Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 587 Return of Consciousness

It was probably around eight o'clock in the evening.

Ding ding!

A text message was sent from the headquarters, but all ghost drivers with satellite positioning mobile phones in the urban area received this text message, and the message was mandatory, and there was no possibility of rejection.

"Huh? Yang Jian was involved in an unknown supernatural incident. He is suspected to be dead. The incident occurred in "

At this moment, Zhang Lei, who was still staying in the Ping An Hotel, took out his mobile phone and took a look. His expression immediately changed, showing an expression of incredible shock.

Ghost-eyed Yang Jian died inexplicably like this?

Just kidding.

After watching this text message repeatedly, Zhang Lei was sure that it was really sent from the headquarters, rather than a prank text message he suddenly received, and that the place where the incident happened was on the street near the Ping An Hotel.

Then, he rushed to the window and looked outside.

Zhang Lei had noticed before that something unknown was suspected to be approaching the hotel, but it disappeared again for unknown reasons.

"It's true. The area near the incident site was sealed off. The supernatural being that invaded the hotel before was probably an unknown ghost." Zhang Lei was silent at this moment, feeling an inexplicable chill all over his body.

Did this top captain-level ghost master die like this? At noon before, he and Yang Jian were discussing team formation in the hall. If Xiong Wenwen hadn't dragged him to his house for dinner, the team formation would have been decided.

How long has it been before people are gone?

That was Yang Jian, a fierce man who had never solved the starving ghost incident and experienced the ghost incident. He also had life-saving things such as ghost candles and death dolls in his hands. What kind of incident could he kill silently? Kill him?

More than shocked, I couldn't believe it.

But the message had already been sent, and he was not the only one who received it.

Chen Yi, who was looking for traces of ghost paintings somewhere in the city, also received this text message. When he saw the content above, he frowned and said, "What? Yang Jian is dead?"

He stopped and looked up at the place where the accident happened, his expression becoming more solemn.

What kind of supernatural event could kill that guy?

Although it is common for ghost controllers to die from supernatural events, Chen Yi is also very aware of Yang Jian's survivability.

"We have lost a captain at this critical moment." Chen Yi's worry deepened again.

In another villa in the community.

Guo Fan and Zhong Shan received this text message. They had just patrolled around and found no ghost paintings, and now they returned to their residence to rest.

"Did you see the text message? Yang Jian is dead."

When Guo Fan opened his eyes, he was a little surprised: "Haha, this guy died earlier than me. It seems that Ghost Eye Yang Jian is not as powerful as he thought. I just said that this guy has been arrogant and domineering all day long. It looks like it will be over sooner or later, and as soon as he dies, the captain position becomes vacant, Zhong Shan, we have a chance."

Zhong Shan was smoking a cigarette and reading text messages on his phone. He put down his phone and said, "Don't be happy so early. It's just a suspected death. It's not really over. Do you still remember the Tong Qian who disappeared in the Caesar Hotel?" ? He was missing for a week, but he still survived in the end."

"This is a message from the headquarters. Do you think the headquarters will send out something that is uncertain? This so-called suspicion is just to retain a little hope. In fact, everyone knows it." Guo Fan smiled softly and was in a good mood.

"That's the truth, but his life and death has little to do with us. Although Yang Jian rejected our invitation, he didn't become our enemy, so he couldn't be that happy." Zhong Shan shook his head slightly and said, "And he died at this critical moment. A captain, don’t you think it’s a bad thing?”

"With fewer people, it means there will be more danger once the ghost painting incident breaks out."

Guo Fan said indifferently: "That will happen later, I can't control it. Anyway, I will be happy if he is dead."

Another place.

Outside the place where the incident occurred, Li Jun also received this text message. He looked down at his phone: "Is Yang Jian dead? What a pity."

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, feeling deeply sorry for this man's death.

I remember that when I first met Yang Jian, I accompanied Professor Wang to fly to Huanggang Village in Dachang City to recover the ghost coffins. At that time, Yang Jian and another person named Zhang Han were among the few people alive. The survivors who came down.

In the blink of an eye, almost half a year has passed, and the humble ghost controller at the beginning has become a very important figure in the headquarters. Unexpectedly, the meeting was just finished in the morning, and the news of his death was received in the afternoon.

"So, the ghost domain incident here was caused by the resurgence of the ghost after Yang Jian's death?" Li Jun looked at the disappearing street not far away, and his mood became even worse.

The death of a ghost controller and the addition of a supernatural incident simply made the original situation worse.

