it to me here.”

Then he cast his gaze on Geral and said in a playful manner: “Look at…Use me as the body of Jeff’s resurrection. How about!? Of course… the prerequisite for this is that you can defeat me first. .”

“Damn it… Mitarashi Mukuro!”

Geral looked at Mukuro with a grim face. Mukuro’s appearance interrupted Jeff’s resurrection! At this moment, the anger in his heart overwhelmed his fear of Mukuro! Yelled: “If you dare to hinder the ritual, let me use celestial magic to turn you into ashes!”


Geral’s magic is celestial magic.

Meteor attracts the power of stars to oneself through magic. Then let your own speed reach a level that the naked eye can’t catch, comparable to a meteor!

In the next moment!

Geral has already appeared behind Mukuro!

The elbow attacked Mukuro’s waist, but Mukuro directly grabbed it! It smashed directly on the magic crystal on the side.

Geral gritted his teeth, not reconciled!

The speed is faster…The high-speed moving figure directly tears the surrounding air! Bend his knees to hit Mukuro’s spine, trying to kill Mukuro directly!

Once again… caught by Mukuro, and thrown aside!

“How can you see the speed of the meteor!?” Geral’s face was incredulous!

“It’s fast? In my eyes, it’s faster than a snail.” Mukuro shrugged and said with a surprised look.

“Damn it!” The expression on Geral’s face became more and more ferocious. Put your hands together in a weird posture. And shouted loudly: “Take it to death!! Let you see what the real destruction magic is… Accept the sanctions of the Seven Stars!!”

“Seven Star Sword!!!”

Geral’s voice fell, and the seven golden magical beams of light above the sky, like the Big Dipper, fell from the sky and shattered…

And the target of the attack is Mitarashi Mukuro! !


A huge pothole appeared on the magic crystal of the R system.

Geral murmured: “This is a magic that can match the destructive power of a meteorite fall… Some have been overplayed. The magic power in the magic crystal has begun to drain outward… If the R system is destroyed, it will suffer. .”

Geral looked at the bottom of the pothole.

He frowned because he did not see Mitarashi Mukuro’s figure.

“At this level…I am ashamed to call it a destructive power equal to that of a meteorite!? Your meteorite… is too weak, right?”

Geral’s pupils shrank sharply, and he turned around to look around. Mitarashi Mukuro is standing behind him, unscathed! I couldn’t help but exclaimed: “How is it possible!? I clearly saw that the Seven Star Sword had hit you!”

“Look clearly…this is the power of meteorites!!!”

“Tengai Shinsei!!” Mukuro lifted one hand into the air, and yanked down with force, as if to pull something down in the air.

Boom boom boom…

The air blast that shook the world sounded, and Geral could not help but look into the air!

“This is… what is this!?”

Geral was dumbfounded. A huge red-black fireball appeared on the edge of the sky, carrying endless power, and rammed it over!

“Didn’t you already tell you? Meteorite.”

Picking up Elisa from the side. Looking at Geral, Mukuro said, “It depends on you being made into such a virtue by Tia. I won’t kill you… However, the prerequisite is that you avoid the attack of Tengai Shinsei first. ”

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