Chapter 251 The defeated Whitebeard

As the name suggests, Wei Zhuang · Armament Haki · Susanoo is the product of the combination of Susanoo and Armament Haki!

The huge body shimmering with metallic luster even obscured the sun’s rays!

Aboard the Moby Dick.

“This…what kind of monster is this!” Joz swallowed hard and couldn’t help but uttered.

On the side, Bista suddenly condensed his eyes, with a horrified expression on his face, and said in shock: “That…that is…!”

As he said, a finger pointed to the black giant’s forehead.

Joz hurriedly looked in the direction of Bista’s finger, his pupils shrank sharply, and he lost his voice: “How…how is it possible! It’s that Marine!?”

On the Marine warship!

Johnson’s mind didn’t even move away from the battlefield on the island for a second. Although you can’t see the battle, whether it is the sky, the cracks in the sea, or the sudden appearance of the wooden Buddha statue, they are always stirring Johnson’s nerves!

“Yes… It’s Vice Admiral!” A school officer with better vision beside Johnson suddenly exclaimed.

“Where!?” Johnson asked quickly.

“At the center of the black giant’s eyebrows!” the school officer quickly replied.

Johnson immediately cast his gaze over, far away, although he couldn’t see clearly. However, whether it is the clothing on the body or the cloak of justice behind him, it shows a fact…

The black giant is Mitarashi Mukuro!

Looking at the black giant, Whitebeard finally showed a trace of horror in his eyes!

Although it is not clear what the blue giant appeared at the beginning, Whitebeard certainly recognizes the metallic Armament Haki on his body now.

Whitebeard has never seen Armament Haki applied to this level.

You know, Mukuro’s Armament Haki is covered with the entire body of a cyan giant, which is as huge as the entire island!

What level of Armament Haki is needed for this!

Not to mention his Whitebeard, the former Roger, Armament Haki has reached the peak of the second level, and even has touched the third level, it is impossible to do this!

Is it possible? This Marine boy has reached the third level of Armament Haki! ?

How is this possible! ?

Didn’t Roger get the news from Raftel, right now in this world, wouldn’t anyone be allowed to set foot on the third level of Haki?

There was a huge wave in Whitebeard’s heart…

However, Mukuro didn’t know what Whitebeard was thinking. Even if he knew it, I guess Mukuro wouldn’t care about it.

Mukuro in Susanoo’s state, clenched his fists with both hands, and slammed it heavily at Whitebeard!

Seeing the pitch-black giant fist that hit him, although there was a bit of horror in his eyes, Whitebeard didn’t have a hint of retreat, and both fists outrageously struck out!

However, compared to Susanoo’s pitch-black giant fist, Whitebeard’s fists are extremely small!

“Give me… shattered!!”

Whitebeard yelled, his voice hoarse. A flash of flushing suddenly appeared on his face, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out!

Whitebeard exhausted his last physical strength and released the most powerful blow!

The entire island began to shatter, and a strange scene took place. Pieces of the sky fell down, and the dark vacuum area covered the sky above the island.

It’s like the horror of the doomsday! ! !

In an instant, Whitebeard’s face turned pale. The Shock Fruit’s strength is beyond doubt, but its backlash is also extremely fierce.

Although as a capable person, you can control the vibration back into the body to a large extent, but compared to the vibration that shatters the sky, even a slight amount is not something Whitebeard’s body can withstand. !

After being attacked by Shin Su Senju on the top of the Buddha, and then released such an attack, Whitebeard has already exhausted the last trace of physical strength!

Now, just standing in place, Whitebeard supported it with his tenacious will!

The crack appeared on Susanoo’s body, but after all, Susanoo could not be collapsed, and the black fists blasted towards Whitebeard!

Rumble! ! !

The shock released by Whitebeard had already shook the foundations of the island full of cracks, and Mukuro’s last heavy punch by Susanoo directly shattered such foundations!

Finally, the already crumbling island can no longer withstand such violent attacks!

The whole island is beginning to sink!

On board the Moby Dick!

When the pitch-black giant fist fell, the entire Moby Dick was strangely silent. Although no one spoke, they all understood…

My father, “Four Emperors”, “the strongest man in the world”…

People who looked like gods in their hearts were… actually… were defeated by others. No one on the Moby Dick could believe it, his mind was completely blank, staring blankly at the sinking island.

“What are you doing in a daze! Hurry…Go and save… Daddy! Daddy is a capable man!” Marco staggered out of the cabin and shouted at everyone.

Joz, Bista, Saatchi… the captains of the squads reacted.

“Ship at full speed…Quick! Quick!” Joz roared.

“But… but Captain Joz, the power of Daddy Shock Fruit hasn’t dissipated yet.” The Master hesitated with a pirate at the rudder.

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole person was thrown into the sea.

But it was Bista, who threw the vocal pirate directly into the sea, and then he held the rudder on his own and steered the Mobile Swift towards the island.

On the Marine warship!

“Vice Admiral… Master Vice Admiral… won!?” Johnson’s face was dull, and some couldn’t believe that Mukuro actually defeated Whitebeard!

However, when I saw the Moby Dick heading towards the island, my heart slammed and roared: “Quick! Go at full speed! Be sure to find Master Vice Admiral before the Whitebeard Pirates!”

Although it depends on the situation that Mukuro won, Johnson is worried that it will be a situation where both sides will suffer. If the Whitebeard Pirates are allowed to find Vice Admiral first…

Johnson didn’t know that his worries were completely unnecessary.

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