My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 560: Using the opponent’s trick

"Lin Taixu, now that there are both witnesses and physical evidence, if you dare to bend the law for personal gain, I will definitely report it to the family and start a complete war with the Zhenbei Army."

Hua Yihu said seriously, he was not trying to use tiger skin as a banner to intimidate Lin Taixu.

You know, he is the eldest son of the Hua family, and he represents the face and dignity of the Hua family in the imperial capital.

Now that he was assassinated, if he was unable to take revenge, couldn't he ask his family to come forward?

Therefore, what he said was righteous and resounding.

An aristocratic aura emanated from him.

"Well, this Qianhu will naturally not do anything for personal gain and bend the law."

Lin Taixu replied immediately, with a look of fear on his face, as if he was frightened.

Immediately, he turned to look at Cai Zian, his eyes gradually becoming colder.

Seeing this, Murong Wushuang and others looked at Lin Taixu's eyes and were a little confused. However, they only saw the surface, but did not notice that there was a trace of sarcasm in the depths of Lin Taixu's eyes.

It's just a good time to leave me here to touch porcelain. Let me see who touches whom.

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and bring the murderer of this young master to justice."

Hua Yihu shouted sternly. At this moment, he almost believed that Cai Zian was really going to assassinate him.

Especially seeing Lin Taixu's troubled expression, he couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

Sure enough, as several elders had guessed, Lin Taixu would definitely be at a loss as long as he insisted that Cai Zian wanted to assassinate him. Now that he had moved out of the family to put pressure on him, this loser would immediately panic.

Although he also knew about Lin Taixu's audacity and what he did in the Hua Family Courtyard, he felt in his heart that Lin Taixu had grasped the reason. Otherwise, how dare he be so arrogant in front of the Hua Family in the imperial capital because of his worthless body?


Especially Hua Yihu found that as soon as he finished speaking, the hesitation on Lin Taixu's face turned into fear, and he was even more happy in his heart.

"Come here, capture Cai Zian."

After thinking for a while, Lin Taixu ordered, looking timid and afraid of getting into trouble.


"Lord Senhu."

After hearing Lin Taixu's order, Murong Wushuang, the soft-armored girl, Cao Hongfu and others were stunned.

Never in his wildest dreams did he think that Lin Taixu would issue such a ridiculous order.

This is an illusion.

Cao Hongfu and others comforted themselves in their hearts.

However, compared to their confusion, Cai Zian and the surrounding Zhenbei Army soldiers couldn't help but look shocked and angry, glaring at Lin Taixu.


Uh, no, bastard, you can say such shameless things?

Suddenly, everyone was angry at Lin Taixu, and at the same time, they felt great sadness and disappointment in their hearts.

They were ordered to come here to arrest the murderer of Lin Taixu. As a result, the murderer was not caught, and he became the murderer instead.

What the hell

How outrageous.

When Hua Yihu, Hua Zhiyuan and others heard this, they couldn't help but smile at each other, with a trace of pride in their eyes.

Sure enough, just as they had guessed, this clever trick of treating the other person with his own medicine really made Lin Taixu at a loss and killed each other.

give it a like.

Immediately, several people looked at Lin Taixu and others in a good mood, enjoying the dog-eat-dog drama that followed.

"Still not taking action? Do you want to rebel?"

Seeing that none of the Zhenbei Army soldiers around him took action, Lin Taixu glared and cursed loudly.


These two words were not something that ordinary people could bear. Suddenly, the faces of the Zhenbei Army soldiers present changed.


After a few breaths, two Zhenbei Army soldiers reluctantly handed over their weapons to their companions, slowly walked up to Cai Zian and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Baihu, my subordinates are also helpless. I beg you." Lord Baihu, please forgive me.”

"It's okay, let's do it."

Cai Zian said, stretching out his hands, his face pale, obviously full of disappointment at Lin Taixu's decision.

Two Zhenbei Army soldiers found a rope from nowhere and began to tie Cai Zian's hands.


Seeing this, the soft-armored girl couldn't help but burst into anger and glared at Lin Taixu. Just as she was about to speak, Murong Wushuang quickly grabbed her and pulled the soft-armored girl back several steps.

Then, Murong Wushuang whispered in the ear of the soft-armored girl, "Don't be impatient. When have you ever seen Master so confused?"

When the soft-armored girl heard this, she couldn't help but be stunned. Thinking about it, Lin Taixu was a shrewd and cunning person who would never do such a stupid thing. Well, maybe he was holding back some serious moves somewhere.

Immediately, he said nothing more and looked at Lin Taixu quietly.

However, she made up her mind. If Lin Taixu really dared to indiscriminately accuse Cai Zian, she would be the first to refuse.

After a while, two Zhenbei Army soldiers tied Cai Zian tightly. However, judging from the tightness of the rope, it was estimated that Cai Zian could break the rope even if he sneezed.

What a talent.

Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, looked at the two Zhenbei Army soldiers speechlessly, and said to himself, Brother, you should be more serious. You are going to graves to burn newspapers, and you are fooling the devil.

Seeing Lin Taixu's reproachful eyes, the two Zhenbei Army soldiers didn't pay attention at all. Instead, they stared at Lin Taixu in the same way.

It means that we can only tie them up like this. If you have the ability, you can tie them up.

"Okay, you're welcome."

Lin Taixu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. He didn't look at the other person. Then he turned his eyes to Hua Yihu. Then, he stretched out his hand to face Hua Yihu, Hua Zhiyuan and others present. He nodded a few times and said, "Put these people aside." Bring them all back to the Zhenbei Army Camp. This Qianhu must examine why Cai Zian assassinated them."


"Lin Taixu, how dare you."

Hua Yihu and others, who were originally sitting around watching the joke, couldn't help but be stunned, and then they became filled with overwhelming anger and yelled at Lin Taixu.

"Ah this."

Seeing this, the soft-armored girl couldn't help but look at Lin Taixu with wide eyes. This guy must be too bad.

But I like it.

She was originally an extremely smart being, but because she was with Lin Taixu, she didn't have the habit of thinking.

Now when I heard what Lin Taixu said, I immediately understood the key to the matter.

Since you said that Cai Zian wanted to assassinate you, then all of you present are witnesses. Since they are witnesses, take them all back for review. This is a matter of course and in line with human principles.

Comply with moral laws.

Hua Yihu can now either follow Lin Taixu back to the Zhenbei Army Camp. As for what will happen after going to the Zhenbei Army Camp, it depends on Lin Taixu's mood.

If Hua Yihu refused to go to the Zhenbei Army Camp, then he would have to deny Cai Zian's assassination or use force to resist.

No matter which one Hua Yihu chooses, it will be extremely detrimental to him.

Choosing the former is obviously to put his life in Lin Taixu's hands.

If you choose the latter, you will obviously have to put your life in Lin Taixu's hands.


What a trap.

At this moment, the soft-armored girl couldn't help but sympathize with Hua Yihu. Tell me, why are you showing off your IQ with Lin Taixu?

Obviously his IQ is dozens of miles ahead of yours.

Murong Wushuang glanced at the soft-armored girl with some pride, meaning, now you know, when has my master ever done anything to suffer a loss?

Well, it seems, is, possible.

It’s only in front of us disciples that Master suffers.

Thinking about it, Murong Wushuang's eyes turned gentle for no reason when looking at Lin Taixu.

Cai Zian, who was originally disheartened and downcast, also looked at Lin Taixu in shock. He immediately understood Lin Taixu's true plan and couldn't help but feel dumbfounded.

It seems that I am still too young.

"What's wrong with this?"

"As the plaintiff, you have an obligation to provide evidence to this Qianhu household. Otherwise, it will be a false accusation."

"Falsely accusing hundreds of households of my Zhenbei army, do you want to die?"

Lin Taixu sneered and said, "Do you think I haven't noticed the tricks used by Hua Yihu and others to frame Cai Zian?"


My lord is just following the plan.

You must know that you are here to arrest someone, because Hua Yihu didn't do it himself, so if you want to kill him, it is still a bit unreasonable.

At best, Hua Yihu could only bring someone in to take the blame.

Now it's okay, he actually framed Cai Zian, and he justifiably took everyone present back to assist in the investigation.

I was just dozing off when someone brought me a pillow.


As for whether Hua Yihu and others would cooperate and follow him obediently to the Zhenbei Army camp, that was not his concern.

Just kidding, labor and management even tied up their own people.

Do you dare not to go?

Want to die.

As for whether Hua Yihu and others could come out alive after entering the Zhenbei Army camp, that was not his concern.

Just kidding, labor and management even tied up their own people.

Do you still want to come out alive?

I'm afraid you don't want to eat shit.

"Lin Taixu and Cai Zian's intention to assassinate me are all facts. There is no need for me to go to the Zhenbei Army Camp. You are trying to plot against me. Do you think I don't know?"

Hua Yihu sneered.

"With just a few words from you, you can convict hundreds of households of our Suppressing the North Army? Do you think you are the emperor?"

Lin Taixu retorted, looking at Hua Yihu as if he were a fool.

Even if he is the emperor, as long as I am not willing, he will never think of punishing Cai Zian's crime with one word.


When Hua Yihu heard this, he couldn't help but be speechless. An illusion appeared in his heart, as if, seemingly, he and others had shot himself in the foot.

Immediately, he couldn't help but look at Hua Zhiyuan aside.

"Master Lin, what you said is wrong. Now that Cai Zian assassinated our young master of the Hua family, the facts are all there, so why do we need another trial?"

"Could it be that Mr. Lin wants to take this opportunity to excuse Cai Zian?"

Seeing this, Hua Zhiyuan immediately spoke, with a hint of anger on his face.

I feel offended.

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