Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1109 People sinking into the water

The boat is sinking.

This sudden change disrupted everyone's plans.

According to the situation just now, this black boat is enough to carry everyone's weight. Although there are waves on the ghost lake and the boat is swaying, there is no sign of sinking.

But now

The cold lake water spread under the feet, and the black boat could no longer float, and kept sinking into the ghost lake.

And the lake water here is not the lake water that I came into contact with when I was in Zhongzhou City.

We have arrived at the source of the ghost lake, and the water here is even weirder. Even the ghost controller has a feeling of being unable to struggle and gradually sinking when he comes into contact with it. And as the sinking continues, this feeling becomes stronger.

It seemed that there was an invisible force pulling him down into the depths of the lake, sinking him forever.

The ship sank very quickly and the process was irreversible.

what to do?

Yang Jian, Liu San, Li Jun, and A Hong were all thinking about how to deal with such a crisis.

"I'm going to use the ghost domain. Let's get out of the ghost lake first. We can't sink, otherwise everyone will die here." As Li Jun spoke, the ghost fire burned again.

His gloomy ghost realm enveloped everyone on the boat and tried to lead them out of the ghost lake.

But it was beyond expectation.

Although Li Jun's ghost domain was covered, there was no way to move everyone away from the ghost lake. The gloomy will-o'-the-wisp flickered erratically, sometimes extinguishing, sometimes lighting up again, as if it was very unstable.

"My ghost realm is being disturbed. Yang Jian needs you to take action. Your ghost realm can function just like before. Yang Jian, are you listening?" he shouted hurriedly.

But Yang Jian didn't respond.

Liu San said: "There is something wrong with him, as if he was eroded by a ghost lake."

"Damn it, why is this happening to a normal person? Everything was going smoothly before." A Hong was extremely anxious, and she looked at Yang Jian.

Yang Jian was all wet at the moment, and water seemed to be leaking out of his body. At a glance, he knew that he had been eroded by the supernatural, and he was sinking faster than anyone else.

"It happens to be at this time." Li Jun gritted his teeth and thought quickly.

"Li Jun, this can't go on. Let's retreat temporarily. The ship sank and Yang Jian himself has problems. We have no way to fight against Ghost Lake in this situation." Liu San said.

He knew that Li Jun must have a retreat plan, otherwise he would never dare to enter the ghost lake so recklessly.

A Hong also said immediately: "This situation is not right. Li Jun, please retreat temporarily. We cannot continue. We are about to sink."

"Leaving now means leaving Shen Lin here. He will not be able to retreat. If an accident occurs, it will be like burying a captain again. It will be even more difficult to come back next time." Li Jun said.

Although he has a way to retreat, he doesn't really want to retreat.

Because of this withdrawal, it will be too difficult to solve the ghost lake.

"It is better not to retreat than to destroy the group here. Yang Jian has a problem now. If there is no problem, we can continue to attack." Liu San urged.

At this moment, the boat was sinking, and the lake water had reached everyone's waist. Basically half of the body was already in the lake water. It was useless to struggle at this time.

The ghost lake can submerge everything, and even ghosts can sink into it. Even captain-level figures will find it difficult to gain a foothold here without targeted means.

I originally thought that even if the black boat couldn't carry everyone, at least two people in the team would have a ghost domain to protect themselves.

Who would have thought that something would go wrong with Yang Jian at the critical moment.

"My body is unconscious and I can't even control the ghost." Yang Jian's face looked ugly at the moment. He stood there unable to move.

His whole body was extremely cold at the moment, water was constantly leaking from the skin on his body, and his whole body was numb, as if frozen, and his movements were affected.

Not only that, the ghosts were all affected, as if they were trapped in this body, unable to struggle or regain control of the body.

The water overflowing from the body has strong supernatural power, like a cage trapping the ghost in Yang Jian's body.

This is the first time such a situation has occurred.

Even Yang Jian didn't know why he became like this.

Without any warning, everything happened suddenly.

"It's impossible for Guihu to suddenly attack me. Shen Lin must have done something before that caused me to be implicated by Guihu. What did he do in my memory?" Yang Jian realized the problem. reason.

But now is not the time to think about that.

Li Jun failed to use the ghost domain and was unable to fish everyone out of the ghost lake, but he could only freeze in place and remain motionless.

