My Spy Years

Vol 3 Chapter 1088: "Death of Germany in Three Months" (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 1088 "Destruction of Germany in Three Months" (ask for a monthly ticket)

   "Have the Poles been kicked in the head by a donkey?" Cheng Qianfan was shocked, "They occupied a small town in Germany!"

   "God knows what the Poles are thinking." Pete sighed, "The German head of state has long been very dissatisfied with Poland. This is tantamount to handing over the reason for the war to the Germans."

  The two came to the inner lounge, Cheng Qianfan pulled back the curtain on the wall, and a world map could be seen impressively.

  Poland is located in the eastern part of Europe.

  It borders Soviet Russia in the east, Germany in the west, Czechoslovakia in the south, and the Baltic Sea in the north. It is an important military location.

  After the First World War, according to the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, Britain and France dismembered Germany and assigned the Danzig area that originally belonged to Germany to Poland.

  In recent years, Germany has been asking Poland for the Danzig region. Poland not only strictly refused, but also took the opportunity to bite Czechoslovakia when Germany occupied the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia.

  At that time, Poland took advantage of the fire and made a territorial claim on Chesin, a Polish gathering area in northern Czechia.

  The territorial claims put forward by Poland are exactly the same as those of Germany. They both ask Czechoslovakia to cede its territory on the grounds that the local area is an ethnic inhabited area.

  However, if the Sudetenland area is indeed dominated by Germans, then the territory of Chesin requested by Poland is entirely the greed of the Poles.

  Because, even if it is the so-called superficial reason put forward by Poland, the precondition that the Teqing area is a Polish gathering area does not exist.

There are a total of 228,000 people living on this 1,650-square-kilometer land, of which 140,000 are Czechs, which means that the majority of Czechs in this land , the grounds for the so-called Polish settlements simply do not exist.

  At that time, the Poles stationed troops on the border of Czechoslovakia, and made the move to cooperate with Germany at any time to carve up Czechoslovakia by force.

  Finally, while Germany obtained the Sudeten region as it wished, Poland also obtained the Teqing region as it wished.

   It is said that the German head of state was very angry about the actions of the Poles. He angrily denounced the Poles as shameless thieves who robbed Germany of meat.

"Lugen said that the incident in the Teqing area angered their head of state. In that person's heart, the Poles offended him in this matter, even as much as the shame brought by the Danzig area." Cheng Qianfan He sneered and said.

  Lugen is a German businessman who has business dealings with Jiujiu Trading.

  In addition, this person has the background of the German Consulate General in Shanghai, which is tantamount to a semi-public German diplomatic intelligence agent.

"Do you think Germany will declare war on Poland?" Cheng Qianfan searched on the map with a magnifying glass. Obviously, he couldn't find the German town on the German-Polish border in this incident, so he could only roughly estimate its location. , and marked with a pencil.

   "It depends on the German side's propaganda on this matter." Pete said.

  Cheng Qianfan nodded, understood.

  If the German side suppressed the matter and did not allow the newspapers to report it, it means that the Germans do not want to go to war.

   On the contrary, if this matter is widely spread, it means that the Germans are ready for war:

Germany hates the "Versailles Peace Treaty" extremely, or in other words, Germans hate all oppression and aggression against the country. If this incident is known to everyone in Germany, it means that the German government has no intention of suppressing this matter, because, In this atmosphere, the Germans have no other way but to start a war!

  Then Cheng Qianfan saw Pete's serious expression, and he couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Is the German propaganda organization promoting this?"

  Peter nodded, "Now the front pages of all newspapers in Germany are photos of the dead bodies of Polish soldiers killed by the German army."

  He was a little annoyed, "What's more, the Poles also made a four-minute radio speech announcing that they occupied the town and scolded the Germans."

  Peter took the cigarette from Cheng Qianfan, and added, "It's said that scolding is terrible, and the Germans absolutely can't stand that."

   "The Poles are crazy? Don't they know what this behavior means?" Cheng Qianfan still couldn't believe it, he frowned, "Could it be that the Germans directed and acted on their own, looking for an excuse for the war?"

