Chapter 217 Observation Haki

Being awarded the rank by Sengoku, Marshal Marine, also symbolized that Mukuro has officially joined Marine, and the rewards of the system were issued accordingly.

Haki-is the potential power possessed by all humans in the world of One Piece. This power is an innate ability. It is the same as “vigour” and “deterrence”, and exists just like instinct. But most people don’t realize this kind of power, or they won’t be able to exert it in their entire life.

Haki is divided into three categories, “seen and heard color”, “armed color” and “Conqueror’s” Haki that only one of millions of people may own.

However, unlike the previous two, even if “Conqueror’s” Haki can be controlled freely, it cannot be strengthened by exercise. It can only be strengthened by the user’s own growth.

However, “seen and heard sex” and “armed sex” can be continuously cultivated and strengthened. In Marine, the general strong above Vice Admiral level can skillfully use these two types of Haki.

The role of “Armed Color” Haki is to increase the user’s defense and attack power. When used, it is like an invisible armor. It can also evolve into attack power, and then it can compete with Devil Fruit’s ability, and even touch The entity to Logia Demon fruit power is said to be the only means in the world that can fight Logia Demon fruit power.

At this moment, Mukuro obtains the “seen and heard color” Haki through the system!

It is the ability to sense the enemy out of sight or to further predict the opponent’s actions by feeling the power of the surrounding breath! The high-level “seeing and hearing” Haki can even hear the voice of others.

It is even said that one piece Roger’s “seeing and hearing” Haki has reached the point of listening to everything. Legend has it that Roger was able to reach Raftel because of his “seen and heard color” Haki, which shows the miracle of “seeing and hearing color” Haki.

Therefore, the use of “seeing, hearing and color” Master has three levels:

Level 1: Predict the opponent’s next move and position by using the special sound that any living body will make. As long as you exercise, you can continue to increase the range of perception. Basically all the users of Haki in the original work belong to this level.

The second level: “Seeing and hearing color” Haki can invade into the sea of ​​consciousness of a living body, so as to hear the thoughts of this living body. In the original book, Princess Otohime is this level of “seeing and hearing color” Haki. However, if you want to reach this level of “seeing and hearing” Haki, obviously you can’t achieve it through exercise alone, but rely more on talent.

The third level: The level reached by the One Piece Roger. Hearing the sounds of all things through the “seeing and hearing” Haki, perhaps others will only find it magical, but will not have other ideas. But Mukuro is very clear, this Fuck is absolutely the blessing of the origin of the world, otherwise you can feel his thoughts with a piece of broken wood?

However, Mukuro, who was turned on by the system to “see and hear” Haki, has directly reached the top of the first level, even being Grandmaster than Sengoku in front of him!

Mukuro’s “viewing color” Haki spread out quietly, so even Sengoku, who was standing in front of Mukuro, didn’t notice it at all.

“Marshal Sengoku, grant Commodore the rank directly. This is not a rule!”

Akainu on the side suddenly retorted, but he was very upset in his heart. How long has it taken since he joined Marine to become a general officer? But after more than ten years, and the boy in front of him can be directly promoted to general, how can Akainu bear it!

Hearing what Akainu said, Mukuro sneered.

Ha ha, does not meet the regulations?

So after the top battle, how did Teng Hu and Lu Niu, Admiral, come from? But Mukuro didn’t bother to refute Akainu, he knew that Sengoku would naturally settle Akainu.

Indeed, as Mukuro thought, as soon as Akainu’s voice fell, Sengoku’s voice rang: “Sakazuki, as the Marine Marshal, I have the right to make an exceptional promotion during my tenure. Opportunity, are there any questions?”

“No… no more, Marshal Sengoku.”

Akainu’s face was a little embarrassed, but Sengoku, the marshal, has already said this. Akainu is not a fool. It is natural to see that Sengoku has made iron determination this time, so he stopped speaking…

Looking at Mukuro, Sengoku continued, “Well, Mitarashi Mukuro, you simply take a break, and you will rush to Sabaody Archipelago in three days.”

Sengoku is really unable to do anything. The newly recruited marines like Mukuro need at least six months to one year of study at Naval Headquarters. However, the situation on the ocean at this stage does not allow Sengoku to be extravagant enough to put a person close to Admiral’s strength in the headquarters.

“Well, yes, Marshal Sengoku.” Mukuro nodded and replied.

The “Seven Warlords of the Sea” plan has also been implemented. Naturally, this meeting ended, and after Garp, Mukuro also left the Marshal’s office.

Three days later, Mukuro also boarded his own warship and rushed to Sabaody Archipelago.

Although it is only the Commodore rank, the warship that Sengoku configures for Mukuro is the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral only qualified to be equipped.

The warship was sailing steadily in the Calm Belt, and the seastone on the bottom of the warship exuded the breath of the sea, which could not arouse any prying from Sea Kings.

“System, how much prestige does the ability to synchronize Kagura’s eyes?” Mukuro asked 2.6 in his heart.

In the world of Naruto, Mukuro once thought about the effect if his Kagura’s mind-eye abilities were combined with the Observation Haki of the World of Thieves in Shanghai?

It was naturally unknown at the time. Now that there is a chance, how can we not try it?

“3.7 million prestige points!”

Hearing the sound of the system, Mukuro’s face turned dark. I couldn’t help but wonder whether the system was aimed at me again. After the battle between Naval Headquarters and Akainu, my reputation has just exceeded 3.7 million points, and it will be gone in an instant?

However, the system does not care about Mukuro and directly asked: “Does the host choose to synchronize?”

“Sync!” Mukuro gritted his teeth, suffocating two words in his mouth.

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