Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1542 Trouble in the Heavy Rain

The rain poured down and never stopped.

This is a world shrouded in rain. Everything in this world is wet, and the air is filled with a cold and damp smell.

Yang Jian was caught in the heavy rain. He held a red spear and squinted his eyes slightly, watching the ghosts approaching with umbrellas.

This number seems to be back to the time when they fought against the ghost ship.

But now Yang Jian is not afraid of such a scene, because he has had similar experiences more than once, and he has the experience and ability to fight against a group of fierce ghosts.

"These ghosts have been imprisoned on this floor. They cannot leave here and pose no threat to the outside world. Therefore, there is no need for me to keep fighting these ghosts. As long as I find the umbrella, this supernatural incident will be completely over. ”

Yang Jian thought this in his heart, and at the same time, he immediately started to take action.

As Yang Jian strode forward in the heavy rain, he whispered a wish: "The moment I raise the spear in my hand, it will definitely point to the direction of the real umbrella."

Then he slowly raised the spear in his hand.

The wishing ghost's supernatural powers came into play again.

Although it was disturbed by the heavy rain and blocked by the ghost, the wish made by Yang Jian was very simple, and it had the conditions to be fulfilled even under such circumstances.

The raised spear was like a compass, affected by a supernatural force, causing Yang Jian's raised arm to unconsciously change its direction.

That direction is, right front.

As soon as the direction was determined, Yang Jian rushed out immediately. He was like an out-of-control supernatural bus, rushing through the dark crowd. Any supernatural beings that stood in front of him would be repulsed.

The first ghost holding a black umbrella is the most unlucky.

Before attacking Yang Jian, the hatchet had already chopped off Li Gui's hand holding the black umbrella. The black umbrella fell to the ground, and Li Gui's body was gradually exposed to the heavy rain. .

However, the ghost that was soaked in the heavy rain began to melt rapidly, blending into the surrounding rain, and finally completely disappeared from sight.

The second ghost blocking the front was also uncomfortable. Yang Jian's body was directly bumped into it. Li Gui was completely unable to resist and was knocked away. The umbrella in his hand also fell to the ground.

The third one did the same thing. Yang Jian raised his hand and knocked it to the ground. Then it fell into silence and never got up again.

The fourth one, the fifth one.

The terrifying supernatural being retreated in front of Yang Jian, and the evil ghosts that surrounded him could not stop him. Obviously, Yang Jian, who has grown up to this day, is no longer what he used to be.

Perhaps any evil ghost here could cause a terrible supernatural event if placed outside, but they would not be able to fight against the current Yang Jian.


The vicious dog in Yang Jian's mind was roaring, and it seemed that there was some kind of supernatural force attacking his consciousness. But unfortunately, Yang Jian had no shortcomings now. If the unknown supernatural being wanted to invade his consciousness, he had to get past the vicious dog. That level.

But in terms of consciousness, Guimeng is the top supernatural being. He has not found anything that can repel the vicious dog. Therefore, when the roar of the vicious dog sounds in his mind, it means that a fierce ghost will be killed. Tear into pieces.


A cold body was knocked out by Yang Jian.

At this moment, Yang Jian found that the front was empty, and there was no longer a black ghost holding an umbrella, which meant that he had broken out of the siege of the ghosts.

But a new siege is forming.

As long as he was soaked in the rain, the evil ghosts around him would appear one after another without stopping.

Yang Jian looked back and saw a bunch of black umbrellas left where he passed.

Maybe the real umbrella is hidden inside.

However, Yang Jian was too lazy to look for them one by one. He whispered again and let the wishing ghost guide him.

The same wish as before appeared.

Yang Jian raised the spear in his hand again, but this time the red spear did not point forward, but in a direction behind him.

That direction is a new direction, not the route we have just taken.

The emergence of this situation means that the ghost holding the real umbrella is always moving and does not stay in one position waiting for Yang Jian to approach.

"Are you playing hide and seek with me?" Yang Jian's eyes darkened, and the direction he pointed at when he raised his spear shifted slightly.

However, the ghosts in that area were all moving, and they all looked the same. It was impossible to tell which ghost held the umbrella he was looking for.

Yang Jian was in no hurry to act.

He is thinking.

If Yang Jian acted as before, there would be no doubt that his efforts would be in vain, because the ghost would definitely change its direction again.

"If I move faster, can I catch the ghost before it changes position?"

But after a short period of thinking, Yang Jian didn't think of any particularly good method, only one method that was not a solution.

Give it a try.

Yang Jian decided to give it a try.

So he took action again.

However, this time he did not use the magic power of the hatchet, but just relied on himself to forcefully knock away the evil ghost blocking the front, because this way he could save a lot of time.

Yang Jian ran very fast in the heavy rain, which was different from ordinary people. The ghosts blocking him still couldn't resist. As soon as they came into contact, they would be knocked away immediately, and they couldn't even delay for a second.

As the ghost was knocked away, black umbrellas were also thrown everywhere.

