My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 508: Safety First

"What? Still waiting for a while?"

Xiao Yexuan couldn't help but look at Lin Taixu with wide eyes and said, are you holy masters so arrogant?

How dare you make the chief hall master wait for a while?


Xiao Yexuan then thought that apart from Emperor Fengyun who was a holy master, Lin Taixu seemed to be the only holy master in the entire continent.

In terms of rarity, well, no, in terms of rarity, it seems that it can really be arrogant.

"Well, I wonder when Hall Master Lin will be free?"

After thinking about it, Xiao Yexuan decided to do the next best thing. Since the Holy Master said to wait, let the chief hall master wait.

"You see, in addition to being the master of the Famous Master Hall, this hall master is also the munitions office Qianhu of the Zhenbei Army. Now that the Hua family is in trouble, the military supplies have not yet been secured."

"You can't let me just slap my butt and leave at this time."

Lin Taixu thought of an excuse and said, thinking in his mind, he would send Diao Budiao to the Dahuang City Famous Master Hall later to find out why Ye Buixing came to Dahuang City.

You also need to see what your intentions are.

Well, safety first.

"That's really not possible. When you are a person and do things, you have to start well and end well."

Xiao Yexuan nodded, but after saying that, he couldn't help but be stunned. He came here to persuade Lin Taixu to meet the nightclub owner, so why did he convince Lin Taixu in turn?

Immediately, Xiao Yexuan said hurriedly, "No, Hall Master Lin, this is not asking you to go to the Imperial Capital, but to Dahuang City. It won't take long to go back and forth. It's really not possible. It's okay to ask the nightclub hall master to come here to see you."

"Let the nightclub owner come here to meet me?"

Lin Taixu was stunned, looked at Xiao Yexuan and said, after saying that, he touched his chin and thought in his heart,

This is the Zhenbei Army camp. There are hundreds of thousands of Zhenbei Army soldiers protecting them, as well as the unfathomable squad leader.

Well, there is also the old stickman King Zhenbei whom I have never seen before.

With so many people protecting him, even if Ye Buexing wanted to do harm to him, as long as he didn't suffer from cerebral infarction for ten years, he would most likely not dare to do anything to him.

This plan is feasible.

Thinking about it, Lin Taixu was about to nod in agreement, but when he said the words, he was stunned again, and then he thought about it.

The old stickman of Zhenbei King has always wanted to kill himself, and he was worried that he couldn't find a suitable excuse. What if he and Ye Buixing did it together.

Wouldn’t that be double the joy?

Uh, no.

Then, won’t I, my lord, make heaven and earth inoperable?

No, I must not be fooled by this.


Xiao Yexuan looked at Lin Taixu and asked.


Lin Taixu said simply. When he saw Xiao Yexuan's face froze, he immediately rolled his eyes and said seriously, "The nightclub master is the role model of our famous teacher, our idol, and the belief in our hearts."

"So, how can you let the nightclub owner come to meet a nobody like me?"

"No matter what, I have to go visit his old man, so, no."

When Xiao Yexuan heard this, he couldn't help but have countless grass and mud horses whizzing past in his heart. He said it sounded nice, but the most important thing is that you go and pay homage.

You're not going.

The chief hall master is not allowed to come.

Please teach me how to meet?

"In this case, you go and tell the nightclub owner that after I have taken care of the military supplies for the Zhenbei Army, I will go and see him."

"Even if he is no longer in Dahuang City, I will go to the Imperial Capital Famous Master Hall to meet him."

Lin Taixu continued, and couldn't help but give full marks to his wit.

As long as Ye Buxing's purpose can be determined, and if it is really what Xiao Yexuan said, then he will definitely pay a visit to him in the future. After all, he is also his immediate boss, right.

I'm sorry if Ye Buxing is not good for me. After Nangong Changhuan's adult ceremony, he will leave Dahuang City and call home everywhere in the world.

It's impossible to meet Ye Buxing, not even in this life.

Unless you can beat him.

Well, that's not the point. The point is that the other party has money.

Otherwise, he wouldn't bother to make a trip.


Xiao Yexuan looked at Lin Taixu speechlessly. Five big characters were clearly engraved on his forehead. Guess whether I believe it or not.

"Master Lin, why don't you just go to the Dahuang City Famous Master Hall? It won't take up much of your time."

After thinking about it, Xiao Yexuan still persuaded him and said, the key is that Lin Taixu does not allow the chief hall master to come, so he cannot give instructions to Ye Buxing.

"Old Xiao, what you said is different. A little time is also time. As the saying goes, an inch of time is worth an inch of gold, but an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time."

"Men of our generation must know how precious time is, and the worst thing to avoid is wasting it."

"Okay, you can continue drinking tea, I'm going to bed."

"Uh, no, I have to go take care of military affairs."

Lin Taixu said in a serious tone. After saying that, before Xiao Yexuan could react, he stood up and walked out of the room, ready to escape.

"Palace Master Lin, Hall Master Lin."

Seeing this, Xiao Yexuan shouted quickly, but no matter how he shouted, Lin Taixuli ignored him.


Xiao Yexuan couldn't help but let out a long sigh, his brows almost knitted into knots.

It's night at the Famous Teacher Hall in Dahuang City.

The lights were brightly lit at this moment, as bright as day.

In the famous master hall of Nuo University, the famous master guards wearing Feiyu uniforms and holding soul-breaking knives were lined up from the front door of the famous master hall to the front of the hall. In the courtyard, there were dozens or hundreds of famous master guards, three steps to one post, five steps to the other. Patrolling one by one.

In the rooms, corners of the courtyards, and under the shadows of trees, there are also many famous teachers guards secretly on alert, ready to respond to emergencies at any time.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, even if a fly flies in, the famous teacher guards can be ready to see clearly whether it is male or female.

In the hall, at the lower left position of the first seat, a man with a resolute face and wearing a five-star famous teacher robe is sitting on a chair.

This man has a strong aura, and he is a strong man at the level of fifth-level martial honor. He stares at the outside of the gate, and his aura emits a weak fluctuation from time to time, showing his tension and urgency.

This person is none other than the head of the Imperial Capital Master Hall, Ye Buxing.

Below him are also eight people wearing famous teacher robes, all four-star famous teachers, all with fifth-level martial honor cultivation.

Among the eight of them, three are deputy heads of the Imperial Capital Master Hall, and five are deacons of the Imperial Capital Master Hall.

Eight level five martial masters, and they are all senior members of the Imperial Capital Master Hall.

According to common sense, they must have seen countless big scenes, and have long developed a mentality of not changing their faces even if Mount Tai collapses before their eyes.

However, at this moment, they are no different from Ye Buying, and even their body aura fluctuations are even more intense than Ye Buying.

There is no way, they have tried their best to restrain themselves, but there is really no way.

Their mentality is jumping.

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