Myriad Paths

Chapter 1012: Xiantian’s Learning

Li Qi looked at the infinitely spreading tree-like space-time. This thing perfectly explained what "splitting" meant. Starting from one end point, all possibilities formed layers of parallel space-time in the form of bifurcations.

The life living in it may develop some kind of jumping technology one day, jumping from one parallel universe to another, and even connecting all parallel universes.

Imagine that a genius invented a method of traveling to infinite parallel universes at any time and in any space, then this genius can have all his inventions and all his wisdom in all parallel universes.

It only takes a moment for all geniuses in parallel universes to merge into one, and he will reach an agreement with all of himself, so that infinite branches will form an organic whole, and the wisdom of geniuses will be combined into a super-intelligent complex.

If it can succeed without splitting, it may even be possible to give birth to an existence similar to "Li Qi".

"So, let's go and talk to Xiantian. You see, he is learning from you." Zhu Fengdan patted Li Qi's head.

Li Qi sighed: "You are not learning from me, you are learning from... Taiyi?"

"Haha, you are still learning from Taiyi, but you can't even touch Taiyi's edge with just these three or two moves." Zhu Fengdan laughed loudly, not hiding his contempt at all.

So, the next moment, a sudden force fell from the sky.

The sudden force attacked and hit Zhu Fengdan's forehead fiercely.

Simple and crude brute force is similar to the golden monkey.

There is no doubt that brute force is also one of the underlying logics of this world, so Zhu Fengdan flew out directly.

What time and space, there was no time and space before the Big Bang. As long as the force is strong enough, no matter the rule system ability is bullshit.

Seeing the teacher flying out, Li Qi immediately bowed and said: "Hello Xiantian, we meet again."

"Ah... It's you, your progress is so fast, much faster than me." Xiantian appeared in front of Li Qi.

At this moment, Xiantian's form is human.

However, it looks very strange.

Neither male nor female, he is bald, with delicate eyebrows and eyes, blending the aggressiveness of the masculine and the softness of the feminine. He has no clothes, but also no features, and his whole body is flat.

He has no hair, no bumps or depressions, even his nails are not long, there are no fingerprints on his fingers, and there are no pores on his skin.

He looks like an unfinished clay figure.

"Is this... imitating Haotian?" Li Qi did not hide it, but asked directly.

This posture is indeed strange, but it is a human form after all.

All human forms are imitating Haotian, who is the first consciousness since the creation of the world.

"Imitation? No, I want to surpass Haotian." Xiantian made a voice that could not be distinguished between male and female, with a little echo, and said proudly.

"So, these branches also want to surpass Taiyi?" Li Qi looked at the endless branch time and space.

"Of course, it's just in the experimental stage. By the way, I heard you are looking for me?" Xiantian asked.

"Yes, when I was dealing with the demons before, I always wanted to find you. Even now, I haven't stopped. I just had no way to get you. Now I finally see you." Li Qi said to Xiantian.

"You want me to fight against the demons? I advise you to go back. I won't do it." Xiantian replied.

Li Qi smiled bitterly.

This is probably why the teacher didn't tell him the contact information.

Teacher Zhu should know that it is impossible to find Xiantian for the reason of destroying demons, so he is too lazy to move.

"Let's talk about fighting against the demons later. This time we come here to ask you to help with some small things."

"What about the reward?" Xiantian was very straightforward and didn't drag his feet at all.

"How about the more perfect structure formed by these branches as a reward?" Li Qi said, revealing his body.

If it is endless branches, he is now considered a veteran. This is Taiyi's personal seal. 'Our bodies are almost done. ’

Li Qi’s Dharma body was revealed, presenting a huge possibility that was frightening and dizzying.

There were complete reflections everywhere, and endless reflections everywhere. It seemed that all objects could be seen here, with both overall and infinite details, and no blind spots in all angles.

It was like a mirror reflecting a mirror, two mirrors facing each other, and then projecting infinite projections. These infinite projections were both unrelated to each other and coherent.

Everything was so chaotic, the chaos of flowing light and color made people dizzy, but this was the representative of endless possibilities. From these projections, slices of time and space could be seen.

In these projections, Li Qi’s body depicted a detailed picture of every moment for billions of years.

From birth to death, Li Qi accurately explored the endless possibilities of reality and easily found the one that suited him best.

He could easily manipulate a certain node and make precise fine-tuning. After the adjustment, both the ‘past’ and the ‘present’ changed.

Li Qi will regain a present that he wants more, and then based on this present, he will face the future, recalculate and look for the wonderful possibility, repeating over and over again, without stopping.

Endless and eternal time and space slices, countless Li Qi, constitute countless new real possibilities, endless and endless...

The swirling time and space are still constantly breaking and jumping in front of him, and finally a flash of inspiration came, and they seemed to be combined into a new thing, and then flashed by.

This is the result that Li Qi is proud of now, and it is also the foundation for him to recognize the existence of all things in reality. In these endless possibilities and branches, Li Qi can face all possibilities calmly without worrying about who is fake.

However, Xiantian took a look and said, "Not as good as me."

"Puff!" Li Qi couldn't help but spit.

He looked carefully at the time slice constructed by Xiantian, and then looked at his own.

Hey, brother, you can't say such lies, people should still have some shame, right?

No matter how Li Qi looked at it, Xiantian's shabby branch universe was only the work of the third rank, and it was completely incomparable to Li Qi's.

For example, this thing didn't even touch Li Qi's heels, because Li Qi's infinite branches had already achieved 'infinite self'. In other words, under this structure, Li Qi could create infinite selves, and each self had complete power.

