Chapter 311 Desperate Nami

“I choose the second one!” Nami replied directly without even thinking about it.

Hearing Nami’s answer, Mukuro was not too disappointed.

Because although Nami’s talent in sailing is very penultimate, Nami is still a girl in the small village of East Blue, and her vision is very limited.

For Nami, the fear caused by Arlong is really too great, and Arlong often says that humans are a lowly race, so that Nami also believes it and believes that there can be no defeat fish in this world. Human beings.

“The second one? Well, lieutenant colonel, you go and fetch 50 million Bailey.” Mukuro smiled faintly, and said to the lieutenant colonel on the side.

“Yes, Bailong Admiral!”

Although some did not understand why Mukuro had to give 50 million Baileys to an unknown person who fell into the sea, the lieutenant colonel, who was an adjutant, did not hesitate for a second and went to handle it immediately.

And it’s only fifty million Baileys, which is…too little.

You know, Mukuro’s entire battleship’s daily fuel, food materials, sergeant allowances and other miscellaneous things add up to far more than this.

“50 million Baileys, plus the Bailey you saved before, should be enough.” Mukuro looked at Nami and said.


Although I am a little confused about the current situation, Nami is not a fool. Someone gives himself money, so can I still do it! ?

In addition, I have accumulated more than 80 million Baileys over the years, plus the 50 million Baileys that will be available soon. Not only can I buy the entire Cocosia Village, there will be more than 30 million Baileys. Remaining.

Thinking of this, Nami couldn’t help laughing.

Looking at the figure of Nami rowing the boat happily, Mukuro sighed.

In fact, for Mukuro, it couldn’t be easier to solve Arlong, but Mukuro was unwilling and didn’t want to solve it like that.

Because for Nami, experiencing the Arlong incident is essential. After experiencing the fragmentation of hope, Nami’s character has changed from the youthfulness of placing hope in others to the strength of working hard for his own dreams!

So even if I can’t bear it, Mukuro has to bear the pain!

Nami, who had just paddled the boat on the shore, couldn’t wait to take out the phone worm with Arlong.

After answering the call, before Arlong could speak, Nami exclaimed excitedly: “Arlong! I have saved up to 100 million Baileys! I am going to buy the entire Cocoa Village now!”


The voice in the phone worm was obviously a little surprised, but then he smiled and said, “Hehe…Congratulations, Nami. Then… if you bring the money in front of me, I will buy you the entire Cocoa Village.”

“Okay, I will take 100 million Baileys to the Arlong Pirates, you are waiting for me.”

After Nami finished speaking, he hung up the phone worm in a hurry, completely unaware of the sarcasm and disdain in Arlong’s tone.

Arlong Pirates.


Like Jinbei, they belonged to the cadres of the Pirates of the Sun, the Saw Shark Man, who hated humans extremely.

After Tiger died, due to a different concept, after a huge conflict with the successor of the Pirates of the Sun, Jinbei, he left the Pirates of the Sun and came to East Blue to form the Arlong Pirates.

Dominating more than twenty villages in East Blue, if it weren’t for Arlong’s deep knowledge of Marine’s power and not daring to show its power wantonly, then East Blue’s strongest pirate group would definitely have nothing to do with Creek. And in order to consolidate his rule, Arlong also colluded with the mouse colonel of the 16th branch of Marine, which can be said to be the real pirate overlord of the entire East Blue!

Randomly toss the phone worm in his hand aside, Arlong picked up another phone worm, dialed and said directly: “Major Rat? Nami from Cocossia Village has saved up to 100 million Baileys, what should I do… You know it.”

“Hehehe… don’t worry, of course I know it.” An extremely wretched laugh came from the phone worm.

“Hehe…that’s good.”

Arlong hung up the phone, with a disdainful smile on his face: “What a surprise, I didn’t expect Nami to save 100 million Baileys so quickly, but can you really get it in front of me… scared? Ha ha ha ha……”

Coco West Village.

An orange grove near the village.

“Nockigao, I have saved up to 100 million Baileys! I will be able to buy the entire Cocossia Village soon, and everyone will not be oppressed by Arlong in the future!” Nami’s cheerful voice was before he walked into the house. Rang.

The short blue-haired Nuoji ran out of the hut in the orange grove and looked at Nami, who was carrying a big bag of Bailey. !”

With a bright smile on Nami’s face, he nodded heavily and said, “Well, I’ll take the money to Arlong!”

At this moment, suddenly a sharp voice came:

“Who is Nami!?”

Then, a small Marine who looked like a mouse came out, with a whole formation of Marine soldiers behind him.

“I… I’m Nami, what’s the matter?”

Seeing Colonel Mouse approaching, Nami felt a sense of anxiety inexplicably.

“Oh… you are Nami!” Colonel Mouse looked at Nami for a while, and then suddenly said sharply, “I received a report from someone saying that you have gathered 100 million Baileys illegally. Is there such a thing? matter!?”


Hearing the words of Colonel Mouse, Nami panicked and couldn’t help stepping back a few steps, and tightened his hands wrapped behind him.

Colonel Mouse watched this action. He stepped forward and grabbed the package behind Nami. The green Bailey scattered all over the floor. Colonel Mouse sternly said, “So what is this!?”

Then he turned his head and ordered to the Marine soldier behind him: “You two will collect the money for me, and I will search the house for the rest. There should be more!”

“Yes, Colonel!” said a team of Marines and walked into the house.

“No! Don’t! This is my money, the money I want to buy the Coco West Village. You can’t take it away!” Nami shouted in despair, trying to step forward to stop it, but was pulled by the two Marines. NS.

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