Cao Yang, who was still walking on the street, couldn't help but smile coldly after receiving this text message: "The circle of friends has really succeeded. It is really a disgusting force. It handles business like a waste and is full of chaos. But it’s awesome, there is no need for this kind of force to exist. Needless to say, this text message from the headquarters must have been sent out to take the overall situation into consideration and stabilize the situation. After this incident, I will definitely settle the score with Moments.”


Immediately, he shook his head slightly.

It’s hard to comment on the headquarters’ choice. After all, it’s a good choice for the overall situation. It’s a pity that a talented man like Yang Jian didn’t die in an S-level supernatural incident, but died in the hands of his circle of friends.

If word spreads, those people in foreign countries will laugh to death.

The news about Yang Jian's suspected death spread quickly and completely. Not only did the ghost controllers in the city receive it, but his message was also sent to a special website in less than ten minutes. I believe it will soon be The entire supernatural circle will be talking about it.

In fact, Cao Yanhua also considered temporarily blocking the news.

However, it is impossible to seal the news. It will be leaked no matter what. After all, people in the circle of friends are also involved, so the news can only be sent out as quickly as possible, and the truth can be covered up first.

Although Yang Jian's death had a great impact on the confidence of others, it was better than the truth being revealed and conflicts erupting.

And at the same time.

In the fourth-floor ghost realm.


A scream of fear and despair sounded, echoing in the empty streets.

When Huang Ziya hurried over with Yang Jian's head, he only saw a recently deceased corpse. The corpse's head was completely deformed, as if it had been crushed by a pair of hands, and there were still a few residues on it. The outline of a finger print.

"It's too late again, captain. Your headless corpse is killing people more and more frequently. Before, it took nearly three minutes after the first person died before the second one was killed. Now, it's just a few minutes away from the previous victim. In less than thirty seconds, the ordinary people trapped here have noticed that a ghost is killing people, and they are all afraid and hiding."

Huang Ziya looked solemn: "But in your ghost realm, hiding is useless, right? According to this efficiency, everyone on this street will be killed in less than an hour."

The headless ghost is becoming more and more skilled at controlling Yang Jian's corpse. Before, he just walked over to kill people, but now he can use the ghost realm, and the ghost realm is becoming more and more skillful. Every time he kills someone, he disappears immediately. It's gone, so continue looking for the next target.

And the headless corpse doesn't really want to kill anyone, it's just looking for its own head.

Just because the hands were wearing gloves, the headless corpse could not remove anyone's head, so the horrific scene like this happened.

The heads of each deceased person were twisted and deformed, and they were all crushed by the headless corpses.

The broken head does not meet the needs of a headless corpse.

In this way, the strange corpse fell into an endless cycle, looking for the head, killing people, looking for the head again, and killing people again.

Until it kills everyone here.

Once all the people in this ghost realm are killed, the headless corpses that cannot find the target will start to move, taking the four levels of ghost realm with them, and then will draw in the people from other places, and continue to repeat the process just now. matter.

Yang Jian's remaining ghost eye turned slightly, obviously realizing that things were getting out of control.

"If this continues, I will have no choice but to wait, waiting for your corpse to attack me. Then I will have a chance, but I am not sure whether I can stop it when your corpse targets me. If I can't stop the attack, I'll be dead." Huang Ziya said helplessly.

It is very risky to make your own bait to let the ghost attack you.

But other than that, there is no better way.

Movement within the ghost realm cannot be restricted.

"Wait." Yang Jian revealed his thoughts.

"You think the same as me. I also think it's better to wait." Huang Ziya nodded slightly.

It would be safer to be prepared and wait for yourself to be attacked. If you are attacked while looking for the body, you may really end up here.

Her abilities are limited and she cannot fight against ghosts that are too dangerous.


She gave up her active search and found a relatively open place to wait.

There are two rules for people attacked by headless corpses. One is that their backs are turned to the ghost, and the other is that their heads are fresh.

The first rule is almost invalid, because in the ghost realm, everyone can turn their back to the ghost, and the headless corpse can be changed at will, so the second rule is to determine the reason for the murder of the headless corpse.

But this killing pattern is simply equivalent to indiscriminate killing for ordinary people, with almost no possibility of evasion.

Unless this person is mentally ill, the headless ghost will look down upon him.

Huang Ziya also meets this condition, but she is not the best choice because she is a ghost controller and her body is worse than ordinary people. In other words, her body is not very fresh.

It was precisely because of this that even the headless corpse she approached several times was not attacked first.

