Chapter 1410 No way to go

They have nowhere to go. Retreating and returning to the Pluton army, Aaron will definitely make a fuss through this failure. Offensive, Supnos didn’t think that with his current combat power, he could beat Athena.

Athena is a god who is comparable to Pluton Hades.

And don’t look at her in general, but once she does it, for this god of war and wisdom and theocracy that holds the goddess of victory in her hand, Supnos doesn’t think that she is Immune to Death herself.

Strength, wisdom, luck, the trinity.

Athena was able to control the earth, and even in the prophecy, it was said that it was possible to seize the power of the king Zeus in the future, and it was not nonsense.

It’s just that these issues are not something that Supnos needs to consider. What he needs to consider is now he, where to go, whether to fight or flee.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and finally Shupunos’ face showed a slight sneer. He had already made a decision. Looking at Sasha and Ashmeda at the main entrance of Sanctuary, Xiu Punos said coldly:

“This time you won, Athena. But don’t be happy too early, the real holy war has just begun, despair, the real darkness will completely swallow you up.”

This sentence 773 fell, and a dark Uzumaki appeared behind Supnos, as if opening a gate to hell. As this gate appeared, the expressions of the holy warriors at the main entrance of the sanctuary were slightly moved. , Supnos wants to escape!

Seeing the movements of Supnos, Bai Li subconsciously wanted to take a shot, but Saiqi stopped him.

“There is no need, let him go. Humans need to do more than just defeat such trivial Congshen.” Facing Saiqi’s words, Bai Li was stunned. But in the end he nodded.

At this time, after Shupnos opened the passage, he turned around and walked in.

And watching Supnos leave, the Underworld Warriors and the Four Dream Gods in the earth did not hesitate to rise up into the sky, wanting to escape with them.

But at this time, Sisyphus and Hasgat, who had never made a shot, made a bold move.

Two small universes burst out, trying to keep these Underworld Warriors and Dream Gods behind, but at a critical moment, Shupnos, who was standing at the entrance of the passage, turned around and pointed it out. The terrifying power shattered everything and shattered Xixu. Firth and Hasgat’s attacks were shattered and protected these Underworld Warriors and Dream Gods, but because of the impact of two forces, the aftermath of the attack shook Phantom Tassos out of the Four Dream Gods!

The phantom Tasos was shocked and frightened, she subconsciously wanted to fly back again, but at this time, Hypnos and Tanathus had already entered the passage with other Pluto fighters and Dream Gods. In the middle of leaving, she was left with a panic-stricken face.

“Don’t… don’t leave me alone!”

She said in horror, but it was of no use at all.

Subconsciously turned his head and looked at the sanctuary. The saints, including Athena Sasha, also looked at her with unkind eyes. Seeing such gaze, her heart trembled.

But at this moment, suddenly, from the west, two small universes rushed over.

The masters of these two small universes are the celestial star Ayagos and the lonely star Baiorette. The couple ran over to see the situation at the main entrance of Sanctuary, and for a while, they were also a little confused.

“Pluton Army… Pluton Army has been completely defeated?! Even the Gemini has escaped?!” At this moment, Ayagos flying in the air didn’t know what to say.

Behind the two of them, Manigotte and Cardina, who were catching up very quickly, looked at this situation, but one couldn’t help laughing out loud, and the other one also sneered. Screamed.

“Ayagos, it seems that your Pluton army has completely lost. How about it, if you continue to fight, you two will undoubtedly die, it is better to surrender honestly, as long as your small universe and magic star are sealed, holy Domain can still let you go.” Manigote shouted loudly towards Ayagos in the sky.

However, his words fell, and Ayagos said sharply, “Impossible! I Ayagos, it is absolutely impossible to surrender to the sanctuary!”

“Hmph, then you two, go to death together.” Cardina sneered.

At this time, looking at Ayagos and Byoret, the phantom Tasos in the air seemed to have grasped the straw, “By the way, there are also Ayagos and Byoret, three people With strength, it may be possible to break out of the siege…”

But her words fell, and from mid-air, there was a voice, “If you lose, you lose. What can’t you afford to lose. Besides, is it interesting to mix with Supnos?”

This sentence fell, and in the middle of the sky, the void burst, and Mukuro’s figure came out.

At this moment, Mukuro still holds the goddess of the night Knicks in his hands.

“You… are you?!”

Seeing Mukuro’s appearance, there was a look of uncertainty in the expression of Phantasos.

But at this time, Mukuro glanced at her and said, “From now on, you will no longer be a dream god. Be a handmaid for me. As for the person who serves, this is the one.”

Mukuro’s words fell, he threw Nix, the goddess of the night, which he was holding in his hands, and threw it directly at Phantasos.

Looking at the figure thrown by Mukuro, Phantasos was agitated and caught her in a hurry, “You…what do you mean, you want me to be her handmaid, this…”

“Is this impossible? I think you have lost your identity?” Mukuro asked rhetorically, and then he just chuckled, “The one you hold in your hand is the world, the oldest god since the creation of the world. One of them, Nix, the goddess of the night, is able to serve her as a maid. This status is much more noble than the Four Dream Gods.”

When Mukuro’s words fell, Phantasos trembled. She subconsciously looked at the night goddess Nix in her arms, grunted, and swallowed.

“Black…Night goddess?!” Her hands trembled, her expression full of horror.

The goddess of the night, this name, she has naturally heard of it. It’s just that the former is a squat at home.

It has basically not appeared since the age of mythology. Although they are both gods, but the phantom Tasos who is only a third-level god, naturally he has never seen this big man.

After throwing the night goddess Nix to Phantom Tassos, Mukuro then turned his eyes slightly to look at Sasha, and then he smiled slightly, “Sasha, Phantom Tassos, leave it to me.”

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