Chapter 1383 Suppress the scream

“Huh, interesting. Obviously just a bronze saint warrior, but I was hit by two strokes, and he hasn’t died yet. It’s really tenacious like a cockroach.” Looking at the Ye man who staggered to his feet again, Fedor said with a sneer.

At this time, looking at the swaying Yeren, Tianma shouted loudly, “Yeah, be careful! Don’t let his tricks hit this trick that will make people’s nerves temporarily paralyzed!”

His words fell, and the Yeren said with a trembling voice, “Hey! If you have something to do next time, say it earlier!”

After being hit twice in a row by this trick, although he did not die, his body was almost completely out of his own control. And this is still under the state of soul.

If the body comes here, I’m afraid that I will be hit by that trick, and I really have to wait to die!

At this time, looking at the Yeren, Mukuro’s eyes flashed with interest.

Fedor’s strength is definitely not weak. If he were to be able to fight the Golden Saint Seiya one-on-one, with his tricks, I’m afraid it would be very possible. Many 16 golds were caught off guard and would have to be planted in his hands. Like before, Sisyphus fought with the three Pluto fighters, Earth Chasing Star, Earth Yin Star, and Earth Dark Star. In the physical state, the attack on the physical body is still quite terrifying.

This is the case with Fedor, the star wounded star.

Don’t look at it like it is now. The Yaren can be attacked twice and still stand up. If his body comes here, I’m afraid to touch it once, even if his soul is not lacking, but his body, It will definitely be treated as a kill.

Earlier, Mukuro said that the Heavenly Injury Star Mandala is the weakest among the 36 Heavenly Named Magic Stars, and this is the reason. In the battle under the soul state, Fedor of Skywound Star Mandala did suffer a bit.

But at this time, as the words of the Yeren fell, Fedor of the Skywound Star sneered again and said, “The attack from my saint cloth is equivalent to that of Mandela, the flower of hell. Screaming. This kind of flower grows under Xingtai, the dead man’s walk. Once it is pulled out, it will make a screaming cry. Anyone who hears such a cry will all die.”

His words fell, and at this moment, Yan Ye was burning the small universe and rushed towards him.

But looking at the rushing Jean Ye, Fedor, who was hurting the sky, didn’t even make any defensive posture.

It was just that the grimace on his chest opened his mouth, and once again burst out a terrifying roar, an astonishing sound wave impact, and at the moment when Ye Shangqi did not rush up, he blasted her out with a fierce blow.

“Let Ye!”

Seeing that Ye was beaten to fly, the Yeren standing on the ground roared.

“You bastard, you hit a woman!”

Roaring like this, the Yeren is desperate, the small universe in his body is burning, and he rushes up again.

He rushed forward and punched Fedor. But when he hit this punch, the small universe on Fedor was burning, and he also raised his hand, and then the fist of Yeren was caught by Fedor as if casually.

“Idiot. My suppressed scream, although the attack on the state of the soul is not very effective. But even so, your soul, who has endured twice suppressed screams, is almost paralyzed. Now you can move. , It’s a miracle, but what about it. Now you, the attack you use, I’m afraid that it will not be one-tenth of your full strength. Challenge me with one-tenth of the strength of a bronze saint? Are you It’s not too mindless.”

With that said, Fedor of Skywound Star grabbed Yeren’s fist. He didn’t even scream again to suppress Yeren’s fist. Instead, he grabbed Yeren’s fist with one hand, and then the other hand also clenched his fist. , Blasted a punch at the Yeren!

This punch hit the Yeren’s face, and his whole body was blasted out like a cannonball, smashing the wall for life!

Seeing Yeren being beaten out, Ye Ye rushed up again, struggling to stand up.

It’s a pity that it’s useless. The moment she rushed up, Fedor of Skywound Star didn’t even look at the backhand and punched. This punch hit Rang Ye’s abdomen directly, and also knocked her out on the spot. On the wall, life and death are unknown for a while.

“Hmph, one by one, it’s really stupid to dare to challenge me Fedor even though it’s weak and the same as the ants.”

Fedor, who was hurt in the sky, sneered.

But at this moment, the eyes of Tianma, who was locked on the wall, burst out with a palpitating light.

Then from her body, the terrifying small universe was burning. This small universe burned, as if it were very random, Tianma directly broke the chain that trapped him.

His figure fell from the wall, Tianma raised his head, and there was a palpitating light in his eyes.

The terrifying small universe was burning, setting off Tianma’s whole person like a terrifying demon.

Then from his mouth, a cold word burst out, “Asshole, dare to bully them, don’t be too arrogant!” With that said, the cold light in his eyes burned, and the Tianma who broke free from the restraint was already hurting at the sky. Star’s Fedor rushed up.

Seeing Tianma rushing up, at this moment, Fedor’s heart trembled inexplicably 423, the small universe in his body was burning, and he subconsciously wanted to use his full strength, but at this time, it was too late.

Tianma seemed to rush up at once, and then faced Fedor, who was the star wounded, he just punched out.

The moment the punch was blown out, the light of the small universe penetrated, and Fedor, who directly hit the star wounded, threw Fedor’s entire life away.

Then the body of the Heavenly Wounded Star Fedor fell down, and the clothes of his whole body shattered at this moment!

Behind him, this palace was crushed by more than half of the aftermath of the terrifying small universe. At this moment of Tianma’s anger, the small universe he burst out was far above the heavenly wounded star Fedor, I don’t know how much.

Tianma has been the scariest sword in the hands of the goddess Athena since the age of mythology.

A knife specially used to slaughter the gods. exist

In front of this knife, what is the mere warrior of the underworld? !

The current Tianma is not yet able to truly master his own power.

He can only occasionally explode the awakened power in his soul, and wait until he can completely liberate all his sleeping power. At that time, let alone deal with a ghost fighter.

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