The rate of sinking continues.

Liu San and A Hong urged Li Jun to retreat temporarily.

But Li Jun hesitated. He didn't want to abandon his comrade Shen Lin, nor did he want to run away from the battlefield. This was unacceptable to him.

But he couldn't watch the remaining people sink into the ghost lake and be destroyed here.

In this time of crisis, personal decision-making is very important.


Li Jun roared low at this moment, but he still made a decision: "Retreat, I will take you out of Ghost Lake."

The voice fell.

His will-o'-the-wisp burned again, and it was burning a little differently now. The Ping An Building reappeared in the will-o'-the-wisp, and that building existed in both reality and the supernatural world.

At the moment, only Li Jun can take everyone away from here through this extreme method.

"Go to Ping An Building and take this opportunity to get out of here," Li Jun said.

However, he was not done yet.

He suddenly noticed something and looked down slightly.

I don't know when my feet underwater seemed to be entangled with something.

It was long black hair floating in the water. Under the impact of the water waves, a female corpse approached him intentionally or unintentionally.

Once the corpse came into contact with Li Jun, it immediately became extremely heavy.

It's like there are countless lead weights tied to the body.


Li Jun didn't even have a chance to struggle or resist. He was immediately pulled into the water and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Li Jun."

The sudden change shocked A Hong and Liu San.

Li Jun's sudden sinking caused the will-o'-the-wisp flame to be extinguished instantly, and the ghost realm that opened the way to Ping'an Building also disappeared.

The way out of here is blocked.

Suddenly, a feeling of despair spread.

Shen Lin disappeared, Yang Jian had a problem and was invaded by supernatural beings, Li Jun sank into the water, and his way out was cut off. Now only Liu San and A Hong are left.

"We can't escape, we are destined to sink to the bottom of the water."

Liu San took a deep breath and looked at A Hong: "Sure enough, coming here is a wrong choice. We can't hold on even before the ghost in the ghost lake appears."

Cold sweat broke out on Ah Hong's face. Her body was still sinking, and now only her head was left above the water.

Nothing can be done.

The lake water has flooded the body too much, and even if you want to save yourself now, it is too late. The water here can corrode the body, suppress the supernatural, and reduce the ghost controller to an ordinary person.

"If I had taken action directly from the beginning, maybe the situation would not have become so bad."

A Hong bit her lip: "Who would have thought that the three captains had problems one after another. We are so unlucky."

She is not afraid of death.

If she was afraid of death, Ahong wouldn't be able to survive today, but she was very unwilling to do so.

The four captains were obviously so powerful together, why did it become like this? Every one of them had an accident.

"Maybe someone has tampered with us to make our luck worse." Liu San had a gloomy face, and he allowed the lake water to gradually cover his chin.

A Hong looked at him suddenly, looking surprised.

"I don't believe in luck, I only believe in reality."

Liu San said: "I can understand if one person has a problem, but there is absolutely no way I can accept it if so many people have problems together. This is a supernatural circle, and the so-called accident may not be a real accident."

Under this situation, he had to wonder if someone had cursed their group.

Otherwise it is absolutely impossible.

"It's too late to say anything now, just wish yourself good luck." A Hong showed a bit of a wry smile, and she gradually sank into the lake.

There are no so-called miracles or other changes, only natural results.

"If it sinks, is there still a chance to come out alive?" Liu San took a deep breath. He looked at the cold ghost lake where countless dead bodies were soaked, with a complicated emotion in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he also sank into the water.

The cold lake swallowed everything.

There was nothing on the lake at this moment, and all the people and things had sunk into the water.

Ordinary water cannot drown the ghost master.

At least the captains who have become aliens cannot be drowned in water. They can survive without eating, drinking or sleeping, and not breathing will not affect their survival, because their activities are supported by supernatural powers and are not normal. body functions.

However, what they sank into was a ghost lake, a lake that could submerge ghosts.

"Damn it."

Li Jun's feet were entangled in the black hair of a female corpse. He was sinking, but he was still conscious. At this moment, he wanted to get rid of the entanglement of the hair and surface again.

He was very anxious.

Because Li Jun knew that his accident would lead to the failure of the retreat, and it was even possible that everyone would be wiped out here.

