Looking at the new card in front of him, Xinfeng put it directly into the card space.

As for the Great Toad Sage, Xinfeng had no intention of copying his character card.

After obtaining the immortal arts of Senju Hashirama, he no longer had a good impression of the immortal arts of Myoboku Mountain.

Moreover, he already understood the potential of the blank character cards and did not want to waste too much now.

As for the blank summoning beast card, Xinfeng had other uses, so he did not want to waste it.

""Xinfeng, what should we do with the remaining toads? Kill them?"

Ma Buyi, who was dressed in a professional suit, took the initiative to ask after taking a look at the dead body of the big toad immortal.

""Get rid of them all."

Xinfeng waved his hand casually, and the fate of the toads in Myoboku Mountain was determined.

Those who are not of my kind must have different hearts.

Although Xinfeng is not bloodthirsty, it is only for humans. As for non-human creatures, he will not be soft-hearted.

Now that the big toad fairy is dead, the rest of the toads have a lot of hatred for him. There is no need to stay and increase the hidden dangers.


Mabui, Samui and Yumujin heard this and turned to rush into Myoboku Mountain to start killing.

Under the ban of Xinfeng's"Budao Yuming", the toads in Myoboku Mountain basically could not use fairy arts, and their strength was greatly reduced. Under the strong attack of Samui and the other two, Myoboku Mountain was quickly cleared, and finally Xinfeng released a Amaterasu, burning for a full two hours.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully destroying the three major sacred places of immortal arts, Myoboku Mountain, and completing the achievement: Unifying the Ninja World (Frog), and obtaining a blank character card, a blank summoning beast card, five immortal arts cards, and a Myoboku Mountain immortal arts inheritance card.

Seeing the prompt in front of him, Xinfeng grinned.

Sure enough, conquering the three major sacred places of immortal arts really has extra achievement rewards.

【Myoboku Mountain Immortal Arts Inheritance Card: Contains all the immortal arts of Myoboku Mountain, the three major immortal arts holy places. After using it, you can comprehend it yourself, unlimited times】

"Tsk, maybe it's good to use it to train Mikoto and the others."

Seeing the information of the inheritance card, Xinfeng casually put it into the card space.

"What should we do with Myoboku Mountain? Shouldn't we use it?"

Mabuyi looked at Myoboku Mountain burning in the black flames of Amaterasu and said.

Hearing Mabuyi's words, Samui and Yukito also turned their heads to look at the trade winds.

As one of the three major sacred places of immortal arts in the ninja world, Myoboku Mountain naturally has abundant energy. It would be a pity if it was abandoned.

"Of course, it will become my own holy land!!!"Xinfeng laughed.

Then, he used his ability again to wipe out all the Amaterasu flames in Myoboku Mountain.


Xinfeng clapped his hands and instantly turned on the Sage Mode, with black stripes on his face.

Wood Release: Beautiful Mountains and Clear Waters Technique!!!


As Xinfeng's huge sage chakra was activated, the ground shook and cracked violently, and countless thick trees and vines rose from Myoboku Mountain, penetrated the mountains, and rushed into the sky.

In a moment, the previously barren Myoboku Mountain instantly became beautiful and lush.

Waterfalls, cold pools, hot springs, bamboo forests and other scenery appeared one after another.

At the highest point of Myoboku Mountain, several wooden high-rise buildings rose from the ground, penetrating the clouds and mist, like a fairy pavilion on earth.

Looking at Myoboku Mountain, which was transformed in an instant, Samui, Yukito and Mabui were all surprised.

Although their current strength is far superior to others, compared with Xinfeng's actions like the creator god, they are not enough to look at.

"Do you want to change the name?"

Mabui asked with a smile, looking at the Myoboku Mountain that looked like a paradise on earth.

Xinfeng said casually:"Let's call it the Ninja World Base."

Hearing this, Samui, Mabui and Yumujin looked disgusted.

"So earthy!!!"......

After destroying Mount Myoboku, Xinfeng took Samui and the other two to the other two holy places of immortal arts.

When the Great Slug Sage of the Wet Bone Forest saw Xinfeng coming to visit, she, who had already received the news from Tsunade in advance, immediately chose to surrender.

Seeing that the Great Slug Sage was so tactful, Xinfeng didn't say anything.

Although Tsunade's slug is a great sage, he has a gentle personality and a soft voice, and is not as annoying as the other two.

And for Tsunade's sake, he couldn't do anything too much.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully taking charge of the three sacred places of immortal arts, the Wet Bone Forest, and completing the achievement: Unifying the Ninja World (Slug), and obtaining a blank character card, a blank summoning beast card, five immortal arts cards, and a Wet Bone Forest immortal arts inheritance card.

After conquering the Wet Bone Forest, Xinfeng immediately went to Longdi Cave.

By conquering the three sacred places of immortal arts together, it should be possible to complete additional achievement tasks, so Xinfeng naturally could not give up.

Unlike the Great Slug Immortal, the White Snake Immortal in Longdi Cave flew into a rage after hearing Xinfeng's intentions, and used the Inorganic Reincarnation Technique to pierce Xinfeng.

"You made the wrong choice."

Looking at the earth spikes that pierced his body, Xinfeng shook his head regretfully.

A moment later, Xinfeng came to the three snake princesses of Longdi Cave with the head of the White Snake Immortal.

Longdi Cave's fairy art 'Inorganic Reincarnation' can control inorganic matter to fight against the enemy, but Xinfeng's 'Su Yu Tian Ming' just restrains it.

Coupled with the prohibition of 'Bu Dao Yu Ming' and the sneak attack of Samui and others, the White Snake Immortal could only die with hatred.

Looking at the trembling three snake princesses of Longdi Cave in front of him, Xinfeng said in a deep voice:

"Submit or die!!!"

Hearing this, the three snake princesses knelt respectfully on the ground, expressing their choice with their actions.

Longdi Cave has always been a place where the strong prey on the weak, and they had no resistance to submitting to Xinfeng.

With the three snake princesses taking the lead, the snake kings in Longdi Cave surrendered one after another, and the ten thousand snakes that refused to submit became food for the other snake kings. The ten thousand snakes wanted to die, but the snake kings didn't want to!!!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully taking charge of the three major sacred places of immortal arts, Longdi Cave, and completing the achievement: Unifying the Ninja World (Snake), and obtaining a blank character card, a blank summoning beast card, five immortal arts cards, and a Longdi Cave immortal arts inheritance card.】

【Ding! The host successively took charge of the three sacred places of immortal arts, Myoboku Mountain, Wet Bone Forest, and Ryuchi Cave, and completed the achievement: Above the Immortal, and obtained three blank character cards, three blank summoning beast cards, and ten immortal arts cards.

After collecting the newly obtained rewards, Xinfeng took Samui and others away.

Next, he should fuse his own Ten Tails!!!......

Rain Village.

High tower, in Hanzo's room. Hanzo, the dead one, fell in a pool of blood, and not far away, Xinfeng was checking the intelligence scroll in his hand, looking for the location of Nagato, Konan and others.

The timeline has just come to the winter of Konoha 57, the year before the Uchiha clan was exterminated in the original work, and it is still a full ten years before Nagato began to collect the tailed beasts.

Xinfeng, who has already collected the nine tailed beasts, no longer wants to wait for Nagato to recruit members of the Akatsuki organization.


The wooden door was opened, and Tendo Pain, with orange hair and wearing a fire cloud costume, walked in.

And behind him, five figures followed.

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