"There is also a lot of discussion about this in the country. Mr. Madier said that some people in the Ministry of National Defense think this is an excuse for war directed and staged by the Germans, just like..." Pete paused and made a metaphor, "It's like two years ago It's like the Japanese said that some soldiers got lost."

  Cheng Qianfan didn't like the metaphor Peter made very much.

   Neither Cheng Qianfan nor Miyazaki Kentaro like this metaphor.

   "So, some people think that this is not directed and acted by the Germans?" Cheng Qianfan showed a surprised expression, "Some people think that it was really the Poles who crossed the border and attacked and occupied the German town?"

   "Why is it impossible?" Pete shrugged, and he said with a cold snort, "My friend, you don't know the Poles, and I won't be surprised by how crazy things they do."

  He looked at Cheng Qianfan, "Don't forget the Teqing area."

   Obviously, Pete also has a bad impression of the Poles. He feels that the Poles have a deep obsession with expanding their territory and restoring the glory of their ancestors, and they have almost reached the point of obsession.

   "It doesn't matter if it's the Germans' self-directed performance, or the Polish's crazy provocation." Cheng Qianfan exhaled a puff of smoke from his nose, and said lightly, "In short, the German-Polish war is inevitable."

  Pete took a deep breath of the cigarette, nodded with a serious expression, "Yes, war is inevitable."

  Cheng Qianfan heard that the "war" in Pete's mouth was different from what he said, and he frowned, "You mean, if Germany declares war on Poland, France may declare war on Germany?"

   "It's not possible, but it is necessary to declare war on Germany." Pete said with a serious expression, "And not only the mighty France, but also our allies, the British, will also declare war on Germany."

  He emphasized, "We have an alliance with Poland!"

  Britain and France signed a defensive military alliance agreement with Poland, namely the Anglo-French Security Treaty for Poland.

   According to the treaty, Britain and France promised to provide military assistance when Poland was invaded by foreign countries.

   Therefore, once Germany did invade Poland, Britain and France considered it an act of aggression, and according to their treaty obligations, they had to choose to declare war on Germany.

   "Since Germany dares to take the initiative to go to war, it means that they are ready for war." Cheng Qianfan shook his head, "I don't think we are ready for war."

  Pete liked the "we" in Cheng Qianfan's mouth very much, and thought it was a subconscious closeness to France from this friend and business partner who was close to Japan.

   "Don't worry, my friend." Pete's eyes sparkled, "During the European War, we were able to beat the Germans to their knees and beg for mercy. This time is the same."

  He even picked up half a bottle of red wine on Cheng Qianfan's lounge table and poured two glasses of wine.

   "Even, our stupid British allies are still gathering in the English Channel, and the powerful French Army has turned the German war of aggression into a battle to defend Berlin by itself." Pete said confidently.

   "This is the best." Cheng Qianfan was overjoyed, "The stronger France is, the better our life will be."

   He raises his glass, "Cheers, my friend."

  Cheng Qianfan clinked glasses with Pete, "For the mighty France!"

   "For the mighty France!" Pete was very happy.

   "Perhaps, without the bloodshed of the French soldiers, the Poles would have perished in Germany in three months." Cheng Qianfan chuckled.

  Pete was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud. He bent over laughing, and all the wine in the glass spilled out.

  He knew where this joke from his friend came from.

  When Germany asked to take back the Danzig Corridor, Poland was very firm and refused to agree.

   Even the Poles warned Germany that if they dared to return to the Danzig Corridor, Poland would be really angry. The angry Polish cavalry could destroy Germany in three months!

  Laughing with a stomach ache, Pete pointed to Cheng Qianfan and said, "This joke is so funny, I laughed to death."

   After calming down, Pete said seriously:

  If there is a country on this planet that can destroy Germany in three months, then it can only be the mighty France.


  War really broke out.

  In the twenty-eighth year of the Republic of China, the Year of the Rabbit, September 1st, July 18th in the lunar calendar.

  It is suitable for burial, encoffining, deworming, netting, and burial.

   Avoid getting married and entering a new house.

  At around eleven o’clock in the morning, Shanghai received a telegram from the far side of the Atlantic Ocean:

  The Germans launched an attack on Poland an hour ago at four o'clock in the morning local time in Germany.

  Germany declares war on Poland.

