Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1286 The person walking out of the oil painting

On the playground of the abandoned Shuangqiao Town Primary School, a group of ghost masters representing the top of the supernatural circle are currently engaged in a fierce supernatural confrontation.

With just one move, it was an unreserved killing move that was bound to kill the opponent on the spot.

The supernatural confrontation is full of uncertainties and dangers. If you are not careful, even a captain-level ghost controller will die on the spot.

While Zhang Xianguang was fighting with several captains.

Not far from Shuangqiao Town Primary School.

Several people were watching this place, and they didn't dare to get close, because the ghosts had been lured over and surrounded the place, forming a death battle field. Anyone who came close would trigger the ghosts' killing pattern.

"Not one of the eight captains will be left behind. Zhang Xianguang's life is worth it. Not to mention that he can kill everyone in one go. Even if he only needs to fight half of them, Guizhan can kill all the remaining people. This is a battle. A battle with no winner.”

An old man with age spots looked solemnly, looking at the area blocked by darkness.

His name is Zhang Xian, and he is also from Shuangqiao Town. Although he looks older, in fact he can only be regarded as a junior in front of Zhang Xianguang.

"Is this the purpose of him asking me to attract ghosts? He is indeed ruthless. He wants to use his own life to replace the eight captains of the headquarters. If this succeeds, no one in the supernatural circle can stop his plan."

Chen Qiaoyang said with narrowed eyes.

Zhang Xian said calmly: "This is the safest option. If the eight captains join forces and fight to the end, Zhang Xianguang will most likely lose. And we can't afford to lose, we can only win, so we have to use this extreme method."

"If a few of us join forces, we may not be able to defeat each other."

Chen Qiaoyang said: "You also know my methods, and there is no disadvantage in dealing with this kind of prepared battle."

"I know, but the opponent is not simple, and he also has back-ups. Zhang Xianguang will not bet on this move at such a critical moment, and I don't recommend it," Zhang Xian said.

Chen Qiaoyang nodded and said: "Understood, after decades of planning, I definitely don't want the final battle to determine the outcome. Otherwise, it would be unfair to lose one game and lose the whole game. Since we have to fight, we must fight meaningfully. Now The ghosts have surrounded it, so what are we doing here?"

Then he asked again.

Zhang Xian said: "To prevent the plan from failing, let the ghosts lose control when necessary, increase the number of ghosts to suppress, and give the remaining captains the most fatal blow to prevent a few surviving captains from escaping."

"I see."

Chen Qiaoyang squinted his eyes and said, "No wonder you need me to watch here."

"They already lost the moment they entered Shuangqiao Town Primary School." Zhang Xian said, "This is a world of ghost paintings, and they can't escape."

"Then I really have to wait and see how those captains died in the end."

Chen Qiaoyang was also looking forward to it.

Zhang Xian turned his head and looked in another direction at this moment: "While all the captains are fighting here, we can almost start taking action over there."

What he was referring to was the Ghost Post Office in Dahan City.

And in the ghost post office.

Sun Ruijie stood at the door with a cane, looking at the gray sky outside, his brows furrowed, showing a look of deep worry.

"The supernatural erosion is getting more and more serious. It looks like the whole city will be shrouded in the ghost realm of ghost paintings in a while. I don't know if Yang Jian and the others can stop it in time. If it's too late, If so, the city will probably be doomed."

He was very worried at the moment because he was the person in charge of Dahan City.

After being in charge of the city for so long, now I can only watch the supernatural beings appear, but I am powerless.

But what Sun Rui didn't notice was.

In the world of oil painting.

The real Zhang Xianguang is still staying in the ghost post office. He is silent, just sitting quietly in a corner, thinking about time silently in his heart.

There is no concept of time in oil paintings, so he can only make a rough estimate based on what was in his mind after Yang Jian left at that time.

This time cannot be too early or too late.

Exposure too early will increase unnecessary risks, but appearing too late will affect the smooth progress of the plan, so it is stuck at a very critical point.

"I don't know when I can get out of this hellish place. I have been trapped here for so long that I have almost forgotten what the outside world is like."

From the ghost post office in the oil painting, voices of complaint came again.

Sounds like this happen every day, no wonder.

"I feel like this ghost painting is very likely to get out of control, and this is also an opportunity for us."

"Opportunity? I think it's a crisis. If there is a supernatural incident, many people will die outside."

While these people were talking, some people looked at Zhang Xianguang and Zhang Xianguang in the corner.

"Hey, Zhang Xianguang, what are you trying to do out there? You're both killing the captain and making ghost paintings. I feel like you're planning something big, and you seemed to be hiding something in what you just said to Yang Jian."

