When Wen Wu Baiguan first saw Li Daoxuan silent, he thought that he was distressed by the remnants of his sins, but soon there were various visions?

Can anyone tell them what the hell is going on?

And just when Li Si, Meng Yi and the others were puzzled, they saw His Majesty standing up?


It was at this moment that the sky thunder exploded, and then landed with a roar.

In a trance, he was able to see the vision of an ape roaring in the mountains?

The heavenly thunder roared, easily shattering the palace, like a fierce beast roaring, carrying the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, and bombarded straight towards Li Daoxuan.

[Based on the Emperor Sutra, you combined what you know about the forging method plus what you think in your heart and combine your own situation, you have an epiphany, comprehend… Emperor Sutra – Heavenly Thunder Quenching Body].

Yes, when Li Daoxuan saw the heavenly thunder for the first time, he naturally thought of the heavenly thunder tempering body seen in the novel.

And after thinking about it, the result was really created?

Of course, creation is creation, and it depends on the specific efficacy.

The result naturally surprised Li Daoxuan!

With the roar of heavenly thunder, Li Daoxuan ran the “Emperor Sutra – Heavenly Thunder Quenching Body”.

Although I can feel the severe pain all over my body, in a blink of an eye, it turns into a warm sun and runs around my body, as if falling into a cloud.




Although the power of heavenly thunder became more and more terrifying, Li Daoxuan felt that the pain was getting smaller and smaller, but his own improvement was getting bigger and bigger?

At this time, the civil and military officials have already changed from ignorance to horror!

What’s the thing?

Is this kind of vision really because of Your Majesty?

First swallowed his saliva, and then couldn’t help but look up at the sky.

The power of that ruined Heavenly Thunder directly shattered the temple.

Even though the heavenly thunder did not slash at them, they still felt the sweat hair standing upside down, like the terrifying feeling of death with the scythe of death against the neck.

But with such a destructive force, why did it hurt His Majesty?

Let the heavenly thunder roar, but His Majesty does not move, like a mountain standing!

As the roar of heavenly thunder decreased, the dark clouds gradually dispersed.


The last thunder slashed towards Li Daoxuan, and then the thunder tribulation completely dispersed.

Which of the people who originally crossed the robbery was not chopped to death, or even died?

But today’s Li Daoxuan is full of Shutai.

There is not the slightest scar on the whole body, and it even emits a faint halo?

Now that Li Daoxuan has been tempered by heavenly thunder, his strength has naturally transformed again!

At this moment, one arm shook, and it turned out to be… Fifty thousand catties of strength?!

To know this level, even in a perfect world, it is a great pride.

After all, not everyone is an unparalleled qualification like the Barren Heavenly Emperor!

In this Daqin world, this kind of strength is invincible!

And Li Daoxuan knew that the current 50,000 jin of strength with one arm was not his limit!

[Based on the Emperor Sutra, you watched the heavenly thunder, combined what you thought in your heart and your own situation, you had an epiphany, and created… Thunder Robbery Law].

Not only that, but because of this thunder calamity, Li Daoxuan created a magical technique again!

I have to say that this anti-heavenly understanding is really shocking!

“Your Majesty… Your Majesty… This is? ”

All the civil and military officials stared at Li Daoxuan, and finally Li Si was shocked.

Li Daoxuan only came to his senses, but just as he was about to answer, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind again?

[Notice: You have been pulled into the super dimensional chat group, do you want to join?] 】

For the old bookworm, he naturally knows what the super-dimensional chat group is.

‘Join! ’

【Ding! In order to better integrate into the environment, after the newcomer joins the group chat, customize the group nickname, the format is the world in which they are located + name or title].

【Ding! Automatically generate the name Daqin – the first emperor of the ages, do you agree? 】

For this name, Li Daoxuan did not care and directly chose to accept it.

[Super Dimension Chat Group].

The Visible Girl – The Strongest Yin Yang Eye: “Excuse me…” What is this place? “[Doubts].

Shooting|Eagle-Peach Blossom Island Maiden: “Same question, why can you enter this strange place?” “[Puzzled].

Sect Master of Dooma World-Yunlan Sect: “Who are you?” ”

A leaf covering the sky – female emperor: “Strange, unnamed, undetectable, unfindable…”

Perfect Great World-Barren Heavenly Emperor: “You can communicate what you think in your mind, what kind of treasure is this?” ”

Fengyun-Tianxia will help the lord: “Female emperor? Barren Heavenly Emperor? I don’t know if I can catch the old man’s palm! ”

When Li Daoxuan saw the group members in front of him, he immediately knew who they really were.

Daqin-the Ancient Emperor: “Four valleys see the son, Huang Rong, Yunyun, the ruthless emperor, Shihao, Xiongba, this is the dimensional chat group, that is, the place where people from different planes and worlds gather together to chat, trade, etc.” ”

I really didn’t expect to be able to see these familiar faces.

[Group announcement: Daqin-Emperor of the Ages automatically becomes the chat group leader].

Become a group leader?

After tinkering, he just had privileges, but there were no practical benefits, and Li Daoxuan was immediately bored.

However, this chat group has its own unique features.

Points can be earned for checking in, completing tasks, uploading items, etc.

The role of points can not improve any attributes, luck, can only be drawn.

Don’t underestimate the lottery of this chat group, divine weapons, elixirs, exercise cheats, qi luck creation, etc., the items contained are all kinds of things.

If you are lucky, then the dragon is not just talk.

Take the No. 1 Supreme Treasure Hong Mengzhu in the Flood Desolation World, among this reward item, it is not the top!

You know, Hongmeng Pearl is a Dao-level supreme treasure born in Hongmeng, equivalent to the Dao!

And the flood and famine here, the saint is not a nuclear bomb saint, but a real ruler of the world, endured thousands of calamities without grinding, stained with cause and effect and not clean.

Always present with the heavens, exist with the Tao, know everything, can do everything!

Hongmeng Pearl contains the Hongmeng Realm, if you can refine this supreme treasure, then you can directly achieve the Dao Realm!

Above the saint is the saint of the heavenly path, and then above is the saint of the heavenly path and the avenue, and then the realm of the avenue!

From this, you can see how shocking it is!

It can only be used in the name of Xiao Huohuo, and it is terrifying!

Of course, the premise is that you have to be lucky!

However, for his world-level non-chief, it is obviously a huge challenge!


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