Chapter 1318 Divide the Jade of the Four Souls

“The witch who has been fighting with us all the time! And she has been trapped in the darkness of this emptiness, and has fought with us for hundreds of years. And you will be like her in the future, trapped here, never unable to go out.”

As this sound fell, a large number of spider silk appeared in the darkness and nothingness, and these spider silk spread like a huge transparent web. And on this website, there is a figure, this figure closed its eyes, it seems to be asleep.

But looking at his appearance, A Li exclaimed:


Yes, this person who is sleeping on the spider web with his eyes closed is not Naraku! As Ari saw Naraku’s figure, the cold voice sneered in the emptiness of darkness.

“His soul has also been swallowed here, and he will wake up soon. At that time, you and him will be in eternal battle, and you will never be able to leave here. Your destiny has been from the beginning. Destined, you are destined to be part of this jade of four souls…”

But at this moment, without waiting for the words of the jade of the four souls to fall, a golden light tore everything from nothingness and darkness, and then the figure, as if crossing the endless distance, walked from the reincarnation of nothingness 540. Come here.

This figure is also burning with golden light, and in this golden light, there seems to be thunder and explosion!

And his hair is also golden, and his whole body is filled with an unimaginable aura.

Accompanied by his figure, the whole nothingness and darkness seemed to be trembling. As if unable to carry his body at all.

Super Saiyan II!

This golden figure is exactly Mukuro!

Coming from the emptiness and darkness, Mukuro stretched out his hand, as if casually, he grabbed the Four Soul Jade in the darkness with the arrow of the Demon Slayer.

“You have a lot of nonsense.”

Holding the jade of the four souls in his hand, Mukuro seemed to be very casual, and said to the jade of the four souls on his hand.

But at this time, the light is blooming in the jade of the four souls, but the will of the jade of the four souls is full of incredible and quite unwilling:

“You…how could you?! I have already exiled you to the deepest level of emptiness. In this world, it should be impossible for anyone to come back from there! That is the end of this world! No! I don’t believe it. !”

The will of the jade of the four souls seemed to panic.

And at this time, it seemed that he had understood something, and the four soul jade’s will once again said in shock: “I understand! I understand, it is you! You guided Inuyasha and the others, otherwise, with their power, how can May defeat Naraku!”

Facing the words of the jade of the four souls, Mukuro just sneered:

“You stupid, you finally understand a little bit.”

When these words fell, Mukuro looked at Ari.

At this time, when Ari saw Mukuro’s appearance, the anxiety and fear in her heart immediately disappeared without a trace. She rushed forward and hugged Mukuro. And Mukuro hugged her easily, then touched her hair:

“It’s okay. As I said, you only need to deal with Naraku. I will take care of the rest of the jade of the four souls.”


Hugged by Mukuro, Ari nodded vigorously, completely relieved. But at this time, even if Mukuro was caught in his hand, the Jade of the Four Souls still seemed to be full of unwillingness, and its will roared sharply.

“Mukuro of Damn it! It’s useless, you can’t destroy me. Moreover, you can never leave here! You will always be trapped in endless battles!” Roaring with the will of the jade of the four souls, one Time, from the surrounding darkness and nothingness, a large number of huge monsters came out.

Some of these monsters are even hundreds of meters long.

They hovered, as if out of their nest, and pounced towards Mukuro and Ari.

But at this time, Mukuro just snorted, and a light ball appeared on his hand, and then a light burst, piercing into the darkness like a huge lightsaber, and then swept away fiercely.

Wherever the lightsaber went, everything in the darkness was torn apart. At this moment, it is impossible to describe the terrible Mukuro.

Under Mukuro’s attack, all monsters, darkness, nothingness, and reincarnation were crushed! And cracks appeared on the surface of the jade of four souls. At this time, the will of the jade of four souls was extremely frightened and roared:

“No! No! Don’t destroy me!”

It wailed and screamed. Yes, this is the true will of the Jade of the Four Souls.

It does not want to disappear, it wants to stay in this world. No, perhaps, this is not the complete will of the jade of the four souls, but the will of the evil monsters in the jade of the four souls.

Their will is to stay in this world.

In contrast to them, the jade of the four souls actually has a will. That is bright, belonging to the will of the kind Cuizi. Sure enough, at this moment, in the jade of the four souls, another voice sounded:

“Wish, let us disappear from this world, then jade, the source of all sin and sorrow, will disappear from this world. And this is the most correct ending.”

Although A Li had never heard this voice, she could be sure that it was Cuizi’s voice. Cuizi’s will, what he wants, is to make jade disappear from this world, and this requires people who have obtained the jade of the four souls to make a wish.

Tsuiko’s words fell, and Ari raised his head and looked at Mukuro.

It seems to want to know Mukuro’s choice. At this time, the corner of Mukuro’s mouth was only curved: “Disappear, I will not let you disappear so simply. The jade of the four souls has caused so much sorrow, of course you have to make up for it! Before the tragedy you caused, you want to disappear, dream!”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Ari was stunned.

Among the jade of the four souls, whether it was Cuizi’s will or the will of those monsters, they were all stunned. They didn’t seem to expect that Mukuro would say such words. Afterwards, leaving them alone, Mukuro just said again:

“From then on, you are not allowed to continue to fight in the jade of the four souls, just give me the honesty and peace of mind!”

As Mukuro said this, the aura on his body exploded, directly exerting his free power.

Then he stretched out a finger and cut it towards the void and darkness around him.

This finger was cut, and the entire nothingness and darkness were cut in half!

On the surface of the jade of the four souls in Mukuro’s hand, there was also a sharp cut mark. This cut was cut along the center of the jade, which exactly split the jade of the four souls into two halves. It seems like two semicircular spheres.

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