Chapter 327 Rain feast

“In the future… The Pirates that Brook will join!?”

Kolux looked dumbfounded, what is the pirate group that he will join in the future? Who can tell the future? ? He looked at Mukuro questioningly.

But I saw a shocking scene!


I saw that the huge battleship at Mukuro’s feet suddenly floated up, then quickly ascended, directly over the upside-down mountain, and landed steadily into the Grand Line.

“Is it the power of Lion Fruit!? But isn’t Lion Fruit already eaten by Golden Lion? And in the information Shakky gave me, Golden Lion is not dead? Then what kind of power is he!?”

Looking at the Marine battleship that had disappeared, Colax murmured.

After a long while, he turned to look at Laboon and said loudly, “Laboon, did you hear that!? That guy Brook is not dead! So don’t hit Red Line with your head anymore!”


Laboon screamed cheerfully. As an animal’s instinct, it made it feel that Mukuro’s words were not deceiving itself! Thinking of the possibility of seeing Brook again, Ra 15 is naturally very happy.

“Battleship…The battleship is flying!?”

The lieutenant colonel’s surprised mouth couldn’t close, although he knew that Mukuro could fly. But he didn’t expect that Mukuro actually had the ability to make the entire battleship fly!

Be aware that Mukuro’s battleship is the largest battleship in Marine! It is several times larger than any aircraft carrier on earth!

It weighs hundreds of thousands of tons!

After the battleship fell into the water again, Mukuro took out Alabasta’s permanent pointer and threw it to Nami, and said:

“Nami, this is the Grand Line. In the Grand Line, the weather, ocean currents, etc. do not change according to common sense. Only the permanent pointer will always point to an island and never change!”

“So as a navigator, the first thing you have to learn is the use of permanent pointers!”

After speaking, Mukuro turned his head to look at the lieutenant colonel aside, and said, “Okay, then the battleship will be fully controlled by Nami. I will go to bed. As long as the ship is not destroyed or killed, don’t call me. !”

After that, he turned and walked to his captain’s room.

On the deck, the lieutenant colonel looked at Nami more seriously. The entire battleship is handed over to the little girl in front of him for full control. It seems that Bailong Admiral really attaches great importance to her, and he must not be negligent!

Nami didn’t have so many thoughts. In her opinion, as a navigator, it is natural for her to control the direction of the ship.

There was a little bumpy during the voyage, and at the speed of the Mukuro battleship, it took a week to arrive at Alabasta.

After all, it was the first time that Nami entered the Grand Line and didn’t understand the situation in the Grand Line. What’s more, he was controlling such a huge Marine battleship. Some unsuitability was inevitable.

But this has stunned the group of navigators on the original battleship!

I can’t help but admire Nami, a girl much younger than me. You must know that they sailed a battleship alone on the Grand Line for the first time, but they were able to do it only after several years of familiarization!

“Hehe, Brother Mukuro! The island of Santin is here!” Nami looked at Mukuro and said with a smile.

“Well, not bad!” Mukuro nodded and complimented Nami.

Santin Island is the island where Alabasta is located, and the capital is Albana. The ruler is the Nafirutali family, who was also a descendant of the Celestial Dragons eight hundred years ago. However, for some reason, they abandoned the Celestial Dragons identity eight hundred years ago and have lived in Alabasta for generations.

But now, the entire Alabasta is secretly ruled by Crocodile.

However, due to Mukuro’s intervention five years ago, Crocodile had to cover up a lot, and the people’s life was not as difficult as in the plot, and there was no riot.

Kagura’s eyes opened, and the entire Alabasta was incorporated into Mukuro’s perception in an instant.

“Um… rainy ground?”

Perceiving the specific location of Crocodile, Mukuro briefly explained some matters to Nami and the lieutenant colonel, and then disappeared directly on the battleship using God Pro.

In the next moment, Mukuro appeared before Yuyan.


Alabasta’s dream capital is the largest casino in the rain, and it is also the home of Crocodile!

As soon as I walked into the Yuyan, a girl in sexy costumes greeted me, looked at Mukuro with captivating eyes and asked, “Sir, what do you want to play?”

Seeing the girl in front of him, Mukuro’s heart moved, not because he thought about the girl, but suddenly wanted to experience the gambling again.

“What kind of gambling are there?” Mukuro asked aloud.

“Monte Carlo roulette, dice, stud, poker… as long as there are gambling items in the world, we all have it.” The sexy girl explained. 787

“Um… dice it.”

Mukuro thought about it for a while and decided. Compared to other dice, it is the simplest and rude. He continued to ask: “Is there a field with more than 100 million Baileys?”

“Yes, please come with me, sir.”

Sexy girls smile more brilliantly, even in a big casino like Yuyan, there are not many such bold guests. You must know that every time you receive such a guest, you can get a lot of commission!

But it didn’t take long for the sexy girl to smile no more.

“Sir, do you need a break?”

The sexy girl asked in a slightly crying voice, the customer in front of her had won thirty-seven in a row! Even the leopard’s points can be accurately guessed!

And here is a field with more than 100 million Baileys. That is to say, in this short period of time, Mukuro won nearly 10 billion Baileys. Because there are fewer and fewer guests betting, this part Ninety percent of the money will be borne by the casino!

And she is absolutely responsible for welcoming Mukuro here!

Thinking of the horror of the boss and the banana crocodile being kept underground, the girl couldn’t help but shudder!

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