Chapter 374 Marine Wuhai Force

Kaido didn’t leave, naturally because of Mukuro’s instruction. After all, the big event has passed, and Mukuro has also become Marshal Marine, and there is no need to hide some things.

After all, the original power of the Pirate World has been swallowed by Celestial Dragons, if Mukuro wants to get the original power of the world. It is inevitably necessary to establish the world’s largest power, and then integrate the will of all people in the world to get it.

Compared to building a new power, developing a power that has already taken shape and is of a large scale naturally saves a lot of trouble.

And, more importantly…Mukuro can’t get rid of the identity of Marine before completely controlling the origin of the world, otherwise he will be directly excluded from the world of pirates by the origin of the world.

Although Marine’s scale in the Pirate World is not small.

But to be honest… Except in the four seas, the influence of other places is really small to be negligible.

Of course, after New World has been guarded by Mukuro in the past few years, Marine’s influence has been clearly revealed. But it’s more about the fear of Mukuro than the fear of Marine itself.

Not to mention on the Red Line, there are also the army commanders under the direct jurisdiction of Five Elders, the Celestial Dragons, the revolutionary army… these big and small forces!

Looking at Kaido, Mukuro said, “Well… Starting today, Kaido, you will be incorporated into the Marine Armed Forces, and you will be the Marine Armed Forces Commander, Admiral! Once you have achieved your achievements, you will be promoted to Admiral!

Marine military forces are directly under the command of Marshal Marine. Marine Wuhai’s mission is to monitor the entire sea…All members are former big pirates, and the recruiting conditions…A big pirate with a reward of more than 100 million Baileys, or a big pirate who can use Haki! Once Shichibukai members were directly merged into Marine Wuhai forces! Are you confident? Kaido…”

“Yes, my lord!”

Kaido didn’t hesitate for a moment, and said directly.

After a pause, he continued: “In addition…sir, I hope to recruit the “three major disasters” under my subordinates to join Marine Wuhai troops, “Drought” Jack, “Flood” Tyro, and “Wind” Leo, the three of them will join. Marine armed forces.

Tyro, who has offered the least amount of rewards among the three, has also reached 780 million Baileys, and all of them are users of Armament Haki and Observation Haki, and are fully qualified for admission! ”

With that said, Kaido looked at Mukuro anxiously.

Let the three major disasters join Marine Wuhai Force, Kaido naturally has his own selfish intentions. Although the ultimate ideology of loyalty to Mukuro has not changed in his consciousness.

But it doesn’t mean that Kaido has no ambitions.

The meaning in Mukuro’s words is obviously to recruit all the big pirates in the world! With Mukuro’s strength, this will definitely not be a lie! And become the chief of the great pirates of the world!

In a disguised way…is the king of pirates! !

Moreover, the identity of the One Piece King is far more terrifying than Roger, who is just a title! !

Every word and deed can determine the life and death of any pirate! !

He is more powerful than his current “Four Emperors” status! !

However, although he was appointed by Mukuro as the chief. However, Kaido does not foolishly think that he will always be the commander of Marine’s military force.

For the pirates, there is only one creed!

That is…power! ! !

The winner is king…Victory is justice! ! !

This is the concept carried out by the pirates. Kaido can become the “Four Emperors” because his power is strong enough to be able to rule one side on the sea! ! !

Knowing this, Kaido will worry more.

Not to mention that the Whitebeard I saw today is more terrifying than myself, even the redhead, Rayleigh, Charlotte Linlin…

The strength of these people is definitely not much weaker than their own.

In the future, if these people are really recruited into Marine Wuhai troops, one or two of these pirates will be unruly masters, and they will naturally threaten the position of their commander-in-chief.

So…before that, you must first deploy your own forces in the Marine Armed Forces, so that you can be safer.

Hearing Kaido’s words, Mukuro smiled.

What Kaido’s idea was, Mukuro was naturally able to guess one or two, and said, “Of course you can. As the commander of Marine’s armed forces, you naturally have the right to recruit members without everyone reporting to me. I don’t. It takes a process…just a result. However, I hope you don’t get involved in your personal preferences when you recruit, understand?”

“Subordinates understand!”

Kaido spoke hurriedly, and he let out a long sigh of relief in his heart. With the assistance of these three people, his position as chief officer is even more reliable.

“Um… By the way, the Marine Armed Forces is an official Marine force. So, I don’t want the members of the Marine Armed Forces to not abide by the Marine regulations.” Mukuro said lightly.

If you want to build the world’s number one power, you must have enough strong people.

If you let Mukuro cultivate it, in twenty years, Mukuro absolutely believes that he can cultivate a group of combat power that surpasses the “Four Emperors” level!

But… Mukuro didn’t want to spend so much time so stupidly.

So… the pirates in the sea have become Mukuro’s target. If these unorganized and undisciplined powerhouses can be assembled into Marine, then Mukuro can save more than ten years of time.

Moreover, after the inclusion of these pirates, they will be restrained by Marine regulations to reduce their ravages on villages and small towns, which can also enhance the rule and influence of the Marine forces.

How can Mukuro not do this kind of thing that kills two birds with one stone! ?

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Kaido hurriedly looked at the “three major disasters” behind him, and asked coldly: “You will abide by the Marine regulations, right?” Although it was a question, it was full of commands.

“Of course!”, “Definitely!”, “Yes!”

The three replied hurriedly.

He didn’t dare to hesitate, Kaido looked at himself and the others. It was completely that he would eat himself raw if he dared to hesitate for a little bit!

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