My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 438 I don't mind

"Then go ask the prince for orders."

Lin Taixu said simply, he is just a prince, there is nothing to worry about.

If he really dared to come over and do something to him, then he wouldn't mind sending him to see Hua Fangge in advance.


When the soft-armored girl heard this, she glared at Lin Taixu fiercely, turned around and walked out of the pavilion. It was true that there was no mutual agreement.

She felt that coming to see Lin Taixu was the biggest failure in her life.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but ask, didn't you say you were here to help me?

Even if you can't help me much, it's still good to stay with me and watch.

The soft-armored girl ignored Lin Taixu and continued walking forward. She didn't want to talk to Lin Taixu now.

Because she was worried that if she continued to talk to Lin Taixu, he would be angry to death.

She swore that in all her life, she had never seen anyone as angry as Lin Taixu.

Well, she used to think that her little brother was the person who was most likely to make her angry, but now she found that if she compared her little brother with Lin Taixu, he was just a good baby.

"Tian Hongfang, the manager of the Damo City Post Station in Xiaguan, comes to see Mr. Qianhu."

At this time, Tian Hongfang was seen trotting over and saluted the soft-armored girl with sincerity and fear.

You can't blame him for this. I think he is just the supervisor of a small post station. The biggest officials he has ever seen are only captains and hundreds of households.

But now, thousands of households are coming one after another, which makes him feel very stressed.

"Well, no courtesy, go and prepare the room quickly, I will stay here for a few days."

The soft-armored girl said.


Tian Hongfang couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, and looked at the soft-armored girl in confusion.

What exactly happened here?

There are usually very few people living at the inn, so why are everyone rushing to stay here during this time?

Why, you don’t need money?

"What? Is there a problem?"

Seeing this, the soft-armored girl frowned and asked.

" a bit of a problem."

Tian Hongfang said in embarrassment that the inn only had three courtyards for passing officials to rest. Some time ago, the Hua family claimed two courtyards at once.

The remaining courtyard was given to Lin Taixu, and now the soft-armored girl asked him for a room to stay.

This is simple.

"What's the problem? Could it be that they can live in it, but this thousand households can't?"

The soft-armored girl asked coldly.

"Sir Qianhu, your words are serious. It is a humble honor for Qianhu to be able to stay at the inn with dignity. However, there are no other spare rooms in the inn now."

"Please forgive me, Lord Chihu."

Tian Hongfang explained quickly, and the sweat on his face was obviously a lot more.

"Are there no extra rooms?"

The soft-armored girl couldn't help but be startled when she heard this. She didn't think of this problem.

"Yes, Lord Qianhu, the Beizhi Inn only has three courtyards for travelers to rest. The Qinghe and Juhua courtyards have already been occupied by people from the Hua family."

"This Yazhu courtyard is occupied by Lin Qianhu. I really don't have any spare yard for Qianhu."

Tian Hongfang said with a wry smile. After speaking, he looked at the soft-armored girl carefully, as if he was worried that the soft-armored girl would blame him.


The soft-armored girl couldn't help but hesitate. If this was the case, then she really couldn't blame Tian Hongfang.

"Then just stay here. I don't mind it."

Lin Taixu came over and said.


The soft-armored girl turned her head and looked at Lin Taixu. If you don't dislike it, I do.

"Thank you Lin Qianhu."

When Tian Hongfang heard this, he couldn't help but thank Lin Taixu. This would help him out, but he didn't know whether the soft-armored girl agreed or not.

Therefore, Tian Hongfang looked at the soft-armored girl pitifully.


In the end, the soft-armored girl agreed to Lin Taixu's suggestion. After all, she couldn't live in the same courtyard as the Hua family.

In comparison, although Lin Taixu is more annoying, the Hua family is even more hateful.

Immediately, the soft-armored girl led a group of girl soldiers to select several rooms as a resting place for the night.

"What did you come in for?"

The soft-armored girl opened her door and found that Lin Taixu had followed him in. She couldn't help but asked in surprise.

"I came to see if you could help."

Lin Taixu said seriously.

"No need, please get out."

The soft-armored girl pointed to the door and said coldly, her cold eyes showing a trace of shyness.

This bastard, doesn't he know that you can't just enter a girl's room?


Lin Taixu wanted to say a few more words, but when he saw the soft-armored girl's eyes getting colder and colder, he couldn't help but feel guilty and touched his nose before retreating.

"If you need anything, just tell me. You're welcome."

After retreating to the door, Lin Taixu looked at the soft-armored girl and said.


As soon as he finished speaking, the soft-armored girl reached out and closed the door tightly.

After closing the door, the soft-armored girl couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. If Lin Taixu was really stubborn and refused to leave, she really had nothing to do with him. Fortunately, Lin Taixu was really scared away by herself.

Then when she thought that Lin Taixu was actually afraid of herself, her depressed mood instantly improved.

Well, it seems that I have found a way to deal with the other party's scoundrel.

"Oh, I'll go."

Lin Taixu saw this and said speechlessly, this damn girl, why is she so heartless, as if I can eat you.


"Master, I'm back."

At this time, Diao Butiao walked in from outside the courtyard and said.

"Well, how is the matter going?"

Lin Taixu glanced at the closed door, turned and walked towards Diao Butiao, asking as he walked.

"Miss Mingyue agreed and said she would try her best."

Diao Butiao said truthfully.

"Well, that's good."

Lin Taixu nodded. According to his guess, Mingyue should give him some face every year.

"By the way, go back to Dahuang City and see if my three thousand guards have been recruited."

"Bring them all here when they are recruited. I will use them."

"Well, it's better to call that team leader here as well."

Lin Taixu continued.

"Yes, Master."

Diao Butiao nodded. Although he didn't know why Lin Taixu did this, he just needed to obey.

Immediately, he turned around again and walked out of the courtyard and headed straight for the Great Desert City.

"Mr. Lin, what do you want to do?"

The soft-armored girl opened the door and asked.

Inside the room, she could hear the conversation between Lin Taixu and Diao Butiao. Seeing that Lin Taixu actually asked Diao Butiao to bring the guards he recruited to the Great Desert City, she immediately hurried out.

"Who are you to me? What do I need to report to you?"

Lin Taixu turned around and looked at the soft-armored girl with a squint and asked.

Humph, you dare to close my door, get out if you have the guts.

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