In other words, his power could easily expand countless times, and quantitative suppression had almost no meaning for Li Qi. Instead, Li Qi could suppress others by quantity.

In the timeline war, this trait was very advantageous. He could let himself guard every node of every slice, and there would be no loss of power. Even if it was a simple competition of brute force, as long as the opponent's essence was not higher than Li Qi, then Li Qi would not suffer in terms of the total amount of energy.

But the slices made by Xiantian in front of him were not connected to each other. Although there were endless timeline branches, these branches could not form an organic whole, and they were simply incomparable to Li Qi.

But Li Qi couldn't just start scolding, after all, he couldn't beat Xiantian, so he could only say: "Did you see clearly?"

"Yes, not as good as me." Xiantian nodded and said so.

Li Qi could only sigh at this.

Then, Li Qi stretched out his hand: "Boy, let's... have a fight?"

"Okay." Xiantian agreed.

So... about 720,000 years later.

720,000 years is nothing to them. During this period, Li Qi played a few games with Xiantian, using the time and space branches they used.

Li Qi lost.

However, his eyelids twitched slightly, looking at Xiantian.

Hey, don't talk about martial ethics, Li Qi could have won easily, but Xiantian used the power of the first grade to force it over, and he really had no way to do it.

Even if Xiantian is not a complete first grade, but just an ordinary consciousness that controls the power of the first grade, Li Qi can never be a match in the first grade.

Therefore, Li Qi could only sigh helplessly: "I lost."

"Look, I said, you are not as good as me, but... it is not without merit. Show it to me, I will give you face and take it." Xiantian replied lightly.


Li Qi was a little amused, but since the other party could realize the gap, that was enough.

So Li Qi did not hide it, but told Xiantian all these powers.

This is Li Qi's sincerity.

And Xiantian got those things and began to be dazed in the same place.

Li Qi was not in a hurry, just waiting.

About five million years later, Xiantian finally responded.

He regained his ability to move, and then said: "I don't understand."

Li Qi smiled and said: "It's normal not to understand. This thing is still very difficult, but I can teach you, but... we need your help."

"What help?" Xiantian asked again.

"Can you call my teacher back?" Li Qi said.

"Call him back, and you will teach me?" Xiantian asked.

"No... He will know what I need to help with. I am just a errand boy. You have to ask him what I need to do." Li Qi spread his hands.

"These are two different things. If you ask him to come back, you have to teach me, one thing, and another thing." Xiantian said very bluntly.

Li Qi shook his head: "Xiantian, now is not the time for you to be arrogant. We are doing an honest transaction, and everyone will benefit. If you want to be arrogant... you are just a coward. Who can you scare?"

Yes, who can you scare?

Does Xiantian really dare to kill him?

Moreover, Li Qi did not take Xiantian's appearance seriously.

He would not really regard Xiantian as a fool. At this point, the speed of thinking is far faster than the speed of light. Every action of everyone is not necessarily true. Don't look at the attitude, but look at who will benefit the most after the implementation of this matter, and look at what happened behind the scenes and what it affects.

If someone really wants to play with his brain, then everything is fake.

Carelessness after careful consideration, improvisation after prior research...

Xiantian looked at Li Qi, and then at the branches he had created.

Xiantian only needed to slightly shake something in a slice of time and space to produce a butterfly effect.

Someone would encounter something they shouldn't encounter, and a decision that was originally hesitant would be suddenly made because of it.

A meeting was called ahead of schedule, and a man who was supposed to die lived two more years. Some things that were supposed to happen didn't happen, and some things that didn't happen happened.

It was like throwing a stone into a small pond, splashing ripples.

The ripples will continue to expand, and in the next few thousand years, the changes will gradually reach their peak, the ripples will expand into a tsunami, and then slowly subside, but everything has changed.

Of course, everyone in these time and space will not be aware of the occurrence of this change, because when these objective things change, people's consciousness will also change accordingly, and they will not feel anything.

Only observers who are beyond the changes can stay out of it and watch the changes happen.

This is what Xiantian created.

Those poor lives who can never touch the real time and space travel are the creations of Xiantian.

Compared with Li Qi's great journey across time and space, the things he created will always pale in comparison.

Li Qi created living creatures who can break through the changes, observe their own changes, and then transcend to a higher level, and may even have reality through practice.

What Xiantian created was just a group of pitiful marionettes, marionettes of various forms, they always raised their little arms, stepped on their little legs, and were frozen in a moment of ordinary time and space in a funny posture, but they could not escape from it.

This is the difference between dead things and living things, a huge gap in possibilities. Li Qi created something that could break free from the shackles and create its own possibilities, while the things he created could only struggle in limited possibilities.

So, Xiantian's original arrogant expression was restrained.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Zhu Fengdan also emerged in his palm.

"Huh, this is really... long enough." Zhu Fengdan whistled easily, but still wiped his sweat. I really don't know what happened in these millions of years to make a second-grade show this posture.

Li Qi stood there, waiting for Xiantian's reaction.

Then Xiantian's humanoid body collapsed.

Along with it, the surrounding branch time and space collapsed.

The action of imitating Haotian and Taiyi was over.

Xiantian revealed his lineup.

That is... the indescribable law itself.

And this law gave birth to a layer of mind floating outside.

This thin layer of mind is the immortal heaven.

He sent out the fluctuations from his thoughts and said: "So, teach me that branch, I can consider helping you to accomplish what you want, I can go and lure Wu Xian away."

"Okay, deal." Zhu Fengdan clapped his hands immediately.

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