Chapter 1390 Big trouble

Then Mukuro’s breath broke out again, he went from Super Saiyan One to Super Saiyan Two!

After entering Super Saiyan II, the breath of Mukuro’s whole body exploded, almost turned into substance, and golden light radiated from all over his body. It made him look like a golden sun.

At the same time, the terrible aura raged, and around him, it burst out continuously, forming a golden lightning.

The breath of terror raged like waves from Mukuro’s body.

The horrible breath impacted, and the oppressive feeling brought by Nix, the goddess of the night, was directly offset by the breath emanating from Mukuro’s body.

Even the terrifying aura from Mukuro clashed, suppressing the aura from Nix, the goddess of the night.

With the Knicks and Mukuro exuding their respective auras, at this moment, the two terrifying auras collided, and everything around them seemed to be crushed on the spot.

At this moment, the seventh hell was trembling, and the original waterfall of blood collapsed on the spot.

Even the entire hell will be broken by this. And Jean Ye and Yeren beside Mukuro showed extremely painful expressions. Their souls will collapse.

After entering the Super Saiyan II state, 247 Mukuro looked at the Tianma trio. Then he said, “I will send you back first, and I will be back soon.”

With that said, Mukuro stretched out a finger and swiped it towards the void, the void tore and turned into a Uzumaki, directly swallowing the three of Tianma, not knowing where to send it.

After sending off the three people of Tianma, Mukuro’s gaze turned slightly and fell on the night goddess Knicks again, “How about it, do you want to hit? Although I don’t like hitting women, if you insist on hitting, I will also You are welcome.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and the face of the night goddess Nix was embarrassed.

In her lazy expression, her brows frowned slightly, as if she had encountered something very troublesome.

“It’s troublesome. I thought that as long as it was solved a little bit, I could go back to sleep. Who are you, where are you from, and why do you have such power.”

Nix, the goddess of the night, seemed to say very helplessly.

Then the words fell, and from her body, an extremely terrifying small universe rose up, whizzing towards Mukuro like a tsunami.

Along with this small universe flapping, the terrifying force poured, and the land of the seventh hell collapsed and shattered.

However, Mukuro just stretched out his hand for the attack of the night goddess Nix, and the small universe she had crushed was completely torn apart. Not only that, looking at Knicks, the goddess of the night, Mukuro raised his hand and said.

“I’m going to go.”

When these words fell, Mukuro’s figure had been crushed up, and the moment his figure rushed up, Mukuro had appeared in front of the Knicks. Then, as if naturally, Mukuro punched out.

This punch went out, seeming to have the power to crush everything.

Without the slightest hesitation, the face of the originally lazy Knicks was quite surprised. She raised her hand and stretched out her palm, as if she wanted to block Mukuro’s punch.

But Mukuro’s fist hit the Knick’s palm, and the goddess of the night goddess Knick’s arm was torn apart every inch, crushed by the terrifying force.

With the same punch, Mukuro loosened his fist, but his fingers flicked, as if a very random movement, Mukuro’s index finger had stopped on the center of the eyebrows of the night goddess Nix.

Along with Mukuro’s movements, the helmet worn by the Knicks cracked and instantly shattered.

After the helmet shattered, her long black and somewhat messy hair fluttered, and time seemed to stop at this moment.

She looked at Mukuro blankly, seeming to be frightened by Mukuro.

Then the two people remained silent.

Mukuro looked calmly at the night goddess Nix in front of him.

The latter, at first, looked at Mukuro with horrified eyes, but soon, the horrified eyes turned into grievances. From her eyes, it seemed that she could not help crying, and then her grieved expression changed again. Become lazy.

Then she said lazily, “I lost, so forget it.”

With that said, she ignored Mukuro’s movements and just turned around lazily. At the same time, the god clothes on her body turned into black light and disappeared.

In addition, the small universe aura on her body has receded, and the whole person has turned into a lazy appearance again, and then she rubbed her eyes, yawned, and her sleepy eyes seemed to want to leave.

But she only took the first step, and she was suddenly stunned.

Then, as if she had discovered something amazing, she said to herself:

“Ah, I’m running out of strength…”

With that said, Nix, the goddess of the night, seemed to fall asleep directly.

The whole person fell in a free fall position towards the seventh hell.

Seeing this, in the midair, Mukuro, who held out his index finger, looked stunned.

There was an embarrassing look on his face.

It seems to be the same.

Yes, even if it is Mukuro, who has seen all kinds of funny people in the Dragon Ball world, seeing the goddess of the night in front of him, I still can’t help but feel a little surprised.

Nix, the goddess of the night, is definitely not weak. She lost to Mukuro only because Mukuro was too strong.

From the perspective of Mukuro, the power of the night goddess Knicks is really not lost to Pluton Hades.

It may even be superior to Pluton Hades, the ruler of the Hades.

In the context of the Saint Seiya world, the small universe of Pluton Hades is comparable to the god-king Zeus. After all, in terms of status, Pluton Hades and Poseidon, as well as God King Zeus, can be regarded as one-third of the world, regardless of high or low.

And Nix, the goddess of the night, can have such an amazing small universe, but when other gods are fighting each other, she is actually such a lazy thing.

It really made Mukuro a little surprised. She was really blind, she was comparable to the power of the master of the underworld.

However, watching the fall, it seemed that Knicks, the goddess of the night, who was about to fall into the blood pool above the earth, flashed Mukuro’s figure and appeared below to catch the goddess of the night Knicks.

Hugging the black goddess Nix in black pajamas in the position of the princess, Mukuro spoke.

“Hey! Wake up! Wake up!”

However, no matter how Mukuro yelled, the night goddess Nix in his arms didn’t mean to wake up at all. Not only that, after being hugged by Mukuro, she simply curled up and fell asleep lazily like a child.

Looking at the appearance of the night goddess Nix, at this moment, Mukuro’s face was inexplicably showing a rather bad expression, “Masaka, just picked up such a big trouble?!”

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