  Cheng Qianfan stayed with Pete in the office of the investigation team of the Political Department all day.

  They have intensive telegram communication with Marseille, France.

  In the afternoon, information about the half-day situation of the German-Polish War arrived in Shanghai.

  The Germans were really prepared for this war.

  German mechanized units such as tanks and cars, with the support of the Luftwaffe, quickly crossed the German-Polish border and launched a "crazy" onslaught on Poland.

  The Poles tried to resist, but soon the Poles could not hold on under the fierce German offensive.

  According to the gossip received by Mr. Mathier from the French Ministry of Defense’s military supply and logistics department, only two hours after the Germans attacked, the Poles couldn’t bear it anymore, and the Polish government sent a telegram to the UK asking for help from the UK.

  Peter curled his lips, and he told Cheng Qianfan that the British would definitely not pay attention.

   "Why?" Cheng Qianfan asked in surprise, "Isn't there a covenant to protect Poland's security?"

   "The British are cowards, their soldiers dare not fight." Peter sneered at his British friends, "The French are in charge of matters in continental Europe. The British dare not express their views unless we speak first."

  He said to Cheng Qianfan with a slightly proud expression, "Look, the British will not pay attention to the Poles. The Poles realize that they have done something wrong, and they will come to beg the mighty France to fulfill the covenant."

   Sure enough, when it was getting dark, a call from France said that the Poles had called Britain and France, asking Britain and France to send planes to bomb the German air base on the western front to contain Germany's attack on Poland.

  Everything is as Pete expected.

   However, this time Pete was no longer complacent.

  Because, according to Mr. Mathier's telegram, neither the British Government nor the French Government replied to the Poles—

  The urgent telegrams from the Poles were like nothing but no response!


   "Teacher, why didn't Britain and France fulfill the covenant and immediately declared war on the Germans?" Cheng Qianfan asked Heutaro Imamura in puzzlement.

  After dinner, he came to see Imamura-sensei without stopping.

  Cheng Qianfan knew that if he wanted to know and see through the fog of war in the distant Atlantic Ocean, Mr. Imamura’s information was the fastest, and the most important thing was that Heutaro Imamura, the counselor of the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai, would personally explain it to him.

  The reason why he is so urgent is because Cheng Qianfan knows that the headquarters’ sources of information on changes in the international situation are lagging behind. The information on the international situation that he has grasped here will become an important source of information for the headquarters to understand the changes in the international situation—

  Analyzed and determined information on the current situation by senior Japanese diplomats!

   "What do you think is the reason why Britain and France support the restoration of Poland?" Heitaro Imamura did not directly answer the students' questions, but gave Kentaro a quiz.

   "The teacher told Kentaro about this." Cheng Qianfan said thoughtfully, "Britain and France support the restoration of Poland for two main reasons."

   "One is to contain Germany from both sides."

  “Although Germany was defeated in the European War, it still has strength and will definitely make a comeback.”

  "When Germany rises again, Britain and France can unite with Poland to form a double-team situation against Germany."

  Hintaro Imamura nodded slightly, motioning for the student whose face was still swollen to continue.

   "The second purpose is to contain Soviet Russia."

   "Red Soviet Russia is the enemy of the free world." Cheng Qianfan said with a serious expression.

   "The many times in history that the Poles have destroyed their country is related to Tsarist Russia. It can be said that Poland and the Russians are blood feuds."

   "The restoration of Poland has once again become a neighbor of Soviet Russia, which can contain Soviet Russia." Cheng Qianfan said.

   "So, what do you think of Poland after its restoration? Did it obediently obey the arrangements of Britain and France? It realized the strategic intentions of Britain and France?" Heitaro Imamura asked.

  Cheng Qianfan frowned and thought.

   "When Soviet Russia was established, the Poles sent troops to Soviet Russia. Although they did not contain Soviet Russia, they did their part." Cheng Qianfan said.

   "No." Imamura Heitaro shook his head, "Kentaro, you are wrong."

  Cheng Qianfan frowned puzzled, and said respectfully, "Teacher, please explain to the students."

