My Spy Years

Chapter 189: Suspicious Yingzuo (subscribe to the second update)

  Chapter 189 The Suspicious Shadow Zuo (Please subscribe for the second update)

  Ying Zuoying looked at the puzzled 'Cheng Qianfan'.

   Seeing that the other party dared to 'pretend' not knowing him, he was extremely unhappy.

  Although Cheng Qianfan is not at the same level, the two parties have also had contact.

  As a man of the year at Toa Tongbun Academy, Eiichi Kagezuo is proud of her experience.

   "Cheng Jun is really a nobleman who forgets things." Ying Zuoying said in a dark way.

   Miyazaki Kentaro looked at a blank face, and then suddenly revealed a look of surprise, "Sir, you have misidentified the person."

  New friend Ryono Sakamoto asked in a low voice, "Miyazaki-kun, what's going on?"

   "I was at the entrance just now, and the police also mistook me for someone else. I was also surprised." Kentaro Miyazaki said in a low voice, with a helpless expression on his face.

   "I see." Yoshino Sakamoto nodded, and said to Eiichi Kagezuo, "Sir, you mistook the person. This is Mr. Miyazaki Kentaro from Kobe University, not the Chinese you mentioned."

   "Nani?" Ying Zuoying was puzzled when she heard the two communicate in Japanese, and took a deep look at 'Cheng Qianfan'.

   Then he noticed the difference. Although this person looks almost the same as Cheng Qianfan, there are indeed differences in speech, manner and temperament.

  Is there really such a similar person in the world?


   "Sorry, I mistook you for a Chinese friend." Kagezuo Eiichi said in Japanese, "Introduction, I am Kagezuo Eiichi, a staff member of the Imperial Consulate General in Shanghai."

   "So it's Kagesa-kun." Miyazaki Kentaro bowed slightly, "Your Excellency, Kagesaaki Akira?"

   "Kagesa military officer is my uncle." Kagesa Eiichi said with a smile, "Apologize again to Miyazaki-kun."

   "It doesn't matter." Miyazaki Kentaro said with a smile, "I'm curious, is there really a Chinese who looks very similar to me?"

   "Indeed, if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe that there would be people with such similar looks in the world." Ying Zuoying nodded, "Where did Miyazaki-kun come from in Shanghai?"

   "Traveling around, I recently went to Hangcheng and Sushan." Miyazaki Kentaro said.

   "When did you arrive in Shanghai?" Kagezuo Eiichi continued to ask.

   "Half a month ago." Miyazaki Kentaro said, he frowned, "Your Excellency is investigating me?"

   "Miyazaki-kun misunderstood." Kagezuo Eiichi took a deep look at Miyazaki Kentaro, "The anti-Japanese sentiment in China is high, and I just remind Miyazaki-kun to pay attention to safety."

   "Thank you, thank you." Miyazaki Kentaro said with a smile.

   "Excuse me, please go your own way, both of you." Ying Zuoying nodded in greeting.


  Looking at Kagezuo Eiichi who went away, the smile on Miyazaki Kentaro's face faded.

   "What's wrong?" Sakamoto Yoshino asked.

   "I don't like the way he talks." Kentaro Miyazaki shook his head, "I feel like a criminal being interrogated."

   After thinking about it, Miyazaki Kentaro said with a wry smile, "Maybe because of my personality, I don't like this person."

   "So you feel the same way." Sakamoto Yoshino said happily, "I know this person, the young master of the Kagesa family, is very arrogant, and I don't like this person either."

   "That's why you pretended not to know this person just now?" Miyazaki Kentaro asked with a smile.

  Ryono Sakamoto also laughed loudly, then he looked around and said in a low voice, "Kagezuo is a troublesome guy in Tego, we should stay away from this guy."

   Miyazaki Kentaro nodded, expressing his understanding.


   "Go, find out the identity of this person." As soon as Ying Zuoying stepped aside, she ordered in a low voice to a special high-level agent posing as a waiter.

  He didn't continue to cross-examine. Apart from feeling the other party's disgust, he didn't want to influence his judgment because of too much understanding.

  Ying Zuoyingyi doesn't trust anyone, he only believes in information, and only believes in his own most objective judgment.

   In other words, he only believes in himself with the best abilities.


   After a while, the waiter came back and reported the situation of the detection.

   "A student of Hiroyuki Taniguchi, Dean of the Faculty of Chinese Literature, Kobe University, a person from Imperial Fukushima, a troubadour Kentaro Miyazaki?"

   "Yes." The waiter nodded, "Your Excellency Imamura seems to know this person, and Professor Nagayuki Sakamoto also knows this person. The one who is with Miyazaki-kun now is the youngest son of the Sakamoto family, Ryono Sakamoto."

