Chapter 1316 Mukuro’s guide

The light of the jade of the four souls is constantly waking up! Ari can feel this. And as the light representing justice awakened in the jade of the four souls, the power of the jade of the four souls that Naraku could borrow became more and more limited.

At this time, in the sky, only one head of Naraku was left with a grinning grin.

“Do you really think you can defeat me like this?! Naive, too naive. The light of the jade of the four souls has awakened? So what, if I want to, it’s just a breeze to pollute her again. .”

Naraku said this, and as his words fell, a quarter of the four soul jade that had been restored to light was once again completely occupied by darkness. At the same time, Naraku’s whole body burst out even more terrifying evil.

Looking at Naraku like this, Ari looked at him with pity instead.

“Is this the attachment in your soul?”

“Nara, don’t be stubborn, you have already lost!”

Inuyasha growled sharply. It was just that his words fell, and an astonishing hatred burst out of Naraku’s eyes! Then he sneered and spoke again.

“You guys, have you forgotten one thing, the jade of the four souls has been merged by me?! Now I will let you see, the real form of me who has merged the jade of the four souls!”

As Naraku’s words fell, terrible evil spirits burst out from the jade of the four souls, and the amazing power merged into Naraku’s body. When Inuyasha and the others attacked, only one head of Naraku was broken, and his body was condensed. Come out like a jade-like skeleton! The skeleton is crystalline, but it is full of unimaginable evil and evil spirits. At the same time, the miasma surrounding Naraku is condensed, turning into huge miasma Uzumaki! The miasma Uzumaki swelled and obscured the sky.

Then, looking at the crowd, Naraku snarled hysterically as if he was crazy.

“You all go to die!”

As Naraku’s words fell, a large number of miasma Uzumaki from the sky turned into a series of miasma masses and hit them fiercely. At this time, these huge and dark miasma masses slid down from the sky, like meteorites. Facing such an attack, Inuyasha roared.

“Mingdao Wanyue Slash!”

The broken iron teeth in Inuyasha’s hand were severely chopped out, and the stern light of the knife broke out, and a dark crescent rose up into the sky, slashing all the miasma masses wherever it went. As for the Sasheng Maru, he also made a bold move. The broken teeth in his hand seemed to be waving casually, but the broken thunder flashed, and wherever he went, a large amount of miasma was wiped out!

However, despite Inuyasha and Sesumaru’s continuous shots to wipe out these miasma, a large amount of miasma burst out from Naraku’s body at this time. Moreover, with the attacks of Inuyasha and Sesumaru, he killed Naraku time and time again, but he was still able to resurrect from the jade of the four souls every time. Naraku seemed to have truly achieved immortality.

“Damn it, is there no way?! Is there really no way to eliminate the bastard Naraku?!”

Inuyasha clenched his teeth, his voice was full of unwillingness. But at this moment, a pleasantly surprised voice rang from his ears.

“Inuyasha, have you forgotten what the Great Sage Demon Spirit taught you? Iron Fragmented Tooth is a slashing knife. The ability it absorbs is just for better slashing. Look with your heart, as long as you can Peek through Naraku’s demon lair, and then cut through the demon lair, then you will be able to temporarily separate Naraku from the jade of the four souls merged by him! In this way, Ari has the opportunity to use the demon-breaking arrow to come. Purifying the jade of the four souls!”

This voice is exactly the voice of Mukuro. Hearing Mukuro’s voice, Inuyasha’s heart was shocked, and his face showed ecstasy!

“Yes! Demon den! How did I forget this thing! Mukuro, thank you! By the way, Mukuro, how are you now?”

Inuyasha replied subconsciously to Mukuro. Facing Inuyasha’s answer, Mukuro’s voice smiled slightly.

“I’ve been watching the battle between you and Naraku, you are very good.”

Mukuro’s words fell, but Inuyasha’s expression revealed a strange expression.

“Mukuro, maybe you are not actually trapped by the jade of the four souls, but you just want to see us fight with Naraku?”

Facing Inuyasha’s suspicious speculation, Mukuro laughed and did not answer his words, but Mukuro’s laughter was, to a certain extent, an answer. Mukuro’s laughter fell, and Inuyasha couldn’t help but said.

“Damn it’s Mukuro! I knew it! Humph! But now it’s the last blow.”

When Inuyasha said this, he raised his head, looked at Sesho Maru, and then shouted loudly.

“Sasasumaru, give me a chance, you come to break through the miasma around Nairo, I will smash his demon lair.”

Inuyasha’s words fell, and Shisheng Maru slightly lowered his head to look at Inuyasha, he gave a cold snort, but finally nodded. Then Inuyasha looked back at Ari again, and Ari nodded at him as well.

Then Sesumaru gripped the broken teeth in his hand and rushed towards Naraku abruptly. Faced with the rushing of the Sesho Maru, Naraku seemed to have realized something. He roared sharply, and the miasma masses all over his body roared, turning into two huge and incomparable mad dragons sweeping, trying to squeeze towards the Sesho Maru. However, Sesumaru watched Naraku’s attack, only the smashed teeth in his hand, severely slashed out. This knife was extremely powerful, and the terrifying thunder light shattered, tearing everything apart, and the miasma ball of Nairo’s body protection, and even his whole body, was smashed by the blasting teeth.

However, after Naraku was shattered, it turned into a large number of miasma masses, these miasma masses condensed into a sphere, and the jade of the four souls hid in this huge miasma mass. But the miasma was squirming inside, and the power of the jade of the four souls was activated, and it seemed that he wanted to resurrect Naraku again. But at this time, Inuyasha rushed up. After he rushed up, he stared, and he saw a huge monster Uzumaki in front of the miasma mass.

“This is it! Shatter, Naraku’s den.”

Inuyasha’s words fell, and he cut it out mercilessly, and the black blade of iron shattered teeth directly smashed Naraku’s demon lair. At the moment the demon cave was shattered, the miasma enveloping the jade of the four souls finally collapsed. At this moment, at the moment the miasma collapsed, the jade of the four souls fused by Naraku was finally exposed again. The still pitch-black bead was suspended in the air.

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