Chapter 1292 The living dead

The laughter was crisp and tactful, but in such a beautiful voice, it didn’t seem to be a little angry, on the contrary, it gave people a very terrifying feeling. It seemed like something ominous, approaching quietly, making people tremble!

Hearing this crisp sound like a silver bell, everyone turned their heads and saw that a girl in the sky was wearing a witch’s clothes, like a paper butterfly, fluttering down, in front of the stone steps on the hillside. She has long black hair and a gentle expression, but there is a creepy smile on her face.

“Tomi! Master Hitomi!”

With the arrival of the young girl, these villagers looked at the appearance of the young girl and said one by one in horror. They looked like they had seen something terrifying.


Looking at the girl in front of the girl in the spacious Miko dress, Inuyasha also showed a look of uncertainty. He also stared at the girl, with a considerable dignity in his eyes. Because, at this moment, he could feel that the girl in front of him didn’t have the slightest aura of a living person!

The living dead? !

If 377 was not seen in person with his own eyes, Inuyasha would understand that he would even think that there is no living person in front of him at this moment, but only a corpse. But this corpse stood there literally. There was a terrifying sneer on her face that was no different from that of a living person.

“Spider silk! Lots of spider silk!”

At this moment, Ari looked at the witch on the opposite side and said. She could see clearly that there were spider silk everywhere around this beautiful witch. These spider silks, like long white hair, almost covered her whole body. In that way, it controlled the girl in front of her like countless strings that manipulated puppets.

This situation looks absolutely terrifying. It was just like the situation that Kikyo was facing at the time. At this time, in Ari’s mind, he couldn’t help but recall the situation when Kikyo and Inuyasha were wrapped in spider silk.

“Guests from afar, welcome your arrival, hehe~”

In the face of everyone’s attention, the girl called Hitomi stretched out her hands, saluted everyone, and then said to everyone again.

And at this time, facing the witch in front of him, the little fox Qibao couldn’t help but sweat on his forehead, and he also subconsciously spoke.

“Spider silk! I see spider silk too! Lots of spider silk!”

He said this, holding Maitreya’s head, as if trembling.

At this time, it wasn’t just Ari and Qibao. In fact, even Coral, Kagura, and Inuyasha all saw a lot of spider silk entangled around Miko Hitoko. And on these spider silks, there seems to be an astonishing evil spirit attached to it! This is the miasma that belongs to Naraku! A terrible power that can pollute everything and even pollute the purifying power of Platycodon grandiflorum.

Seeing such a situation, Inuyasha snorted coldly, and he pulled out his broken teeth, and then cut them out with a single knife. The sharp blade light broke out, slashing towards the Tongzi like a crescent. A stern light of the sword pierced the air, and in the face of such an attack, Tongzi’s expression was not only not panicked, but a mocking smile appeared.

“Do you think such an attack is useful to me?”

Hitomi said so. She was pulled by the spider silk wrapped around her, pulling her whole body as if flying out of thin air, but with a very easy movement, she avoided Inuyasha’s attack.

But at this time, Inuyasha did not give up. He roared, and the whole person rushed up, the iron teeth in his hand were constantly waving, a knife light cut out, the knife light broke out, and in an instant, the spider silk around the shrine maiden’s pupil was born. Cut off a lot.

However, at this moment, Hitoko just sneered in the face of Inuyasha’s movements.

“I’ve already said it, it’s useless, stupid guy. Even if you cut the spider silk, you can’t restrict my actions!”

Accompanied by such words, her body unexpectedly rose into the air by itself! Then the spiders hanging from the sky twitched, and the spider silks that had been cut off from her body were reconnected, and these spider silks wrapped the whole body of the pupil, like a spindle. Then this spindle-like body twisted and turned into a dense strand of spider silk and soared up into the sky, just like this disappeared out of thin air.

Under such circumstances, even if Inuyasha swung his knife at the flying spider silk, it was of no use at all. He could only look at the strand of spider silk that had been transformed by the witch Hitomi, and disappeared in front of him out of thin air.

“Master Hitomi…!”

“No! That’s… that’s a monster that has transformed into the appearance of Mr. Hitoko!”

Looking at the disappearing Miko Hitomi, the surrounding villagers said in such horror. Their expressions were full of grief and fear, and their bodies wrapped in ragged clothes trembled.

“Damn it! Naraku, this bastard, didn’t even let go of the dead body!”

Looking at the grief and fear of these villagers, Maitreya said bitterly, holding his fist at this time.

However, Maitreya’s words fell, and Ahri, who was standing next to Mukuro, frowned and spoke.

“No! I feel that it’s not just being controlled by Naraku. She seems to be acting with her own will, rather than being controlled by Naraku.”

When Ari’s words fell, Inuyasha and the others subconsciously looked back at Ari. When A Li was looked at by everyone’s gaze, she hesitated for a moment, and then spoke again.

“Of course, this is just a guess of mine. However, I feel that it is really the case. There is nothing wrong with it.”

Ari’s words fell, and Mukuro spoke.

“You’re right. Hitomi, it’s really not just being controlled by Naraku. If only being controlled by Naraku, she can only be regarded as a puppet of Naraku, and now she is not so much manipulated as it is. Yes, it was contaminated by Naraku.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Inuyasha and the others were shocked.

“Pollution?! Just like polluting the jade of the four souls?!”

“But, are people also polluted? If they are polluted, wouldn’t they mean death?! But how can people who die…”

Coral’s expression is full of doubts.

“Of course people will also be contaminated. Of course people who are contaminated will die. Therefore, Hitomi has already died once. But she is not an ordinary person, but a witch with extremely high spiritual power, plus Naraku’s pollution, it is not Jane. Simply polluting her with the miasma, but polluting her mind, making Tongzi’s mind degenerate! So she became the living dead like she is now.”

Mukuro said.

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