Yang Jian didn't need to distinguish between true and false at this moment, he just needed to move forward in the direction pointed by the spear.

"Has the direction changed again?"

Just when he was about to break out of the siege of the ghosts again, the spear in his hand pointed to a new direction again. That direction was no longer in front, but on the left.

There was no other way, Yang Jian could only stop immediately and make a change, rushing towards the new direction.

He moved equally quickly, rushing through countless people holding umbrellas.

Many strange people were knocked away again, and the umbrellas in their hands fell to the ground.

This time Yang Jian had a feeling that he would soon be close to the real umbrella.

In front, a dense crowd gathered, making people feel oppressive and breathless. These people were like thick walls. Walking through them seemed to be swallowed up, and nothing could be seen around them. , all sight lines are blocked.

Yang Jian stayed in the heavy rain for too long.

So much so that the number of ghosts gathered has reached an astonishing level.

This kind of quantity made Wang Shan in the room tremble with fear.

"There was a huge crowd, was Yang Jian buried alive by this group of people?" Wang Shan tried to look out, looking for traces of Yang Jian.

But the group of ghosts holding black umbrellas kept wandering around, as if forming waves. There was no trace of Yang Jian at all. Only a few scattered black umbrellas could be vaguely seen flying into the air, and then slowly fell down.

But that still doesn't help.

Because the new ghosts coming in can quickly fill the remaining vacancies.

"It's too reckless. If this continues, he will be eaten alive. But he should have expected this situation. Why would he choose to do this?" Wang Shan was worried and puzzled.

"Wait, something's wrong."


Wang Shan made another different discovery.

Because there were too many ghosts holding umbrellas nearby, the black umbrellas were now connected together, blocking the heavy rain above their heads.

Yang Jian walked through it and avoided being exposed to heavy rain for a long time.

Therefore, many ghosts who gathered around quietly dispersed unconsciously.

"This should be the limit among the ghost umbrellas. Instead of causing harm to Yang Jian, too many ghosts provided some help. But even if the surrounding ghosts no longer gathered together, he could successfully find the one Umbrella?" Wang Shan continued to watch from the side.

At this moment, Yang Jian was still shuttling between countless black umbrellas. The red spear in his hand guided the direction, bringing him closer and closer to the real umbrella.

But such a desperate squandering of his supernatural power also caused the ghost in Yang Jian's body to intensify its resurgence.

It’s been a long time since the evil spirit revived.

This moment reappeared in the body.

Obviously, Yang Jian's limit is coming soon. It is conceivable that he, who could have lived for nine days, will definitely not have more than three days left at this time. If this supernatural incident cannot be ended, he will definitely die due to the resurrection of the ghost. Die here.

But hard work pays off.


The spear in Yang Jian's hand hit the ground with a bang, and the force that guided him forward suddenly disappeared.

The disappearance of this power represents the end of the wish and the completion of the wish.

The umbrella he was looking for was nearby.

Yang Jian immediately stopped, stared at the surroundings, and then immediately raised the hatchet in his hand.

There was no time to find the real umbrella, so the only option was to dismember all the nearby ghosts, snatch all the umbrellas from their hands, and then let Wang Shan try them one by one.

The method is simple, but it sure works.

So the hatchet in Yang Jian's hand chopped down again.

The ghosts nearby were being dismembered, and black umbrellas fell to the ground.

It wasn't until Yang Jian cleared away the ghosts around him that he made another wish.

The red spear vibrated, but no longer guided Yang Jian's direction.

"Successful." Yang Jian stopped and saw the umbrellas on the ground nearby.

There are not many umbrellas, only about twenty umbrellas, and the real umbrellas are hidden among them.

But now the heavy rain was too heavy. Yang Jian stood under the heavy rain again. At the same time, there were fierce ghosts nearby who were besieging him. These ghosts were so dense that there was no end in sight.

At this moment Yang Jian was in trouble.

If he continues to fight against these ghosts, he won't be able to find the real umbrella at all. But if he retreats now, the umbrella he finally got may be taken away by these ghosts later.

"We can't retreat, we have to hold on a little longer."

Yang Jian took a deep breath and tried to use the deceptive ghost's necklace to resurrect Wang Shan and ask him to help him find the real umbrella.

But the charlatan's supernatural power failed.

As soon as Wang Shan's illusory figure appeared, it was immediately washed away by the heavy rain. There was no way to revive it in the heavy rain.

"Then use Ghost Lake"

Yang Jian immediately changed his mind and planned to let the water ghost in the ghost lake do Wang Shan's work.

But as soon as the cold lake water appeared, it immediately mixed into the surrounding water. In the end, the supernatural entanglement was no longer under his control. Even if Yang Jian released all the ghost lakes, it would be of no avail.

Apparently, the supernatural power of Ghost Lake was also blocked by the heavy rain.

At this moment, Yang Jian felt like he was unable to use his strength. A heavy rain actually blocked several of his supernatural powers.

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