Chapter 318 Pirate Admiral Creek

If Sanji was just wondering, then Zip on the side was shocked.

Zhepu, who has experienced Grand Line, can hear some unusual information from Mukuro’s words.

You should know that Hopodi is a lieutenant of Naval Headquarters. Even a corporal of Naval Headquarters is not under the control of any branch officer or general.

And if you can punish a lieutenant without approval, you must at least be at the Vice Admiral level!

Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral! ?

The young man in front of him who seems to be young is actually a Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral!

How can this be! ? Naval Headquarters How powerful is Vice Admiral! How could you be so young! ? And Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral is basically seen in New World, how could it appear on the weakest East Blue! ?

Even in his heyday, he is definitely not the enemy of any Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral!

Zhepu didn’t even dare to think about Marine Admiral.

“Broiled abalone, steamed crab claws with 15 rice wine, steak soup… OK, let’s do these first. If it is not enough, I will order again.” Mukuro closed the menu and handed it to Sanji, Mukuro said.

“Um…Guest, did you order too much.”

Sanji hesitated and asked aloud, even though the person in front of him might be beyond his imagination, Sanji did not want to shake the principle that food must not be wasted.

Hearing Sanji’s words, Mukuro didn’t get angry, but smiled and said, “Don’t worry, it’s just this, it’s definitely not enough.”

“Brother Mukuro! Why are you here!?”

At this moment, a slightly surprised voice sounded, and then Luffy, wearing a straw hat, red vest and denim shorts, ran up to Mukuro.


Mukuro was stunned, but smiled. He didn’t expect the original correction power of Pirate World to be so powerful. Even if he left Nami by his side, Luffy didn’t have a chance to see Nami, but he still came to the sea restaurant. Lati.

“The dish you ordered just now, double!”

Mukuro first spoke to Sanji on the side, then looked at Luffy and smiled: “I heard that Bharati’s food is very good, so I took my navigator to taste it.”

“Navigator!? Brother Mukuro, are you a pirate too? It’s great! Ahahaha…” Luffy laughed. In Luffy’s logic, he has a navigator on his ship, and he is a pirate group. The Navigator must be the pirate group.


Mukuro’s black lines are full of black lines. You don’t have to think about what Luffy thinks, and he doesn’t bother to argue, and he said, “Did you smash this restaurant and stay here to pay off the debt?”

“It’s amazing, you deserve to be Mukuro brother!”

Luffy said in surprise. He suddenly thought of something. He looked at Mukuro and said eagerly: “Brother Mukuro, please lend me some money first, or I will spend a year here!”

For those who are familiar, Luffy doesn’t know what embarrassment is.


Mukuro resolutely refused, watching Luffy look disappointed and frustrated, and smiled and said, “But, I can treat you to a big meal later, how about?”

Sure enough, when he heard the food, Luffy was frustrated and said with a happy face: “Great.” Then he sat down on the chair in front of him, picked up the knife and fork on the table with an expression of expectation.

After a while, all the dishes Mukuro ordered were served, with dozens of plates. But with the existence of Luffy, no matter how much food is in vain, it was eaten completely in the end.

Now that he knew that he had been involved in the plot, Mukuro didn’t even think about it and left immediately, and according to the development of the plot, the eagle eye will also appear, and it happens to have something to look for the eagle eye on his own.

Four days were fleeting.

In the four days, Mukuro has been eating well, drinking well, and having a very uncomfortable life.

On the fourth day, Mukuro was eating lunch.

Suddenly a thin young man walked into the restaurant with an unusually large middle-aged strong man, and said weakly, “Excuse me…can you…give me some water and food…I have money…how much I’ll give you all the money…”

The chief of the East Blue pirate fleet admiral-Crick!

Speaking aloud has exhausted Crick’s physical strength. Just after speaking, Crick fell directly to the ground.

“Ahahaha… That’s great, it’s so funny. Is this the glorious image of that infamous leader Crick? Contact Marine, he is so weak now, but a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the government. ! Don’t need to feed him anything, grab him quickly!” said another assistant chef Paddy on the side.

“Yes, I don’t know what bad things he will do when he recovers!”

“Yes! He should be starved to death like this!”

“If Crick is allowed to regain his strength, he will definitely attack our restaurant, and he won’t be able to give him a drop of water!”

While the chefs on the side condemned Creek, Sanji walked forward with a plate of assorted fried 483 rice, placed it in front of Creek, and said, “Eat, don’t be hungry.”

“What are you doing! Sanji! That’s Crick! A big pirate who doesn’t do anything evil!”

“To treat such a villain to death is to save the world!”

While everyone was fighting against Sanji, Crick had eaten the meal that Sanji had brought, recovered his strength, and when Sanji was not paying attention, he knocked Sanji away with a punch!

“This is really a terrible restaurant…it’s annoying!”

As he said, Krikla opened his clothes, revealing the armor made by Ugin that envelops his body, and then his body shook, and several muskets appeared at the position of his shoulders and on both sides of his waist!

Then it started shooting, and it took a full quarter of an hour to stop.

“Snakes, insects and rats dare to defy me! The strongest steel arm! The hardest ebony body! The diamond fist that can destroy everything! The weapon equipped all over the body! I am the strongest! Ahahahahaha!” Crick laughed arrogantly for the damage caused.

“Hey…trash…you disturbed my interest in eating, don’t you know!?”

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