Chapter 1261 Leave

When Inuyasha was immersed in the changes of the broken teeth and couldn’t extract himself, and secretly felt the changes of the broken teeth, Maitreya and others were anxious.

They ran to Inuyasha and the snake-shaped monster in unison, and looked back and forth at Inuyasha and the monster body on the ground, but they did not dare to touch any of them at will. They are all excellent monsters or exorcists, and they must have discovered the fact that the monsters have died, but they still dare not mess around. They can only explain that the current situation makes them at a loss.

They didn’t know why Inuyasha would stare at Tetsuya in a daze, or even look intoxicated after killing the monster.

Kagura asked, “Inuyasha, what’s your current situation? Is there any change in the broken teeth?”

Maitreya said vigilantly: “Inuyasha, you won’t be controlled by the other’s demon power? Are you still Inuyasha?”

“Mille, where did you want to go?”

Inuyasha held the iron shattered tooth in one hand, and clenched a fist on the top of Maitreya’s head and said: “How could I be controlled by this kind of miscellaneous fish monster? Are you looking down on me? I just discovered the meaning and usage of iron shattered tooth.”

Until it was determined that Inuyasha had no problem, Maitreya, Shan Shan and others all breathed a sigh of relief.

The fact that they defeated powerful enemies and Inuyasha became stronger also made them very happy.

Mukuro saw that the timing was almost the same, so he used teleportation to pass by with the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit.

Kagura was the first to discover the appearance of Mukuro, and smiled lightly: “Mukuro and the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit are here, it seems that the matter has really been resolved.”

Mukuro smiled lightly and said, “Kagura, what a good job, I can find me and the Demon Spirit Great Sage immediately.”

Kagura smiled triumphantly and smiled contentedly: “Of course, I am the messenger of the wind. In your words, wind is the flow of air. As long as there is a flow of air, I can find it right away. In this world, You are the only one who can suddenly appear in this weird way.”

Mukuro rubbed the tip of his nose lightly, unable to refute Kagura’s words.

He turned off the topic and said: “Inuyasha, fortunately you are not too stupid. At the last moment, you finally figured out the real use of iron shattered teeth. Compared with the past, your strength should have risen several levels, even if you encounter ghost again. Don’t worry about the pill.”

Inuyasha obviously believed in the newly acquired power, and said confidently: “Then we should go to Naraku and Kaiganmaru now?”

When suggesting to find Spritemaru and Naraku, Inuyasha’s eyes were shining.

In fact, Mukuro understands his feelings very well. He finally figured out the true meaning of broken teeth and gained new power. He definitely wanted to try it out with his enemies as soon as possible. You know, he now not only learns to attack the demon lair, but also absorbs the demon power of the great demon spirit while killing the snake-shaped monster.

His iron shattered teeth power has increased a lot.

But even so, Mukuro does not suggest that he go to Spritemaru and Naraku.

Mukuro said lightly: “Only with the new power you have now, it’s a bit early to kill Spritemaru and Naraku. Don’t forget that Spritemaru and Naraku are experts in escape. If they find that they can’t beat you, they will definitely be the first. Time to escape. Once your new power is known to them, you will beware next time.”

“But it was so hard to get the power of Slashing the Demon Lair, should I leave it alone?” Inuyasha was obviously not convinced.

Mukuro said indifferently, “It’s not that you don’t use it, but you can’t use it before you can kill Spritemaru and Naraku 100%. The reason why the killer move is a killer move is because the opponent is not wary of it. It’s no use, understand?”

Inuyasha nodded, and then slowly rolled his eyes and said, “I understand the truth, but if you are determined to kill Naraku, can Naraku also avoid it? Naraku should already know your trick.”

“Aren’t you holding the bar?” Mukuro was very helpless.

What he said just now is based on the premise that the strengths of both sides are similar, okay? With the strength gap between Mukuro and Naraku or Ningjin Maru, even if they just hit a single punch, Naraku and Ningjin Maru could not escape. However, with Inuyasha’s ability, it is impossible for him not to know this truth, he is just deliberately looking for trouble.

Of course there is no need to answer such questions.

The Great Demon Spirit suddenly came up and said, “Inuyasha, after this lesson, I hope you can remember that Iron Broken Tooth is a knife used to slay after all, although he can take it from the beheaded monster. Demon power and ability, but this kind of ability can only be used for assistance, not the main function.”

“I see.”

Suddenly, Inuyasha walked up to the Great Sage Demon Spirit, patted the head of the Great Demon Spirit lightly and said, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t judge people by their appearance.”

Although Inuyasha was confessing his mistake, it was weird no matter how he looked at it with this attitude and action.

Mukuro shook his head helplessly and said, “Let’s stop here, we should also leave. Even if we are not 100% sure that we can kill Spritemaru and Naraku, we have to find them out, in case they are found in battle. Where is the flaw?”

Inuyasha nodded, put away the broken teeth, and left with Mukuro.

Of course, Mukuro was not eager to kill Spritemaru and Naraku, and Inuyasha was injured, so they didn’t move fast.

A few days later, Inuyasha’s injuries slowly healed. When they passed a small village, they found that all the cattle and horses in the village had been killed.

The two beings were sighing beside the bullpen.

“What’s the matter?” Maitreya took the initiative to step up to say hello.

“Are you a mage?” A villager said, “It’s great. The cows and horses in our village are all attacked by wolves, as if they came from somewhere else. Can you help us get rid of the pack of wolves?”

“Wolf?” Maitreya’s expression was very embarrassing.

He originally thought that the village was attacked by monsters, so he took the initiative to help, but his opponent turned out to be a pack of wolves.

With Maitreya’s ability, it is of course no problem to clean up a pack of wolves, but a mage to help kill the wolves is weird no matter how you look at it.

He said tactfully: “I am a mage, not a hunter.”

“That’s not an ordinary wolf.” Inuyasha’s nose moved and suddenly said: “This smell… is a wolf of the demon wolf clan.”

“Demon wolf tribe?” Maitreya’s expression became very solemn, even Shanhu and Kagura were no exceptions.

After all, the demon wolf tribe is the Gangfang tribe. Since getting acquainted with Inuyasha and others, the demon wolf tribe should not have the habit of attacking humans, and their main task should be to track Naraku.

Ari asked, “Inuyasha, could something be wrong?”

“No, it’s the smell of the monster wolf clan.” Inuyasha turned his head to look at Mukuro and said, “The specific situation may be clearer if you ask Mukuro. The smell of the monster wolf clan has not dispersed yet. They must have not been away for long. Mukuro must be able to sense them. Angry.”

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