Chapter 1251 The Law of Immortals

Since Erkuxian’s celestial power can allow Inuyasha to safely use dragon scale iron broken teeth, it is of course the best choice for Inuyasha to obtain more powerful celestial power.

It is not particularly difficult for Mukuro to find Xianli in the world of monsters.

Because in this world of monsters, the number of people who cultivate immortal power is far less than that of monsters and wizards or monks who cultivate spiritual power, and even if compared with the power of gods, there is a slight gap. It is easy for Mukuro to find the celestial qi in the qi of monsters and monks. Of course, it is easier to find the powerful celestial qi among them.

When Inuyasha came back dejectedly, Mukuro said calmly: “Don’t talk nonsense, hurry up and rest.”

Inuyasha was startled, his eyes widened inexplicably.

He was really slow, he didn’t even understand what Mukuro meant.

Kagura helped Mukuro pick it up and said, “Don’t you understand? Mukuro is here to let you rest first, and then take you to find new power. You should also understand that when the sprite pill appears next time, it will definitely become better. Now it’s stronger. If your strength is the same as now, it’s definitely not good. And listening to Mukuro, he seems to be able to improve your strength a lot this time.”

Inuyasha’s eyes lit up, and his spirits followed.

In fact, even though Inuyasha didn’t make it clear after being escaped by Sprite Maru, his mental state obviously deteriorated a lot. He didn’t recover until Mukuro said to help him become stronger.

He asked excitedly and expectantly: “Mukuro, are you serious? Can I be stronger? Stronger than dragon scale iron shattered teeth?”

Mukuro said calmly: “Your own strength is definitely not going to be much stronger in a short period of time. This fact proved a long time ago. Of course, you can only rely on iron broken teeth to improve your combat effectiveness. As for making iron broken teeth stronger Don’t you already know the way? Just let the iron broken teeth absorb the immortal power.”

“Then are we going to kill immortals?” Inuyasha looked very much looking forward to it.

In contrast, Maitreya, Shanhu and others are faced with hesitation and seem to be reluctant to do so.

After hesitating for a while, Maitreya said: “Maybe Mukuro is right. Using iron broken teeth to absorb immortal power can quickly increase the power of iron broken teeth, but generally speaking, people who practice immortal power or monsters are indisputable people. , Will not harm other monsters or humans. Is it really okay for us to kill such immortals?”

Shanhu followed and persuaded: “My thoughts are the same as Master Maitreya. If it’s an immortal like Erkuxian who comes to trouble us by himself, it’s okay to kill it, but we take the initiative to find innocent immortals to kill, and it’s always not good. If we do that, what is the difference between Spritemaru and Naraku, who want to become stronger by all means?”

Mukuro had long known that Maitreya and Shanhu would refuse, so he was not surprised at all.

After all, they still have the views of ordinary people. Even Mukuro has not completely gotten rid of ordinary people’s ideas, or is unwilling to get rid of them.

So Mukuro would not want to kill innocent immortals.

Mukuro said calmly: “In your eyes, I am the one who kills ordinary immortals? In fact, letting Inuyasha’s iron fragments absorb the power of immortals does not have to kill the immortals. For the specific situation, let’s find Dao Dao Zhai first. Now, after all, he is the person who knows the best in the world today, and he can definitely give you advice.”

Mukuro took Inuyasha and the others, made a teleportation, and appeared at Totozai’s house in the next second, and Totozai was casting a sword.

Toukasai was slightly startled when he saw Mukuro and Inuyasha appear, then he got up quickly and walked out of the house.

Mukuro was startled slightly, and didn’t know what he meant.

Inuyasha was much more rude than Mukuro, and hurriedly overtook Dao Dao Sai and said, “Stop! Where are you going? We still have things to ask you.”

“Don’t ask anything, I don’t know anything.”

Dao Dao Zhai seemed to have known Inuyasha’s intentions for a long time, and said without hesitation: “Every time you come to me, there must be no good things. Either there is something wrong with the teeth, or there is a great opponent. I don’t know anything. Don’t ask me!”

Dao Dao Zhai seemed to be really overshadowed by Inuyasha’s question.

And in Mukuro’s impression, it seems that Inuyasha would beat Dao Dao Zhai every time he saw Dao Dao Zhai.

Dao Dao Zhai is still willing to help Inuyasha, it can be said that it is true love.

Mukuro stepped forward and said calmly: “Dou Touzai, in any case, you will help Inuyasha to talk about it this time, otherwise even Naraku may know iron shattered teeth better than you, and you are not ashamed to say that you are the one who cast iron shattered teeth. Isn’t it?”

For a swordsmith, the knowledge of his own knife seems to be a very important honor.

When Mukuro said that Naraku knew more about iron shattered teeth than Tou Tousai, Tou Tousai was obviously not convinced and stopped.

He disapproved and said: “Nairo knows the iron shattered teeth better than I do? How is it possible? The iron shattered teeth are the knives I made by myself!”

Coral helped Inuyasha and said, “Are you sure? You never told Inuyasha a solution when there was a problem with dragon scales and iron teeth, but Naraku actually gave Inuyasha a monster with great power to Inuyasha, Inuyasha. After killing the monster with iron broken teeth and absorbing his immortal power, the problem of dragon scale iron broken teeth was solved.”

“What? Nairo knows that Xianli can solve the problem of dragon scale iron broken teeth?”

Dao Dao Zhai was taken aback, and seemed to know about Xianli.

After a pause, he said: “What Naraku can know, of course I also know. To a certain extent, the dragon scale iron shards will eat back Inuyasha because the absorbed demon power is completely stored in the iron shards, but Iron Broken Teeth can’t hide so much demon power, and Inuyasha can’t use that demon power. However, something like Xianli and Mukuro’s aura should be similar and softer.”

Sword Saigon said this, Mukuro understood.

Compared with Qi and Xianli, demon power is a kind of irritable energy, which is more difficult to control.

Of course, this is not to say that its destructive power is above Qi and Xianli, but its nature is worse. It is precisely because of the nature of the demon power that Inuyasha is difficult to control, so the dragon scales and iron teeth will bite the user. But if you neutralize the irritable demon power with the fairy power, Inuyasha will be much easier to control.

As long as the demon power absorbed into the dragon scale iron shattered teeth can be controlled by Inuyasha, the problem of the dragon scale iron shattered teeth can naturally be solved.

Mukuro said indifferently: “Since you already knew that this can solve the problem of dragon scales and iron teeth, why didn’t you tell Inuyasha?”

Totosai replied arrogantly: “Because I didn’t expect Inuyasha to be so useless. With his strength at the time, it should be enough to kill Spritemaru and Naraku. Who knew that he was escaped by Spritemaru and Naraku time and time again. As a result, Naraku and Sprite Maru have become stronger and stronger.”

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