Chapter 1297 Burst teeth

“Probably, even Naraku will be torn apart miserably in the face of such anger.”

Seeing Inuyasha and the others, Mukuro thought silently in his heart.

Pursuing Naraku’s breath, everyone continued to move forward. After about a day of chasing after him, everyone caught up with Naraku’s breath. On the mountainside of a mountain, two amazing demons entangled, seeming to be constantly fighting. At this time, one can see a demon gas and an evil gas that soars into the sky constantly fighting each other.

“Is this the breath of Shashengwan?!”

Looking at the two breaths radiating from the mountainside in front, Inuyasha couldn’t help but speak.

“But what is the other breath?! Is it Naraku? But it doesn’t feel like it, even more evil than Naraku!”

Maitreya looked at the two auras halfway up the mountain and said the same.

“What the hell is this? Could it be that Naraku’s new clone is fighting Sesumaru?!”

Coral said so.

At this time, Mukuro was also looking there. It’s just that there is a different kind of light in his eyes.

“Have you finally appeared? Qu Ling, hum!”

In his own heart, after saying this, Mukuro said immediately.

“Let’s go, go up and take a look.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, everyone nodded, and then hurried towards the middle of the mountain. But when everyone rushed to the neighborhood, they all saw the situation around halfway up the mountain. It was a mess. A large number of rocks were shattered. In the hands of Sashengwan, one hand was holding the natural tooth, and the other was Is holding a new knife!

Burst teeth!

The moment he saw this knife, Mukuro recognized it. Obviously, just like in the original plot, after Shisheng Maru gave up his attachment to the iron shattered teeth and gave Inuyasha to Inuyasha, his mood broke through. He reached a realm that truly surpassed his father, the dog Admiral. As a result, his own knife and the broken teeth buried in his heart were naturally born.

Inuyasha was holding two knives, his body exuded an astonishing demon energy, and he constantly fought with the enemies in front of him, bursting teeth and natural teeth constantly cutting out, and on the opposite side of him, the enemies were also constantly killing themselves. Maru launched an attack. The battle between the two was very fierce.

“It’s not Naraku! Who the hell is this person?!”

Inuyasha stared at the man who was fighting Sesei Maru. This person was exuding an incomparably evil aura, and his appearance seemed a bit similar to that of Naraku. But his hair is all white, his eyes are fierce, and his mouth is full of sharp teeth! Moreover, his body seemed very strange, sometimes turning into an entity, and sometimes like Naraku, collapsed into miasma.

“His fighting style is very similar to Naraku! Is it really a clone of Naraku?!”

Maitreya spoke subconsciously.

And at this time, when his words fell, the guy who was fighting the Sesho Maru actually said with a sneer.

“Don’t compare me with that half-demon!”

With that said, it was unbelievable afterwards that his body was shattered and turned into a large amount of miasma, suddenly rushing towards everyone here. And his goal is directly at Amber!

“Want to capture Amber’s Four Soul Jade Fragments?! You Naraku’s running dog! Dreaming!”

Inuyasha said loudly, and then he slashed out, and the wounds of the wind whizzed out, splitting the miasma in half, but it was of no use at all. At this time, Ari spoke.

“let me do it!”

She said so and took out the broken magic bow. I subconsciously wanted to pull the bowstring, but at this time, abruptly, from the miasma, a voice sounded.

“It’s useless!”

This sentence fell, and from the miasma, a pair of eyes full of evil seemed to condense. These eyes stared at A Li, and A Li also stared at him, but the next moment, A Li’s body trembled. , The whole person actually fell straight down.


Seeing A Li fainting abruptly, he was stunned by the coral with flying bones on the side. Fortunately, Shen Le, who was also standing on the side, was swift and swift, and supported A Li.

“Ari! Ari, are you okay!”

Inuyasha shouted subconsciously. But Ari couldn’t answer Inuyasha’s words at all, she had fainted. At this moment, Maitreya yelled in the face of the miasma that came in.

“Wind Cave!”

From his hand, an astonishing attraction burst out immediately, and the miasma that rushed up was suddenly sucked into the wind cave in the palm of his hand by Maitreya. Faced with such a situation, the miasma seemed to be taken aback, and wanted to avoid it. At this time, from behind, Sesho Maru also caught up.

Shashengwan’s body was covered with scars, and his face was even corroded by the miasma. Obviously, he had been fighting this monster for a long time before everyone arrived. It was just different from the injury on his body, his eyes were cold, full of fighting and killing intent. After rushing over, the natural tooth on the hand of the Shashengwan was cut out with a single knife!

Unbelievable, the natural light of the knife whistling, seems to have included Inuyasha and the others in the scope of the knife. Faced with this knife, Inuyasha was startled.

“what are you doing?!”

But the next moment, unbelievably, the light of the natural tooth slashed through, slashing the miasma fiercely, and the light fell on everyone, everyone was unscathed!

520 “This is?!”

At this moment, Inuyasha was a little confused. But before he could react, the miasma cut by the natural teeth changed again and recondensed into the monster’s appearance. He hooked his hands, and a large number of vicious monsters jumped out from his body and rushed directly towards the Sashiwan Maru. Bite up. But the shattered teeth that Sesei Maru held in the other hand were also cut out with a single knife.

The blasting teeth cut out, not the light of the knife, but the light of thunder. The terrifying thunder light swept out, and all the monsters that rushed up around them were torn into pieces in an instant!

“This is?!”

Seeing that Sesho Maru burst his teeth, Inuyasha was stunned. The power of this shattered tooth is definitely above his iron shattered tooth.

“It’s really difficult, obviously it’s just a kennel!”

All the monsters that were released by Sesumaru’s knife were beheaded. This vicious monster, who looked very similar to Naraku, frowned slightly. But in his words, he was full of disdain for Sesho Maru.

“A ugly dog?”

Facing the monster’s words, Sesumaru’s eyes became colder for a while, but he didn’t have the slightest intention to argue, grabbing the two knives in his hand, and slashing it up fiercely! At this time, Inuyasha also grabbed the iron shattered teeth, and launched an attack on the monster.

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