Chapter 1343 Leave

Facing Mukuro’s words, all the Golden Saints looked at each other.

But they didn’t say anything, but looked at Saiqi.

Seems to be waiting for Sage to make a decision. Sage nodded, and then he looked at Sisyphus, “Sisyphus, stay here. I will leave the task of Gemini God to others.”

Faced with the fall of Sage’s words, Sisyphus naturally nodded. Afterwards, Saiqi looked at Mukuro again, and there seemed to be some hesitation in his gaze.

But after hesitating for a while, Saiqi still said, “Your Excellency, you just said that Pluton Hades is also with you…”

As soon as Saiqi’s words fell, Mukuro did not nod or shook his head.

Just said noncommittal, “Pluton Hades is indeed here. You don’t have to think about anything, want to assassinate him or something. Of course this is also the will of the previous generation of Athena.”

Saiqi’s body was shaken as Mukuro’s words fell.

And behind Saiqi, many golden saints changed their expressions. They seemed to want to say something more, but in the end, Saiqi stopped them.

Saiqi’s expression is a little startled

! He and his brother Baili were two survivors of the previous jihad.

The holy war between the sanctuary and the underworld, although the sanctuary has always been victorious, in fact, it has been fighting very hard, especially the previous generation, because the underworld fighters can continue to be resurrected, and the Pope Ilya’s rebellion against the golden holy fighters After brainwashing, the twelve golden saints were brainwashed ten in one go, and the combat power of the sanctuary was almost emptied.

As a result, the jihad of this generation of Saiqi almost failed miserably.

Fortunately, Athena, the goddess of the previous generation, was very capable of fighting, fully displaying the power of the goddess of war, and directly overturning Pluton’s reincarnation, which enabled Sanctuary to win the holy war.

But even so, in the end, due to the sneak attack of the Gemini God, almost all of the remaining combat power in the sanctuary was wiped out. And they failed to leave Pluton Hades’s soul, and as a last resort, the previous generation of Athena followed Pluton’s soul and was reincarnated.

In my mind, countless thoughts flickered.

In front of Saiqi, there seemed to be the voice and smile of the previous generation of Athena.

That kind and majestic goddess. At that time, both he and his brother Baili did have some affection for Athena, but it was a pity that in the end they did not have the opportunity to say it, nor did they have the opportunity to say it, but at least in Saqi’s view, that goddess, indeed It is the goddess in his heart, the only goddess.

Now Athena has been reincarnated, but for Sage, the current Athena is just Athena, not the goddess in the memory.

But there was only a moment of silence, and Saiqi said, “I understand.”

Said this, Saiqi turned around and seemed to leave like this.

The remaining Golden Saints also left Mukuro with injuries.

Before they left, the Golden Saints couldn’t help turning their heads, and some looked at Sasha. Others looked at Aaron, only El Cid, who was heavily injured, was carried by Tonghu, and he just looked at Sisyphus hard, with some worry in his eyes.

Obviously, even if he himself was so seriously injured, at this time, he was still worried about Sisyphus. As a friend, El Cid’s affection for Sisyphus was really interesting.

And Sisyphus also looked dignified and nodded towards the latter. After Pope Sage left here with the Golden Saints, Mukuro spoke again, “Sisufos, clean up the Bloodline in the house.”

Faced with Mukuro’s words, Sisyphus smiled bitterly. He was really called by Mukuro as a servant.

However, he only nodded, “Yes.”

After Sisyphus left, Aaron, who had been drawing, suddenly stopped. He put down the paintbrush in his hand and looked at Mukuro, “Brother Mukuro…”

Aaron seemed to want to say something, his expression was a little sad.

But at this time, Mukuro walked over, touched his head, and said, “You just need to concentrate on drawing, don’t think about other things.” Hearing Mukuro’s words, Aaron raised his head, and finally But also nodded.

The small town of Albany is very quiet, and it can be regarded as a relatively remote town in Italy.

Quietness and remoteness also mean poverty.

Here, being able to have a full meal is already a great thing. Many families, many people, do not even have a job, or can only find some very meagre-paying jobs, and can’t even fill their stomachs.

Italy in this era is in such an environment.

The streets and shops are deserted.

On an off-travel street, two unemployed punks are throwing stones at a stray puppy.

They tied this little dog with a rope, hung it from a wooden wheeled cart on the street, and then picked up a lot of stones and hurled it towards it continuously, as if they were playing.

As the stones they threw down on the puppy, the poor puppy groaned and whimpered.

And unlike this poor puppy, from its body, these two little bastards seem to have had a rare pleasure. They both laughed loudly and looked disgusting.

“Stop it! Stop it!” A neutral boy’s voice sounded.

Then a teenager who was about the same age as these two punks ran out from the corner of the street, holding a drawing board in his hand and wearing clothes belonging to the priest of the church.

He leaped forward, hugged the puppy in his arms, and blocked the stone that hit the puppy with his body.

As a result, a small stone hit his forehead, smashing his forehead, and for a while, blood hung from his face.

And at this time, the two punks who were throwing stones were shocked when they saw someone jump out suddenly and the stones on their hands were hurting others.

But when they saw the incoming person clearly, the expressions on their faces showed considerable dissatisfaction and jealousy!

“Who did I say! It turned out to be Aaron from the orphanage, huh, she looks like a woman!”

One of the two gangsters said this, and then the other sneered likewise, “Yes! Obviously an orphan, but only because of better luck, he was adopted by a rich man, and in the end he lived a rich life! Yes! What’s so amazing! Hey, I heard that these children in the orphanage are accompanied by the Eastern Earl every night to do that kind of thing!”

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