Chapter 1364 Saiqi’s self-blame

But in the end, Pope Sage returned to his seat again, his face a little overcast.

“Master Pope, do you want to send other Golden Saints to hunt down?” The Silver Saints who came to report asked in a low voice.

His words fell, Saiqi groaned, but in the end he shook his head. He sighed, “No. If it was that man, even if he leaves now, he will come back when the holy war starts. .”

Said this, Saiqi seemed to add in a low voice, “That man’s departure is completely tired of everything in this sanctuary, right?”

At this moment, there was a little self-deprecating in Saiqi’s words. At this moment, inexplicably, he suddenly understood the thoughts of his master Itia.

Aspros and Deftelos have lived in the sanctuary since childhood. Trained as a Gemini Golden Saint Seiya.

However, the oracle predicted that among the Gemini Saint Seiyas, one would become the evil star that would harm the sanctuary in the future.

And Defertus was born with a fierce and evil appearance, and his whole person was like a ghost. Therefore, many people believed that Defertus, the fierce star, would bring disaster to the sanctuary and the earth.

Therefore, Defertros was discriminated against since he was a child. Even in the sanctuary, he was beaten and spurned. Even Sage himself, who knew this, secretly treated Defertros and Asp. The Ross brothers are very vigilant.

Perhaps it was the vigilance, indifference and spurn of others that caused the tragedy of the two brothers.

Aspros wanted to become the pope of the sanctuary, so that no one would dare to discriminate against his younger brother, so that his younger brother could live upright and live in the light.

If, as the Pope, he could act justly, then I am afraid there will be no such thing as the present.

Inexplicably, thinking of this, Saiqi sighed long.

This matter is indeed the negligence of his Pope. And now, Deftelos is afraid that he is already disheartened with everything.

He was originally feared and rejected by many people in Sanctuary, but he had no sense of belonging to Sanctuary. His sense of belonging was only because of his brother Aspros.

Now that Aspros died, it was not a strange thing that he left the sanctuary.

However, Sage understood that Deftelos would return.

Returning to the sanctuary, he will come back when the earth is facing a crisis and the sanctuary needs his power.

And this is also the biggest refutation to the world and him.

“Perhaps, I really did something wrong. Aspros, maybe the same as Manigot…”

At this moment, Sai Qi smiled bitterly, and his expression was quite bitter. From this perspective, Aspros and Manigote are really alike.

It’s just the former, which usually performs too well.

So in his heart, the subconsciously demanding Aspros was raised, and he hoped that Aspros could become a truly perfect sanctuary pope and his heir.

And Manigote is usually a foolish man, and always seems to be in trouble.

Therefore, in Saqi’s heart, he is more tolerant of Manigote and pays more attention to his guidance and education. “Brother, I don’t know, what would you do if it were you?”

Inexplicably, Saiqi murmured.

In the competition for the alternate Saint Seiya, as the disciple of Sisyphus, Tianma finally defeated many opponents and got the Pegasus bronze saint clothing that matched his name!

And Sasha, her memory and divine power belonging to the goddess Athena are constantly awakening, and finally completely awakened.

Sanctuary, the hall of the goddess Athena above the papal hall.

Sasha, as the goddess Athena, sits on the throne that belongs to the goddess Athena. Two more years have passed, and Sasha is no longer the little girl before, but a real grown-up lady.

She wears a long white dress and holds the scepter of Victory that belongs to the goddess Athena in her hand.

Before Athena’s throne, Pope Sage stood there.

In front of the two of them, there were two golden saints as guards.

Aries Golden Saint Shion, Libra Golden Saint Tonghu!

The two of them stood there like two unshakable mountains. And beside the hall, there was a chair, and on the chair, Mukuro sat there with Jiro’s legs tilted. Now his identity is, the sanctuary consultant! Qualified to participate in all the intelligence and combat plans of the Sanctuary, the power is no less than that of the Pope, and because of Mukuro’s own power, in fact, his words, the game is more powerful.

Of course, Mukuro basically never interferes with things about Sanctuary.

The chaotic and crisp footsteps sounded from the outside of the hall, and then the door of the hall opened, and three silver saints walked in.

The expressions of these three people were cold. After they walked in, their eyes were all looking at the goddess Athena sitting on it.

And Sasha looked at them with some sadness.

Saiqi’s gaze on the side was equally gloomy.

“You are back, Arrow, Silver Fly, and Auriga.” Saiqi said calmly, “However, there were six people who went there. Are you the only three who came back?”

As Sage’s words fell, the three silver saints just knelt down on one knee: “Yes. According to our reconnaissance, the gathering of the underworld fighters in Italy is true. And Pluton seems to have completely awakened. The underworld fighters are now. Start the purge of Italy. Now the entire Italian people have fallen into despair and disaster. We were in Italy and sneaked into the headquarters of the Pluton Army, where we fought with the Underworld Warriors, and then…we were all killed.”

“All have been killed…!” Tong Hu’s gaze revealed sorrow.

And Saiqi also seemed to be intolerable. At this time, the three silver saints kneeling on the ground, their bodies trembled, but their eyes showed killing intent. They raised their heads, the small universe on their bodies was burning, and then their silver holy clothes were originally silver. , In an instant, it has already turned into a pitch black color, from the original silver saint clothing, it has fallen into a dark clothing!

“Go to hell! Athena!”

“Uranus·Spinning Flywheel!”

“Ghost Arrow!”

The three silver saints roared. On them, the purple universe was burning, and Athena Sasha, who was sitting on the throne of the goddess, shook her fists!

The profundity of the three people broke out, and they burst out all their strength without hesitation.

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