My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 422: The future of silicon-based chips

The rocket launch ended successfully. On the third and seventh day of the National Day, Datang Technology launched two more rockets, causing quite a stir.

This allows people to see how powerful Datang Technology’s rocket launch capabilities are, and how terrifying its technical reserves and technological background are.

With the success of launching time after time, everyone has seen the strength of Datang Technology.

At the same time, following the successful launch of three rockets, Datang Technology has a total of nine communication satellites in space.

Three days later, the mining spacecraft was assembled on the back of the moon. It carries the hope of Datang Technology's future development and is accelerating on the orbit of Mars.


People say that the memory of the Internet is only half a month. After half a month has passed, the overwhelming voice of discussions on the Internet has been weakened.

And Ye Fan didn't care much about online discussions, because whether he was supporting him or opposed to discrediting him, Ye Fan could not be defeated in speech.

At this moment, Ye Fan was rubbing his forehead, thinking about another question.

Because of the news from Tamron Chip Group, according to Ye Fan's plan, they have successfully researched and broken through to the 3nm lithography machine, and they have finished drawing the drawings and can submit production at any time.

Even they are already working on 1nm and smaller precision lithography machines, all of which seem to be thriving.

However, what troubles Ye Fan is that when the silicon-based chip breaks through to 1nm, the quantum tunneling effect will cause "electronic runaway" and cause the chip to fail.

To be precise, there is already a quantum tunneling effect at 5nm or even below 7nm.

In this case, replacing the silicon substrate of the chip may be the possibility of further development of the chip.

Although quantum computers have been developed now, but in the future, with the gradual integration of quantum transistors, quantum transistors will eventually be etched onto silicon-based chips.

Therefore, the future development of computers is nothing more than changing from electronic transistors to quantum transistors, and the essence is unchanged.

It's just that the computing power of today's quantum computers is really too NB, so it conceals the essence of not requiring integration.

Once the things that need to be calculated at that time exceed the carrying capacity of the quantum computer itself and cannot meet today's needs, then the integration of quantum computers must be considered.

The integration of circuits cannot bypass the silicon-based chip and the etching step.

As early as 2016, "Science" magazine has reported the research results of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: the world's smallest transistor, that is, the MOS2 transistor with a gate length of 1 nanometer.

Further shrinking the size of transistors is an important breakthrough to increase computer computing power and break technical bottlenecks.

The smaller the transistor, the larger the capacity on the chip, the faster the processor, and the higher the efficiency of the computer.

For many years, the computer industry has been dominated by Moore's Law, which states that the number of transistors in semiconductor circuits doubles every two years.

But looking to the future, the development of Moore's Law has already begun to run into trouble. The so-called trouble is the law of powerlessness.

Although it is technically feasible to make 7nm nodes with silicon, problems were encountered after that. Silicon transistors smaller than 7nm are precisely connected physically, and electrons will experience quantum tunneling.

The so-called quantum tunneling effect on the chip refers to the fact that electrons can continuously flow from one gate to the next, instead of staying in the expected logic gate, so this essentially makes the transistor impossible to be in the off state.

The transistor needs to be turned on and off, which represents the most essential things of the two computers, 0 and 1, in order to operate normally.

Therefore, the occurrence of quantum tunneling effect makes it impossible to manufacture chips below 3nm.

Although it is possible to manufacture 1nm lithography machines, it does not mean that the chips can also be used.

The industry has been squeezing every bit of production capacity of the silicon substrate. By converting the material into MOS2, a gate transistor with a length of only 1nm can be manufactured and controlled like a switch.

As we all know, transistors are composed of three terminals, namely source, drain and gate.

The current flows from the source to the drain and is controlled by the gate, which turns on or off the current according to the applied voltage.

Both silicon and MOS2 have a lattice structure, but the effective mass of electrons passing through silicon is smaller than mos2.

So when the gate length is 5nm or longer, the silicon transistor can work But once the gate length is less than this length, a quantum mechanical phenomenon called quantum tunneling begins to appear Up.

The gate barrier can no longer prevent electrons from flowing from the source to the drain, which means that the transistor can no longer be switched, that is, the electrons lose control.

The electrons passing through mos2 have higher quality, and their flow can be controlled through a smaller gate.

Mos2 can be shrunk to an atomic-like sheet, about 0.65 nanometers thick, and has a low dielectric constant (reflecting the material's ability to store energy in an electric field).

Therefore, when the mos2 gate length is reduced to 1 nanometer, the current flow inside the transistor can be controlled in an orderly manner.

Although the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has conducted experiments to verify the feasibility of this program, it must be emphasized that the research here is still at a very early stage.

There are more than one billion transistors on a 14-nanometer chip, and the Berkeley Lab team has not yet developed a viable method to mass-produce new 1nm transistors, or even a chip that uses such transistors.

Therefore, the way of replacing silicon substrates with mos2 is still feasible, but there is no answer in everyone's mind as to how far this routine can go.

And some idiot thoughts, for example, since the chip cannot be made smaller with the same number of transistors, the area of ​​the chip can be doubled and so on. It is very anti-intellectual to check the information carefully.

After all, there will be a lot of problems after it is big. First, the heat will cause the frequency to be unable to be increased at all. Then the only thing that can be achieved by making the chip larger is to increase the physical core of the chip.

The painful lessons of the predecessors proved that this road is totally unworkable.

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