Mysterious Tribulation

Chapter 46 Scarlet Moon (recommendation)

Lord... No response!?

Although Olivia knew that the spirit of vain only occasionally responded to believers, but now this critical situation, is this the case?

Her heart sank involuntarily: Is this... a god?

At this time, the words of a previous believer describing God suddenly appeared in her mind - 'The gods have no desires, no desires, no love and no hatred, overlooking the world, do not care about the rise and fall of ants...'

Wait, it's all just ants, the life and death of ants, what does it mean to that kind of great existence? Maybe... The response before was just a certain personality mask of that terrifying existence, It's just a virtual personality, a face...

My lord... are you punishing me?

Lin looked at this scene with a smile on her face: No matter what you do to me, I still believe in you...

Numerous flesh and blood wrapped her, as if the embryo of life was born, and the blood vessels quickly spread to Lin's face, covering most of it like a mask, only one eye was left, and it was still shrinking...

At this moment, Olivia suddenly felt that a certain terrifying existence... came!

There was a tear in Lin's one eye.



Aaron Sotos looked at this scene and didn't know what to say: I just went offline for a meal, and my fanatic is about to die?

He stared at the flesh and blood on Lin's body, knowing that the situation had reached an extremely dangerous moment.

Fortunately, Olivia has used the ritual...

Aaron quickly connected to the ceremony, his own mysterious energy poured out like a tide and fell into Lin's body.

How could this Lin be so polluted?

When the connection was established, Aaron felt a chill in his heart.

The pollution and flesh-and-blood mutation on Lin's body is shocking, and even, in every inch of her flesh and blood, there seems to be another powerful and crazy will!

Flesh and blood mother tree?

Aaron's mysterious energy is constantly annihilating these wills. You can see the flesh and blood mask on Lin's face, and the trend of spreading has stopped.

But Aaron's heart was very solemn, and he even felt a trace of terror!

With the elimination of pollution, he could feel that the crazy will began to rage.

Outside the window, in the sky, the crimson moon became even more scarlet, and even... vaguely transformed into a crazy and evil eye, hanging high in the sky, overlooking the world...

The scarlet moon, the mother of terror, the mother tree of flesh and blood that breeds thousands!

A piece of honorable name directly appeared in Aaron's heart.

He even saw that on the surface of the flesh ball in front of him, countless cysts were being born, and there seemed to be countless embryos in them, even attracting the surrounding spirits...

'If I go in, I don't know if it will give birth to me and have a real body in this world? wrong……'

Aaron came back to his senses, and his consciousness was a shock: I have been slightly affected by pollution... Even if I can give birth, 80% will be controlled by the scarlet moon. Life is better than death, right?

Get out of here!

He had only used one mysterious unit before, and at this moment, the previous reserves tilted out.

Two mysterious units...

Three mysterious units...

Ten mysterious units!


Finally, the huge meat ball split open, revealing Lin's figure, and countless flesh and blood were curling up.

Lin seemed to see a vague human figure, with a big warm hand touching the top of her head: Leave!


A mass of flesh and blood detached from her body, crawling on the ground like a mollusk, and finally swallowed a chair, actively combined, and began to shape...

Branches and roots grew out of the chair one after another, like a result, forming a red cane.

Its whole body is crimson, like branches and tentacles tied together, the head of the stick is forked, and countless tiny branches form the crown of the tree, and it looks like the head of a hideous wooden dragon.

Stop looking at the moon.

Aaron said to Linda.

If ordinary evil believers were only radiated with power by the source of terror on the way, Lin had a particularly suitable physique before and was polluted by a little bit of power, this time it would be even more serious, she directly entered the line of sight of that horrible existence!

She has been noticed by the source of her own path! If placed in a cult that worships the Scarlet Moon, it will immediately be canonized as a saint.

However, her subsequent performance was probably the standard two or five boys again. If she was paid attention to again, the end would not be very good.

Thank you for your redemption!

Lin's head was aching, and Aaron only expelled the pollution from her body, but did not seal her knowledge.

She knelt on the ground and sincerely thanked her.

Watch out for the dangerous knowledge in your head!

Aaron reminded again.

The existence at the end of the road is the source of mystery, even the mystery itself, they themselves represent the most profound knowledge of mysticism!

Ordinary cults just pieced together a trivial bit of information from their ravings.

And Lin is equivalent to looking directly at the 'Scarlet Moon', maybe the high-level mysterious knowledge she knows exceeds that of the high priest!

Of course Aaron wouldn't let go of this opportunity to scour the wool.

He glanced at Olivia again, and by the way, helped the other party to expel a little hidden pollution left by the Scarlet Moon, and then ended his response to the ceremony.


Only then did Olivia gasp heavily and glared at Lin: What dangerous thing did you do? Lin?!

Lin sneered awkwardly and took Olivia's hand: Sister Olivia, I won't dare anymore.

There is no future. If my lord just answered the prayer, this time you and I, and everyone in this building, would have to die!

Olivia said angrily.

I will never again.

Lin also answered with lingering fears, realizing that her journey of shaving wool had come to an end.

The Scarlet Moon has already remembered her, so maybe the next time she will be directly punished by God!

Oh...this time it's are you?

Olivia sighed.

Except for the bloated head, the rest is fine... Lin closed her eyes, and a lot of taboo and terrifying knowledge emerged in her heart.

As for how to advance after the 'Blood Spiller', that is the most trivial.

There is also how to build a blood pool, use the blood of young girls to absorb spirituality, and even knowledge that can make you young...

And, how to use flesh and bones, with rituals and sacrifices, to create powerful and terrifying monsters.

Even... some more cruel and weird sacrifice rituals...


Olivia swept her gaze and landed on the blood-red cane. She couldn't help but sigh again: This is the first time I've seen the formation of a 'strange thing'...

Lin opened her eyes: Sister Olivia, you's a 'weird thing'?

It's not just a 'strange thing', it may even be a very terrifying type. After all... it comes directly from... True God!

Olivia sighed, for some reason, her eyes were unconsciously attracted to the cane, the scarlet lines were as perfect as works of art, and the bifurcated arc made people unconsciously fascinated...

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