Chapter 356 Five Elders go to war

“Ace is Roger’s son. This is an indisputable fact… They used this to successfully deceive a man who is most easily shaken by this. Sengoku’s strategy is better than us!” Whitebeard looked at Skuya De, said lightly.

“Has this war been tampered with!?”

“Then what is the battle so far!?”

“That means there is no difference between the winner and the loser!?”

All over the world, people who saw this scene through the video phone worm were all amazed, with an unbelievable look on their faces!

“Skuyard, you’re going to be at each other’s blade… what a silly son!”

Suddenly, Whitebeard knelt on one knee, squeezing the ground with a large naginata in his hand, and wrapped his other hand over Skuyard, and said with a faint smile: “Although he is a silly son, but…I still love you. …”

“What are you kidding? You want to take our lives…” Pushing Whitebeard away, Skuyard shouted loudly.

“So loyal and upright you…who led the wrong way!?”

Whitebeard asked faintly, but there was a flash of killing intent in his eyes! Dare to calculate the Whitebeard Pirates, I will never let him go!

“The insurgents in Marine…he said that as long as you stabbed you to death, the subordinates can be rescued…” There was a trace of regret in Skuyard’s eyes.

“Akainu? Is that so…”

Endless anger was suppressed in Whitebeard’s plain tone.

Looking at Skuyard, he continued, “How much you hate Roger… I know this very well… But, Skuyard, paying the debts from father to son, what a ridiculous thing… Has Ace been right? Have you done anything…”

“Get along well… It’s not just Ace exception… You are all my family… You are really young, Sengoku… You do this beautifully… Say I betrayed my sons… ”

After speaking, Whitebeard punched out angrily.

And the place where the fist strikes… is the Akainu who just struggled to stand up!

In the field of earthquakes, Whitebeard can shatter any space at any time! Akainu, who didn’t react at all, ate Whitebeard’s angry punch!

Even though the elementalization has been maintained at any time, the attack from Whitebeard contains Haki’s. After receiving such a punch, Akainu immediately fell to the ground again, and his blood surged…

Obviously… has completely lost combat effectiveness!

“As a pirate! You have to decide for yourself what to believe!!!”

Whitebeard looked at the pirates beside him, and shouted loudly: “Don’t be afraid of death…Crush! Just follow the old man!!!”

After speaking, Whitebeard rushed forward first!

The pirates, whose morale had been slightly low, heard Whitebeard’s impassioned words. Suddenly, it seemed as if they had been beaten in blood, no one chose to retreat, and all rushed to Marine frantically!

“Damn it…”

Sengoku on the execution stage looked at the battlefield below with a terrible face.

The strategy failed and did not cause the slightest harm to Whitebeard. This is aside for the time being. At the same time, the appearance of “red-haired” Shanks has had a huge impact on the situation of the battle!

With all the high-end combat power of Marine present, it is no match for the strong men of the two pirate groups in front of you!

And Akainu has completely lost his combat effectiveness!

“Damn Mukuro… I went to Raftel at this time!”

Sengoku couldn’t help but feel resentment towards Mukuro. If Mukuro were here, Marine would definitely not be in this situation now, maybe they would have defeated Whitebeard!

“Can’t… continue like this!

Sengoku looked a little entangled, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes, looked to the side of the execution table, and said, “Marine… hasn’t been able to hold on anymore, please let Five Elders take action!”

There is no way, if you don’t recognize Marine’s defeat.

I am afraid that after a while, the entire Marine will be wiped out at Marlene Vandor! As Marshal Marine, Sengoku couldn’t bear this kind of thing.

Even if you admit that Marine is defeated now… it doesn’t matter!

After all, originally in Sengoku’s plan, the battle in which Ma Linvanduo executed Ace was the last battle of his Marine career. After this battle, he will hand over the position of Marshal to Mukuro.

“Five… Five Elders!?”

“The highest ruler in the world!?”

“It’s a lie… When Roger was executed, Five Elders didn’t even show up!”

“Five Elders?”

Hearing Sengoku’s words, Whitebeard also had a violent stature, and looked serious in the direction Sengoku’s gaze was toward! After Roger came out of Raftel, he talked to himself about Raftel.

It contains information about Five Elders! ! !

The supreme ruler of the World government! ! !

The old 247 monster who has lived for eight hundred years! ! !

Just pull out one of them, that is, Haki’s character who broke the boundaries between humans and gods, or a monster whose Devil Fruit’s ability has reached the third-degree awakening level!

“Marine… really is so incompetent!”

An old and powerful voice sounded, and then the sky full of slime poured in from all directions and gathered on the execution platform. Finally formed the shape of a person.

Gradually, everything was revealed.

It is the fourth child of Five Elders-Five Elders with a round face and a white face! ! !

“Sorry… I disappointed Master Five Elders!” Sengoku’s face grew darker, and he looked at Five Elders with a round face and white Hu, and said respectfully.

Marine is indeed defeated!


Five Elders, the round face, white Hu, gave a cold snort, and then completely ignored Sengoku.

Looking at Whitebeard, he said with a disdainful face: “The strongest man in the world!? What a ignorant person!!!”

“Let me here… end you… Corrosion and erosion!!!”

With that said, Five Elders with a round face and white Hu pushed his arms forward, and two huge dark green mucus hit Whitebeard!

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