"Since we are waiting to be attacked, there is no need to waste the ghost candle." She blew out the ghost candle, not wanting to waste this precious resource.

But choosing to wait for this option is very cruel to others.

Because during this period, some people will be killed by headless corpses. They have no hope of survival. The only difference is the speed of death.

Those who are unlucky will be targeted and killed by the ghost first, while those who are more lucky will be targeted later.

As time passes little by little.

Frightened screams sounded intermittently on this street.

Sometimes the location of the first scream is about ten seconds behind, but the location of the second scream is in front.

The position seems to be constantly changing.

Huang Ziya's eyelids jumped when she heard it, and she felt very unhappy. Although she didn't see what happened in those places, she could already imagine the desperate and terrifying scene.

However, her ability is limited and she cannot stop this.

Yang Jian can't do all this, because he only has one head left. In addition to retaining his consciousness and surviving, he only has one ghost eye left.

What can a ghost eye do?

In his own ghost realm, he can't do anything. At most, he can control the changes in the scope of the ghost realm, and this ability is of no help to the current situation.

After a while.

Huang Ziya saw someone running out of the building in fear, screaming and shouting. It seemed that he had seen a terrible scene, and his emotions collapsed.

There were also people shouting for help, their voices pitiful and tearful.

Ordinary people are too fragile when facing ghosts and have no room for resistance.

But the cruel process is almost over.

Although Huang Ziya was not the priority target of the attack, after a while, as fewer and fewer people fled on the street, the headless corpse covered in blood appeared behind her.

This kind of appearance appeared silently, directly out of thin air, without any signs.


Huang Ziya saw the shadow of a headless corpse reflected at her feet, and a strong smell of blood came from behind. She didn't know how many people's heads the ghost who controlled the corpse had tried to take away during this period.

The headless corpse was now covered in blood, and the gloved hands were dripping with hot blood.

At this moment, these hands stretched towards Huang Ziya's head again.

Of course Huang Ziya knew that she was being attacked. After all, she had always been on guard, but the attack came so quickly that she felt a pair of cold, bloody hands grabbing her head as soon as she took action.

Then, a terrible force came, trying to forcefully remove his head from his neck.

In just a few seconds, Huang Ziya would be like the previous victims, lying on the ground with a broken head and become a cold corpse.

However, what makes her different from others is that she is a ghost master.

Huang Ziya controlled a ghost.

The moment the hand of the corpse behind her touched her, her thick black silk hair draped over her shoulders took the initiative to wrap around the arm of the headless corpse.

Moreover, the black hair gradually spread, as if it was going to swallow up those arms.

This strange resistance immediately relieved Huang Ziya, who had almost had his head crushed. Then he hurriedly turned around and placed the prepared head of Yang Jian on the neck of the corpse.

The head that was separated into two halves managed to remain in a complete shape and was successfully placed.

Huang Ziya had to hold on to Yang Jian's head, for fear that it would fall again if he let go.

Otherwise, all the hard work just now would have been in vain.

This situation has been anticipated before, so it is deliberately avoided.

"Can you fight to go back?" Huang Ziya looked at Yang Jian whose head was recovering, feeling uneasy and not having much confidence.

Yang Jian's head, which was put back on his neck, was still lifeless, and the ferocious crack still existed on his forehead, which was shocking to see. His dead gray eyes were staring straight ahead, without the slightest trace of a living person. If he were to add Get on his cold corpse with almost all the blood drained out.

So there is no difference between Yang Jian and ghost now.

The only difference may be that he still has self-awareness.

Under Huang Ziya's nervous observation, she discovered that the wound on Yang Jian's neck was disappearing little by little, and seemed to be connected to the severed neck.

It's just that the wound didn't completely disappear, leaving a red trace.

Although the instinct of the headless ghost can control the corpse to kill, it can also piece the corpse together. Even Yang Jian's incomplete head can still be pieced together.

But the headless ghost has imperfections.

Although the wound on the neck gradually healed, and half of the head was successfully spliced ​​to the body, the other half of the head remained motionless, and the hideous gash still existed.

The other half of the head is where Yang Jian's consciousness lies.

"There is something wrong." Yang Jian was already aware of the problem, and he secretly thought something was wrong.

"Yang Jian, hurry up, I can't hold on much longer." Huang Ziya made an urgent voice.

At this moment, the thick black hair on her head was getting longer and longer, covering almost half of Yang Jian's body, but what was even more terrifying was that nearly half of Huang Ziya's body was also swallowed up.