"Britain and France need Poland to contain Soviet Russia. However, when Poland has just been restored, Britain and France actually do not approve of Poland sending troops to interfere with Soviet Russia." Heitaro Imamura said, "In other words, the attitude of Britain and France is that if If Poland has the ability, it can intervene. If Poland does not have this ability but does this, it will cause trouble for Britain and France.”

  Cheng Qianfan thought carefully, and soon, he showed joy, "Teacher, the student understands."

"Poland began to interfere in the Soviet Russian revolution as soon as it was restored, and it was the country that interfered the most. Therefore, Poland was almost wiped out by the Soviet Union. If it were not for the interference of Britain and France, Poland would have been destroyed as soon as it was restored." Cheng Cheng Qian Fan said, "Poland is causing trouble everywhere. In order to prevent Poland from being destroyed, it almost forced Britain and France to directly send troops to intervene in Soviet Russia. This is what Britain and France tried their best to avoid."

Cheng Qianfan's eyes shone with confidence and wisdom. He was slightly smug, and said, "Inferences from one instance to another" said, "It's the same with Germany. When Germany sought the Sudetenland, the Poles not only didn't stop them, they even took advantage of the fire to loot them. People's behavior is disgusting, and Britain and France will feel uncomfortable in their hearts."

   "So, Kentaro." Imamura Heitaro looked at Miyazaki Kentaro with a smile, "Now you understand why Britain and France have not fulfilled the security covenant with Poland and declared war on Germany?"

"Because Poland is disobedient, Britain and France are not happy." Cheng Qianfan thought, "So, Britain and France are deliberately ignoring the Poles asking for help, watching the Poles being beaten up by the Germans, and then Britain and France declared war Sending troops can not only curb the Germans' war ambitions, but also teach disobedient Poland through the hands of the Germans."

  Heitaro Imamura was very happy, he nodded in satisfaction, and he was very pleased that Kentaro Miyazaki was able to understand himself.

   "For this war, what kind of trend does the teacher think?" Cheng Qianfan couldn't help asking.

   "Poland lost most of its territory at the beginning, Britain and France fought fiercely with the Germans in Poland, and finally forced Germany to spit out part of Poland's territory." Heitaro Imamura said, and suddenly he frowned, "One thing worth noting, he said..."

   "Which point?" Cheng Qianfan couldn't help asking.

   "Soviet Russians." Heitaro Imamura said with a serious expression.

   "The teacher means that the Soviet Russians may intervene in this war?" Cheng Qianfan frowned and asked, "Who will the Soviet Russians declare war on? Germans? British? French?"

   As he spoke, he shook his head, "Soviet Russia and the Germans just signed a secret treaty, so their target is Britain and France?"

  His brows frowned even tighter, "It's impossible, as long as the Soviet Russians are not crazy, they wouldn't do this."

   As he spoke, he 'finally' understood, his eyes lit up, "What does the teacher mean, Soviet Russia will attack Poland?"

  Hintaro Imamura nodded, "Otherwise, why do you think the secret agreement between the Soviets and Germany was signed?"

   As he spoke, he snorted coldly, "Britain and France have been making concessions to Germany step by step, thinking of urging Germany to attack Soviet Russia eastward. Neither Germany nor Soviet Russia was fooled."

  He said with a serious expression, "I have been studying why the Germans betrayed the Empire and made peace with the Soviets. Now, they understand everything after they attacked the Poles."

  Hintaro Imamura said, "Poland is a gift on the table of the Germans and Soviet Russians."

   "Every time the Poles destroy their country is related to Tsarist Russia." Cheng Qianfan couldn't help laughing, "The teacher is wise and has seen through everything a long time ago. It seems that Soviet Russia really can't help but attack Poland."

  He looked at Imamura Heutaro, "So, what is the teacher's judgment on this war?"

"A small part of Poland remained. The Germans and Britain and France were fighting fiercely in Poland. At this time, the Soviet Russians were thieves. They came up and took a big bite of Poland secretly, and then everyone was wary of the Soviet Russians." Heitaro Imamura expressed his expression Solemnly, he said confidently, "Three parties fear each other, Poland will be a war quagmire for Europa."

  Cheng Qianfan looked at his teacher with an expression of admiration, and clapped his hands endlessly.

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   A large chapter of more than 5,000 words.

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  (end of this chapter)

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