I thought Zhang Xianguang would not answer, but unexpectedly, Zhang Xianguang stood up slowly in the corner.

"It's almost time."


Zhang Xianguang in the oil painting smiled slightly: "I said, it's almost time, I should leave here."

"Leave here? Zhang Xianguang, are you confused? We are all painted people. We are not real. We can only exist in the world of oil paintings. We can never leave. Even suicide is difficult to do. We can only be like The dead souls generally linger here forever, unable to be free."

Someone stared at him strangely, as if the Zhang Xianguang in front of him seemed strange for a moment.

He doesn't look like the person he usually knows.

Zhang Xianguang didn't speak, just walked out minding his own business.

The others stared at him in confusion, not knowing why.

"If you don't want to explain, no matter what you want to do, I will stop you."

At this time, Yang Xiao came out and stood at the door of the ghost post office, blocking his way.

"You're right. If you don't explain, you can't get out of here."

Others also noticed Zhang Xianguang's weirdness. Being reminded by Yang Xiao, they immediately stepped forward and blocked his way.

A group of at least a dozen people were all former messengers from the fifth floor. They were not considered to be the top ghost controllers outside, but they could also be considered a huge supernatural force.

Zhang Xianguang said: "Explanation? That's fine. Considering that we have been together for so many years, I really should give you an explanation, so that you will not be kept in the dark until now."

"But this matter is a long story. I have other things to be busy with, so I'll keep it short."

"Actually, I am different from you. You are supernatural beings painted in oil paintings, but I am not. I am a normal living person."

"Are you kidding? A normal living person? You have lived in an oil painting for more than ten years, and you actually say you are a normal living person? Do you think I am blind?" someone immediately retorted.

Yang Xiao also frowned: "You have been here since I sent the last letter. Normal ghost controllers cannot be immune to the influence of supernatural powers for more than ten years, nor can they not eat or drink. Under the circumstances, you can still maintain the normal functions of your body. Even if you are an alien, you cannot maintain this state forever."

"Yes, so I have another identity, that is, the manager of the post office. Only as a manager can I stay in the post office forever, remain the same for more than ten years, and integrate perfectly into you. "Zhang Xianguang said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

The news was revealed, which was no less than a bolt from the blue for them.

"Are you the manager of the post office?" Yang Xiao stared at him.

Zhang Xianguang nodded and said: "Yes, to be precise, I am the third manager, and the Sun Rui outside is the fourth manager. After all, the Ghost Post Office did not say that only one manager is allowed to exist."

"Okay, that's the basic thing. You should actually thank me, because I have made the ghost paintings cover the entire Dahan City. I will succeed soon. Once successful, you in the oil paintings will be able to enter the ghost world. The world of painting, escape from this narrow place, and if you are lucky, you can still see your former relatives and friends. I believe that the days to come will not be boring."


They were stunned for a moment, then understood, and their eyes suddenly shrank.

"You lunatic, want to drag the whole city into a ghost painting?"

"That's wrong, it's not the whole city, but all the cities and all the people. Only by staying in the world of ghost paintings can we isolate ourselves from supernatural attacks and ensure that everyone lives a safe life." Zhang Xianguang said seriously and coldly. .

"I hope that by then you will become my companions, not disruptors, but now, it is not the time for you to make a choice."

"What if I kill you here?" Yang Xiao narrowed his eyes and asked.

Zhang Xianguang said: "I am the manager of the post office. You can't kill me unless I die in the post office."

"Then let you sleep forever."

Yang Xiao strode forward. His figure gradually blurred and was about to disappear. At the same time, a strong sense of sleepiness affected Zhang Xianguang.

"Yang Xiao, you are a genius. If you grow up for more than ten years without doubting that you can really do it, but you are dead, so now I have to change my opponent for this game."

Zhang Xianguang did not dare to hesitate, so as not to be dragged into the nightmare, he immediately took a step forward. An exit immediately appeared in front of him. He followed this sudden gap and really walked out of the world of oil painting.

Yang Xiao failed to stop it, and his supernatural power could not affect people outside the painting.

"What he said is true, he really stepped out of the world of oil painting." Others were shocked.

Zhang Xianguang looked back and said to Yang Xiao in the world of oil painting: "When I succeed, we will play chess again."

Subsequently, the exit was closed.

The view outside the post office is cut off.


Zhang Xianguang appeared in the lobby on the first floor of the apartment again, and he saw Sun Rui standing at the door.

Sun Rui also noticed it and turned around to look at him.