If she continues, her entire body will disappear in that weird black hair.

This is a kind of ghost revival.

Huang Ziya, who only controlled a ghost, really didn't dare to use the ghost's ability indiscriminately, especially during this stalemate, it was most likely to stimulate the ghost's awakening and kill the parasitized living person.

Although Yang Jian didn't hear it, he had already seen the anxiety on Huang Ziya's face, and also saw the weird black hair that almost swallowed up both of them.

Based on his experience, he may not know the current situation.

But Yang Jian's current condition is really bad. If he wants to stop everything in front of him, he must control his body.

"How can I let my body recover?"

Thinking calmly and quickly, Yang Jian now found that he still only had one ghost eye that he could move.

But if one eye can't even open the ghost realm, how can it be possible to control one's own body.

Half of the head cannot be removed, and now the body is still controlled by the instinct of the headless ghost.

"I just have to give it a try."

But looking at Huang Ziya's state, Yang Jian knew that he had no time. All his ghost eyes could do was change the location of the ghost realm.

Then by changing the position of the ghost realm, Yang Jian should be able to send half of his head back to the body. Because there are four layers of ghost realms superimposed, what seems impossible can actually be done.

He just didn't know whether it would resume action after being sent back, so he could only say give it a try.

The ghostly eyes looked at the headless corpse.

The surrounding ghost realm is twisting, like a piece of paper being folded.

But this change cannot be felt by others. Only Yang Jian can feel the changes happening around him.

"It will take some time." Yang Jian said secretly.

He can only guide the direction of the ghost realm and cannot change it immediately, so the effect cannot be reflected immediately.

Fortunately, the ghost domain did not cover a large area when Yang Jian was killed. Otherwise, this would have taken even longer.

"Yang Jian, what should we do now?" Huang Ziya became even more anxious, already feeling like he was riding a tiger.

Once the ghost's power is taken back, her head will be crushed. If there is a stalemate, she will die from the ghost's resurrection.

This is a choice that leads to death on either side.

The only way is for Yang Jian to recover and end all this.

But although the operation went smoothly, there was a problem on Yang Jian's side. Half of his head was put back, but the remaining half was not put back, so that he still couldn't control his body.

Yang Jian wanted to say to hold on a little longer, but he couldn't say it, and he couldn't even give her any information. The only thing he could rely on was Huang Ziya's own judgment now.

She could try to forcefully break away and escape, or she could choose to continue to resist and keep the headless body for a while at the risk of the ghost reviving.

More and more thick black hair hung down from Huang Ziya's head, covering most of her body. She felt that she was unsteady and her body was losing balance.

There seemed to be something pulling on him in the thick black hair, trying to get him completely trapped in it.

Once trapped, Huang Ziya felt that she would never get out again.

"Is there no chance?" She looked at Yang Jian, who was still there, and couldn't help but smile.

At this time, even if Yang Jian came back to life, she would still die from the ghost's resurrection, because she found that she could no longer control the ghost in her body.

The thick hair gradually began to erode Huang Ziya.

Her body began to sink, her feet felt bound by the hair, and the source of the weird hair was pulling her into it.


Half of Huang Ziya's body has disappeared into the thick black hair. She is struggling, holding the cold and stiff corpse in front of her with both hands, and there is still a trace of hope in her desperate eyes.

As long as Yang Jian can recover, maybe he still has a chance.

This hope does not come from delusion, but from trust in Yang Jian. This trust was generated during the last ghost incident.

"Yang, Yang Jian." Huang Ziya tried to shout. At this moment, only her head and a pair of arms were left outside, and the rest of her body had disappeared.

Deep in the black hair covering the surrounding area, the pulling force seemed to become stronger.

This power even exceeded the hands of the headless corpse, causing Huang Ziya to scream, and a layer of flesh was torn open on his face. The whole person escaped from the control of the headless corpse and fell into the black hair, almost It has been completely buried.

But she's still alive.

Not dead yet.

A pair of hands that were only exposed began to hold on to the body, but it didn't last long.

In just a moment, Huang Ziya couldn't hold on.

She let go.

Like a drowning person, his hands subconsciously grabbed at random.

Just when Huang Ziya's hands were about to be completely pulled deep into the weird hair behind her, a cold hand suddenly grabbed her wrist that was about to disappear.

Yang Jian's body, with only half his head left, started to move.

This kind of action is impossible for the headless ghost to do.

The only answer is that Yang Jian's consciousness has returned.

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