"I must get out of trouble as soon as possible." Li Jun struggled and growled.

But there was nothing he could do.

After struggling for just a moment, his hands and feet shriveled up. Not only did he have no strength at all, it was also very difficult for him to move his hands and feet freely.

He felt that the lake water invaded his body and suppressed the will-o'-the-wisp in his body, causing him to become supernaturally unbalanced.

In the end, Li Jun was left with only a piece of human skin floating under the lake.

His will-o'-the-wisp was still burning and dancing in the water, emitting an eerie green light, but to no avail.

And the most deadly thing is that the dye on Li Jun's face is peeling off little by little. An unfamiliar and cold face is gradually revealed.

The influence of the ghost lake caused the ghost makeup A Hong painted on human skin to fade.

Once all the makeup fades away, Li Jun will no longer be Li Jun, but a human skin ghost.

"Even Ahong, Liu San, and Yang Jian sank into the water."

In the water, Li Jun's sunglasses slipped down. Will-o'-the-wisps danced in his empty eye sockets, and he saw the people above who also fell into the water.

He couldn't accept this result.

Hope someone can change this situation.

Li Jun finally looked at Yang Jian, the guy who could create miracles.

But Yang Jian remained silent, just maintaining a standing posture, still holding the cracked spear in his hand, sinking like a sculpture.

It seemed that at this moment, Yang Jian was unable to create a miracle.

"Wait a minute, something seems to be floating." Suddenly, Li Jun's remaining vision saw something unusually floating from the bottom of the water to the surface of the lake.

He saw clearly.

That's a paper boat.

"It was the paper boat that Yang Jian was carrying before, and he put it on the wooden boat. The wooden boat sank just now, but this little paper boat actually floated." Li Jun saw it in his eyes, but he couldn't go Grab the paper boat.

Because the paper boat was five meters away from him.

Not to mention that he can't reach out now, even if he reaches out, he can't grab it.

The paper boat kept rising, floating past Li Jun, past Yang Jian, and past A Hong, and finally surfaced directly out of the water.

The surface of the lake rippled, and the floating paper boats swayed on the water, as if paying homage to the dead souls.

But at this time, what can a small paper boat change?

Nothing can be changed.

"I have already sunk into the ghost lake, and my body can't move yet."

Yang Jian was conscious at this moment. Guihu suppressed the spirit, but could not destroy his consciousness.

He tried to move, but his whole body was cold and numb, and he still couldn't control it.

"Damn it, if this continues, I'm afraid I will sink here forever like the previous ghosts."

Yang Jian saw Gan Qian anxious in his eyes.

If he hadn't suffered from physical abnormalities, he wouldn't have been like this at all. He could have used the Ghost Domain to escape from here with the help of Li Jun's Ping An Building.

He can even use supernatural items.

However, all preparations and plans were shattered.

Even Yang Jian himself didn't know why such a thing happened to him.

But in his memory four years ago.

Yang Jian himself didn't even notice it on the school playground that day.

A supernatural confrontation continues.

The vicious dogs stored in the memory now gathered into a group, biting the fierce ghost.

The pale flesh and blood were scattered all around, and body fragments were everywhere.

The evil ghost in the ghost lake controlled Shen Lin and invaded Yang Jian's memory, but now he was torn to pieces by these vicious dogs.

There were wreckage all over the ground, not a single piece was complete.

Memory intrusion failed.

But failure comes at a price,

Shen Lin failed to invade and was controlled by the ghost in the ghost lake. Now the ghost in the ghost lake failed to invade and was killed by a dog, so the ghost lake will also be controlled. This is the supernatural rule in memory and cannot be changed. Shen Lin, the instigator, also had to follow this rule.

The biting and growling ceased.

A group of huge black dogs were pacing on the playground, their bloodthirsty red eyes staring at the remaining flesh and blood of the evil spirits on the ground, still vigilant.

But the outcome was decided, and the world of memory began to collapse.

The school is disappearing, the playground is disappearing, the wreckage on the ground is disappearing. Even the black wolfhound is gradually disappearing.

But this is Yang Jian's memory.

The master of memory, Yang Jian, will not disappear.

He survived and so he will inherit what is left.

According to the supernatural rules, Yang Jian will replace the ghost in the ghost lake, gain everything, and become the biggest winner.

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