My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 98 People should be content

"Yes, senior sister."

Wang Luoyi and others nodded in response, "You and I are from big families, so we naturally know the consequences if this matter spreads."

If the master is now thirty or forty years old, the strength of a third-level martial artist may arouse the curiosity of others, but no one will come to inquire specifically.

If you are forty or fifty years old, it is even less worth mentioning. If you stand on the street and ask people to look at you, they will think you are wasting their time.

However, the problem is that the master is only a teenager. A third-level martial artist in his teens?

Fengyun Continent doesn’t know if there is one, but at least it’s not on the surface of the New Moon State. If this news spreads, it will definitely attract the interest of many big families. If Lin Taixu is strong enough to resist the covetousness of these families, that’s all. .

If you can't resist, you will definitely be arrested by the big family and asked why you can advance so quickly.

At that time, it can be said that the Master will definitely be worse off than alive.

"Don't worry, senior sister, we are not stupid, we know the seriousness of the matter."

Ouyang Yanran said.

"Well, that's best. If any of you dare to leak the news, don't blame me for being a ruthless subordinate of Senior Sister."

Murong Wushuang nodded, glanced at Wang Luoyi and others lightly, turned around and went back to his room to practice.

Seeing how powerful Lin Taixu was, she also aroused her competitive spirit.

"Let's go rest too."

Wang Luoyi said.

"Okay, good night, Second Senior Sister."

"Good night."

Immediately, everyone went back to their rooms to rest. They said they were resting, but after Li Yichu made such a fuss, they had no intention of resting. They all went back to their rooms and began to continue practicing.

Fortunately, they are all warriors and do not need to sleep for a long time like ordinary people. They only need to rest for two or three hours, which can basically meet the body's need for sleep.

After a night of silence, Lin Taixu woke up early the next morning and found that his beautiful apprentices were more considerate in their service to him, and looked at him with more gentle and sultry eyes.

This surprised Lin Taixu. Did he suddenly become handsome overnight?

Hey, how can other people live like this?

But what are you trying to do with your seductive gaze?

Is it a test of a teacher’s integrity or conscience?

Sorry, I don’t even have a teacher.

"Master, did you use the Black Tiger Fist yesterday?"

Wang Luoyi asked softly while squeezing Lin Taixu's shoulders. As soon as she finished speaking, Murong Wushuang and others also looked at Lin Taixu expectantly.

"Yeah, what, is there a problem?"

Lin Taixu nodded and asked in confusion.

"Is it the kind of Black Tiger Fist sold outside?"

There are as many martial arts and combat skills as wool in the world.

It would be understandable if there were several exercises with the same name. Therefore, after Wang Luoyi got Lin Taixu's confirmation, he still asked cautiously.

"Are there any more Black Tiger Fists?"

Lin Taixu was even more confused.

"Master, you don't know something. The Black Tiger Fist sold outside is just the most basic basic boxing technique. It is completely different from the Black Tiger Fist you used yesterday."

Zhao Feixue said.

"Oh? Is there such a difference?"

Lin Taixu said curiously, and then he asked the system, "System, is this Black Tiger Fist of mine the kind of Black Tiger Fist outside?"

If you don’t understand, just ask.


The system replied.

"Since they are the same, why do my disciples say the power is so different?"

Lin Taixu asked again. He believed that Zhao Feixue would not lie to him, and the system said yes.

Who do they believe?

Do you even need to ask? Of course he is his disciple.

Would such a beautiful girl lie?

Definitely not.


"The products produced by the system must be high-quality products."

Fortunately, the system was not aware of Lin Taixu's thoughts, otherwise, Lin Taixu's Qi would definitely be short-circuited.

Products produced by the system must be high-quality products?

Lin Taixu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. This reason was very strong and crude.

Thumbs up for you.

Looking at the confused and eager eyes of Zhao Feixue and others, Lin Taixu was a little embarrassed. Since they are the same, how can I explain to them?

Should we tell them that products produced by the system must be high-quality products?

Even if I don't get sprayed to death by them.

"The power of a set of exercises is not static. After different people practice it, the power and power they unleash will be different."

Lin Taixu thought for a while and began to use his deception skills.

"Yeah, but it's not such a ridiculous difference. At least, the Black Tiger Fist on the market won't turn into a black tiger shadow."

Murong Wushuang said, Black Tiger Phantom? Sorry, the Black Tiger Fist sold on the market, even if you have been practicing it for decades, if you can scream it, I will lose.

"That's right, not even making the sound of a tiger roaring."

Ouyang Yanran pinched Lin Taixu's calf and raised her little head and said, showing an "I'm very smart, don't lie to me" look.

Lin Taixu smiled faintly, showing an unpredictable expression. He stretched out his right hand, and in the confused eyes of Murong Wushuang and others, he very slowly contracted it into a fist.

Following his movements, a faint energy of energy and blood lingered around his entire arm, and a low roar of a tiger loomed.

When he clenched his fist, a miniature black tiger immediately appeared above his fist.

The black tiger is lifelike and looks very cute.

However, Murong Wushuang and others all know that this seemingly cute black tiger, if it explodes, will definitely be a peerless beast.

No one dares to compete with it.

If you don't believe it, refer to Li Yichu last night.

"Do you understand?"

Lin Taixu asked with a smile. He slowed down the black tiger fist by dozens of times. If he still can't understand it, he will be helpless.

"I don't understand."

Ouyang Yanran shook her head very honestly. Not only did she not understand, but Murong Wushuang and others didn't understand either.

However, the only thing that she understood was that the master used the starting move of the black tiger fist sold on the market.

"Please help me, master."

Murong Wushuang half-bent her body and bowed to Lin Taixu, with an extremely upright and sincere attitude.

Although she was from the Murong family and was a princess.

However, she was truly submissive to Lin Taixu.

If she still refuses to surrender to someone who can use an ordinary Black Tiger Fist to exert a power comparable to that of a Heaven-level technique, then she is a fool.

"Master, please help me solve my doubts."

Wang Luoyi, Zhao Feixue and others also came to Lin Taixu one after another and asked for advice humbly.

Well, the massage time is over, what bad luck.

Forget it, people should be content.

Immediately, Lin Taixu slowly stood up, put his hands behind his back, and glanced at Murong Wushuang and others. Well, there was a little light, so he was content.

And it was the Five Daos, so he should be more content, right?

"The method is in the person, the practice is in the heart, the great way is simple, and I am the only one who is supreme."

Having said that, Lin Taixu walked away.

I have told you the words, as for how much you can understand, it depends on your understanding.

If you can't understand, it's none of my business.


Master is serious.

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