   Ying Zuo Yingyi was thinking, he knew Hiroyuki Taniguchi, this person had a close relationship with the Manchurian Railway, Ying Zuo Yingyi had heard of this person when he was in Manchuria.

   "It turned out to be Hiroyuki Taniguchi's student." Kagezuo Eiichi muttered to himself, "What else did you find out?"

   "Zhou Huaigu also knows this person, the two seem to be old friends from Peking."

   "Bring Zhou Huaigu here." Ying Zuoying said in a deep voice.

   Soon, Zhou Huaigu was 'invited'.


   "His Excellency Ying Zuo is looking for me? I wonder what Zhou can do for you?" Zhou Huaigu smiled and bowed.

  In the past few days, Yingzuo Yingyi is responsible for his safety. He can feel the hidden distrust and contempt of the young master of Yingzuo's family towards the Chinese, so facing Yingzuo Yingyi, Zhou Huaigu is a little uneasy.

   "Don't be nervous, Mr. Zhou, I need to ask Mr. Zhou about some things." Ying Zuoying said with a smile.

  He not only enjoys the fear and flattery of the Chinese, but also distrusts and despises the Chinese from the bottom of his heart.

   Despicable Chinese people!

   "Excuse me, Your Excellency, Zhou knows everything." Zhou Huaigu said immediately.

   "Your Excellency is very familiar with Miyazaki-kun?" Kagezuo Eiichi asked, staring at Zhou Huaigu, catching his facial expression.

  Hearing this question, Zhou Huaigu heaved a sigh of relief.

  He quickly pondered how to answer.

   is an acquaintance with a Japanese scholar and has a good relationship, which doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

  He noticed a detail just now. Heitaro Imamura, the adjutant of Eiichi Iwai, Deputy Consul General of the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai, seemed to appreciate Kentaro Miyazaki very much.

  Zhou Huaigu was very concerned about the high-level Japanese people. He knew another identity of Heutaro Imamura.

   Zhou Huaigu stayed in the north for a long time, and he felt the strength of the Japanese Kwantung Army most deeply.

  With the appreciation of Imamura Heitaro, Miyazaki Kentaro has a bright future.

  Besides, Zhou Huaigu is also very aware of the energy of Hiroyuki Taniguchi, Miyazaki Kentaro's teacher, in Mantie.

Therefore, Zhou Huaigu replied with a smile, "It turns out that you are asking Miyazaki-kun. Zhou and Miyazaki-kun are indeed acquaintances. They have tasted wine and chatted many times in Beiping and Tianjin. For a young man of the Japanese Empire like Miyazaki-kun Talented, Zhou admires him very much."

   "I see." Ying Zuoying nodded, "When was the last time you two met?"

   "Six months ago." Zhou Huaigu said, "I went to visit Professor Taniguchi, and I met Miyazaki-kun at Professor Taniguchi's apartment. Just now, Miyazaki-kun said that he liked the roast duck he had last time."

  Kage Zuoying thought to herself, half a year ago...

   "Mr. Zhou has always been close to the empire, and Kagezuo Eiichi is also willing to make friends with Mr. Zhou." Kagezuo Eiichi said with a smile.

   "Your Excellency loves you so much, Zhou is afraid." Zhou Huaigu said happily.

   Followed by a burst of flattering compliments.

   Suppressing the disgust, enjoying Zhou Huaigu's flattery, Ying Zuoying just found an excuse to dismiss Zhou Huaigu.


  Although it was confirmed from Zhou Huaigu’s mouth that Miyazaki Kentaro is indeed a real person, and Imamura Heitaro and Sakamoto Nagayuki seem to know him.

  However, Kagezuo Eiichi still couldn't let go of his doubts due to his suspicious personality.

  He glanced at Miyazaki Kentaro who was communicating with Sakamoto Ryono in a low voice. Looking at this familiar face, he would subconsciously think of Cheng Qianfan.

   "Koji." Kagezuo Eiichi whispered.

   "The subordinate is here." Koji took two steps and approached.

   "I'll give you three things." Ying Zuoying paused for a moment, "The first thing, you send someone to investigate whether Cheng Qianfan was in Shanghai half a year ago, and whether he left Shanghai for a long time?"


   "Second thing, arrange someone to check where Cheng Qianfan was and what he was doing when Miyazaki Kentaro arrived in Shanghai."


   "The third thing, you go to the central police station in the French Concession and Cheng Qianfan's home. In short, it is the place where Cheng Qianfan will appear. You must find Cheng Qianfan and confirm."

   "Kagesa-kun suspects that Miyazaki Kentaro is Cheng Qianfan pretending to be?" Koji asked softly, "Probably not, Zhou Huaigu and Your Excellency Imamura..."

  Yang Zuoying didn't speak, but just gave Koji a cold look.

   "Yes, this subordinate will go now." Koji said immediately without daring to neglect.

   "You go in person, you must confirm in person."


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  (end of this chapter)

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