Chapter 394 Tolerant Five Elders

Marlene Vando.

World government mansion.

The luxurious palaces of the past, although they are still luxurious today. It’s just that behind this luxury, there is a faint faint of decay and tyranny.

“Boss… what should I do next!?”

Long-haired white beard Five Elders looked at the flat hat and curly hair Five Elders asked.

The white robe and bald head on the side of Five Elders also looked at the flat hat and curly hair. The pitch-black First Generation Ghost Toru is also in the unsheathed state, and is able to slash fierce slashes at any time! ! !

“Boss! Our world government’s armed forces in jurisdictions around the world have all been wiped out by Mitarashi Mukuro. Apart from the guards outside the door, the world government has three of us left…”

Five Elders continued.

Five Elders with flat hat and curly hair, with a solemn expression, staring straight ahead, his pupils dilated and no focus at all. There was no reply to Five Elders.

And, gradually…

A drop of sweat came out of Five Elders’s forehead with curly flat hat… His face became extremely pale… with curly flat hat Five Elders’ eyes also showed a look of fear…

It’s very likely… the trace of information revealed in this absolute foresight can change the current embarrassing situation of the three of them!

So, of course they both want to know.

Slowly, the flat hat and curly hair, Five Elders’ eyes refocused. Word by word: “Hell…I saw hell!!! The whole world became a sea of ​​flames!!! And I seemed to feel the wailing of countless grievances!!! Finally… all the flames condensed into one A sword…a slender Taito…and the style of this Taito…”

With this, the words of Five Elders with flat hat and curly hair suddenly stopped, and his gaze was straight in one direction.

Seeing the appearance of Five Elders with flat hat and curly hair, Five Elders with white robe and bald head and Five Elders with long hair and white beard were also taken aback, their eyes followed the sight of Five Elders with flat hat and curly hair.

An ordinary picture of Mukuro.

“Boss, what’s the matter!? Didn’t you say that you foresee a big sword!? What’s next!?” Long-haired white-haired Hu Five Elders asked with a puzzled look.

“Is it…that Taito…”

The white-robed bald Five Elders’ voice was low and deep. Although it seemed to be asking about Five Elders with flat hat and curly hair, his tone was very willing, and there was no other reason.

just because of……

He is also a swordsman, and he is also a supreme swordsman surpassing the swordsman! ! !

For eight hundred years, Five Elders with a white robe and bald head has stood at the pinnacle of all swordsmen in the world, and no one can even stand up to it. For swords… he has an instinct beyond ordinary people…

When seeing Mukuro’s graphic report, Five Elders with a white robe and bald head focused all their attention on the Tachi on Mukuro’s waist. Instinctively tells myself… That sword is more terrifying than his First Generation Ghost Toru! ! !

“Well, it’s exactly the same…”

Flat hat curls Five Elders said bitterly. What he didn’t tell the two of them was…In his foresight, he could not even withstand the blow of the sword…

It is directly turned into fly ash…

Even I can’t bear it, let alone the five Elders with a white robe and a bald head and Five Elders with a long hair and white hu…

“Then we…what should we do…”

Long-haired white Hu Five Elders asked uncertainly, a worried look flashing in his eyes. They have always been in control of his life and death, and they are the first to feel anxious about their lives…


After a long while, Five Elders with flat hat and curly hair spit out a word.

Then he continued: “Wait until the two old monsters of Celestial Dragons and Mitarashi Mukuro go to war… no matter who wins or loses, the fighting power will be greatly reduced!

At that time, it’s time for us to make a move! With my Haki training base, my second child’s swordsmanship training base, and my fifth child’s Devil Fruit…As long as their combat power is greatly reduced, then our full blow will surely kill the remaining person! ”

“Well! I have accumulated strength for eight hundred years… I will be able to severely damage anyone!”

Hearing the words of Five Elders with flat hat and curly hair, Five Elders with long hair and white beard realized that he was still a Devil Fruit capable person. But since I have consumed this Devil Fruit, I have never had a chance to use it…

Suddenly, Five Elders with flat hat and curly hair gave a startled expression and said: “The two old monsters of Celestial Dragons moved… the direction is… World Liberation Army base, Ma Lin Fanduo!!!”

“And… the big guy “Uranus” was also driven by Victor…”

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