"You are Zhang Xianguang, and you actually walked out of the oil painting. How is this possible?" Sun Rui was shocked.

"Nothing is impossible, because I am not a person in the oil painting. If Yang Jian can come in and out freely, so can I." Zhang Xianguang said casually.

Sun Rui immediately thought of something after hearing this: "Are you the real Zhang Xianguang, the third post office manager?"

"Correct answer. It seems that you are not stupid, but just a little weak." Zhang Xianguang nodded.

But the next moment.


There was a loud noise, and the apartment door was knocked open by a strong force.

A man in his early thirties strode in: "The plan can begin, everything is ready."

"Nie Yingping, you did a good job, everything went smoothly." Zhang Xianguang's face was expressionless, as if he expected it.

At this moment, the man named Nie Yingping placed the huge oil painting in his hand heavily on the ground.

The oil painting was covered with black cloth and the appearance could not be clearly seen, but a feeling told Sun Rui that this was a ghost painting, but it should not be the real source ghost painting, but a derivative.

"Let's go." Zhang Xianguang said.

He wants to use this oil painting to leave here. Only in this way can he leave here without leaving the ghost post office.

Nie Yingping stared at Sun Rui and said, "What should he do? He is also the manager of the post office."

"Ignore it, he can't interfere with what we want to do, and now it's too late for him to know. Even if he wants to stop it, he can't do anything, because I am also the manager of the post office, and no matter what he does, I can change it back. "Zhang Xianguang ignored Sun Rui. Either he doesn't step out, or he will succeed once he steps out.

So Sun Rui's existence is not important to him.

Anyway, it was he, not Sun Rui, who finally controlled the ghost paintings and controlled everything.

Sun Rui's face was particularly ugly. He held the cane tightly, veins popped out, and he wanted to fight the opponent desperately, but he knew that he was no opponent, and even his identity as a post office manager did not give him any advantage.

Nie Yingping nodded, uncovered the black cloth, and revealed the ghost painting.

Zhang Xianguang walked into the world of ghost paintings without hesitation and disappeared into the ghost post office.

"What a waste. Are you worthy of being the fourth manager?"

Nie Yingping glanced at Sun Rui, then turned and left with the ghost painting.


Sun Rui felt powerless at this moment. He understood that he was not the manager he had fought for, but was promoted to him by Yang Jian.

"However, you will regret your ignorance today. The reason why I don't fight you is because I know I can't stop you by myself, but it doesn't mean that I don't have a way."

He gritted his teeth, picked up his cane and struck it hard on the ground.

next moment.

Huge oil paintings appeared on the walls.

Those portraits are of fifth-floor couriers from all generations of the post office.

At this moment, all the messengers on the fifth floor looked at Sun Rui.

With a gloomy face, Sun Rui opened a secret compartment on the wall and took out a huge painting.

This painting is also covered with black cloth.

It is exactly the same as the ghost painting that Nie Haiping held in his hand just now.

Because this is also a ghost painting, although it is only a derivative.

This ghost painting was sent by Yang Jian himself.

At that time, Sun Rui already knew that Zhang Xianguang had problems and was investigating him, so he secretly hid the painting at that time.

Zhang Xianguang seemed to be in a hurry to leave and didn't care about this matter.

I don’t know if it’s a piece of cake or if I don’t take it seriously.

"I also have a ghost painting. Are you willing to enter it and stop Zhang Xianguang?" Sun Rui stared at everyone's oil paintings and asked.

"Is it the one that Yang Jian sent at that time? Then don't waste time, let us go in, and we will help you stop that Zhang Xianguang." Yang Xiao said.

"He is a manager and cannot be killed. Half-dead souls like us are unlikely to be his opponents, but I also want to give it a try and see if I can make changes."

"This guy wants to drag everyone into the world of ghost paintings. He wants to kill everyone. Although I really want to see my family, I don't want to meet them in the world of ghost paintings. That would be too cruel."

The dead souls in all the oil paintings were all excited and unanimous in their opinions. They wanted to stop Zhang Xianguang and were unwilling to see his plan succeed.

After all, it’s hard to accept such a crazy plan.

"Whether you are sincere or you are lying to me, but now I have no choice but to believe you. The fate of people like us is already very miserable. If you don't want everyone to be like us, living in a world of ghost paintings Li, please help me." Sun Rui took a deep breath and said.

After he made his sincere plea, without any hesitation, he opened the black cloth covering the ghost painting.

He covered one of the paintings with ghost paintings.

Oil paintings and ghost paintings touch each other.

A channel connecting each other is opened.

Hospital No. 444. New Black Tinder book is on the shelves. Recommended.

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