Chapter 301 Five years in the blink of an eye

“Bloodline… the power of inheritance!?”

Vegapunk is a little dumbfounded. There is no blood heritage power in the world of One Piece. In the end, it just inherited the will!

How should power be passed on! ? Vegapunk said he was ignorant. At the same time, he could no longer bear the restlessness in his heart.

“I… agree to abandon World government!!!”

As if exhausting all the strength in his body, Vegapunk said.

He paused, still not very confident in his heart, and said with some worry: “However, I hope you can help me withstand all the pressure from the World government!”

“Of course.” Mukuro said with a smile.

Regarding the choice of Vegapunk, Mukuro never doubted it from the beginning. As long as a scientist, he cannot give up the search for unknown things. This is the instinct of an outstanding scientist. Vegapunk, as the world’s number one scientist, certainly does not. exception.

“Okay, now you should let me study you.”

Vegapunk is already a little impatient. This is the opportunity that he gave up in exchange for the World government. Naturally, he was very concerned.

“Research me? Sorry, this is not good.”

Seeing the disappointment in Vegapunk’s eyes, Mukuro smiled and said, “However, I will give you other very good research materials.”

“Research…Material!?” Vegapunk looked a little puzzled. Could it be possible that there are other people in this world who can use this energy! ?

Without answering Vegapunk’s question, Mukuro’s mind sank into the depths of Mukuro’s consciousness, and asked in his heart: “System, how many reputation points do I have now?”

“Seven hundred and eighty-five thousand, four hundred and eighty-five o’clock!” The system replied coldly.

“Um… Now give me the synchronization of the Heavenly Imperial Central and Frost Space!” Mukuro said silently in his heart.

“Okay, Host!”

For a moment, the system’s voice sounded again: “Synchronization has been completed, and the space of Heaven’s Imperial Court and Ice has been synchronized into One Piece’s world power law. Host can use it with confidence.”

Looking at the expectant Vegapunk in front of him, Mukuro raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly.

“Plap!” The sound was crisp.

Several large blocks of ice more than two meters long suddenly appeared on the spot. In each ice cube, there was a person frozen in, but the appearance was very weird, and the whole body was pale.

If it weren’t for a human figure, it would be impossible to observe that it would be a person!

If there are ninjas who have experienced the fourth ninja war here, they must be very clear about what these are-the product of the sacred tree, White Zetsu! ! !

People are bound by the roots of the sacred tree and fall into eternal dreams. At the beginning, people may still be conscious, but after a few years, due to the erosion of dreams, consciousness will gradually collapse, and at this time the body will begin to change!

Finally, until the consciousness completely disappeared, the body was assimilated by the sacred tree into White Zetsu!

As for why Mukuro had the body of White Zetsu, it was after Mukuro eliminated Ōtsutsuki Kaguya that all White Zetsu on the sacred tree was frozen in the space of the heavens and ice.

I thought it might be useful in the future.

Unexpectedly, after arriving in the world of One Piece, it was really used. Although White Zetsu’s strength is not very good, that is, Chūnin’s level.

But all the powers used are the most authentic Chakra powers, and there are as many as they need. Even if they are killed by Vegapunk, Mukuro will not have the slightest distress.

“Are these people who can use Chakra?”

Vegapunk asked, and after seeing Mukuro nodding his head, there was a frenetic look on his face and asked, “Can I dissect them?”

“Of course, and if it’s not enough, you can ask me at any time.” Mukuro said casually.

“Then White Dragon Admiral, I won’t bother you for now, come find me if you have anything to do.” Vegapunk said.

His attention was already on White Zetsu’s body, and he couldn’t leave his eyes for a moment. It is as if the pervert meets a peerless beauty, and the drunkard encounters a thousand-year-old wine, it is hard to worry about getting anything else, and even directly issued an order to Mukuro!

“Uh… okay.” Mukuro said helplessly, but for a scientist whose desire for scientific research exploded, Mukuro really couldn’t get the slightest anger.

Mukuro is already very satisfied with being able to subdue Vegapunk.

Coupled with the Courant Guysa who was raised by Doflamingo, it can be said that the two strongest scientists in the world of One Piece are already under his command!

With these two alone, Mukuro has a powerful scientific research force that surpasses the World government and the revolutionary army!

Five years, fleeting!

Mukuro has also been guarding the G-1 branch for five years.

With the existence of Mukuro, New World can be said to have a lot less fighting, and it can also be understood that too many big pirates were killed by Mukuro.

The power of New World has also completely reshuffled!

Marine’s influence has spread throughout every country in New World, and the pirate’s influence can be described as unprecedentedly compressed and then compressed. But in this case, the pirates can only dare to be angry and dare not speak, after all, even the “Four Emperors” are indifferent to this, what can they do?

In five years’ time, Mukuro’s reputation value has once again accumulated nearly 100 million points. Not only has the other abilities been completed simultaneously, there is still a lot of reputation value left.

But this time Mukuro did not choose to continue the draw.

Because, first of all, the Ryūjin Jakka drawn in the last final draw has not been fully controlled by himself. Even Bankai has just taken control, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Secondly, the experience of Pirate World taught myself a lesson! You must have enough prestige in your hand for you to fully synchronize your power after entering the new world, otherwise the feeling of having the strength but not being able to use it is really uncomfortable!

“White Dragon Admiral, Dr. Vegapunk asked me to invite you over.” A voice rang from outside Mukuro’s office.

Mukuro raised his brows and thought to himself: “It seems that Vegapunk’s research has finally made progress.”

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