My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 270: Power surges

"Hey, it seems like he has really become a warrior."

Seeing the faint fluctuation of vitality on Lin Taixu's body, everyone around him said in surprise, is it so magical?

Some people even looked at the rain falling from the sky with a look of salivation.

This power of vitality is so amazing that even a loser can become a warrior.

What would happen if you absorbed it yourself?

Thinking about this, some daring and greedy diners slowly approached Yuzhu. As soon as they approached Yuzhu, the lifeless Yuzhu suddenly seemed to come to life.

The raindrops were like long whips, hitting the bodies of the people who were near.


A series of dull sounds were heard, and several people who were close to the rain pillar were thrown away and fell dozens of meters away, with blood vomiting from their mouths. It was obvious that the blow was beyond the range they could bear.

Even if he didn't die, he would have to train for at least a year and a half before he could recover.

"How can this be?"

The injured people couldn't help but look at the towering rain column in front of them in shock, feeling that their cognition was subverted.

Everyone else was also dumbfounded for a while, not knowing what expressions they should use to express the extremely stupid feeling in their hearts at this moment.

Have you ever seen rain attack people?

Well you see it now.


Seeing this, Nangong Yidao couldn't help but smile coldly, looking at the people seriously injured by Yuzhu Dacheng with pity and contempt. It's true that the ignorant are fearless.

With the blessing of destiny, how can we allow others to covet it?

Fortunately, they didn't get too close. If they had rushed in rashly, they would have been killed instead of being seriously injured.

"Twenty meters away."

Lin Taixu didn't know that his opportunity was coveted by others, he just absorbed it happily. He only stared at his Yuan Hai, but he didn't expect that when the scope of his Yuan Hai gradually became larger.

The strength of his body is also increasing rapidly.

If he knew this news, he would definitely jump up with excitement, then point at the nose of the system and curse, didn't you say that the power cannot be increased?

How could it be possible now?

It’s not that you can’t, it’s that you can’t.

You are a stick.

"Mommy, someone is tampering with the system data?"

At this time, the system was also dumbfounded. Seeing the power on Lin Taixu's character panel constantly jumping and increasing, it had an extremely unpleasant feeling.

What the hell, has Labor been attacked by hackers?

One thing to say is that it has been countless thousands of years since he was created, but this has never happened before.

Who will tell me, what should I do now?

I don’t know how to counterattack.

"Shut down?"

Yes, when in doubt, turn off the phone.

The system immediately and decisively chose to shut down. Both the labor and management were shut down. You can't modify the data in the air.


"Shut down."

The system decisively gave him a shutdown command, but something strange happened and he found that he could not shut down the computer.

What the hell.

The system suddenly felt like the whole system was in trouble.

He is the system, the highest executor, but he can't shut down the machine?

Who can I talk to to explain this?

After trying countless times, the system finally accepted the reality and he discovered that he had been hacked.

He could only watch helplessly as Lin Taixu's power continued to increase.

It rose from the original 4.5 million jins to 4.6 million jins, and then to 4.7 million jins.


Finally, after half an hour, the rain column that filled the sky with vitality gradually shrank and then dissipated in the air.


Lin Taixu, who was getting high, suddenly found that he could no longer absorb the pure vitality of the Yuanqi Transformed into Rain. He couldn't help but opened his eyes strangely and found that the Yuanqi Transformed into Rain and the Rain Pillar had disappeared.

What the hell.

Too stingy.

I haven't had enough yet.


Full? You are a fucking bottomless pit: your vitality turns into rain.


Lin Taixu stood up, felt the state of his body, and couldn't help but be stunned.

He found that his Yuan Hai actually expanded to a thousand meters, and he saw the Yuan liquid condensed from countless Yuan Qi rippling in it. Waves of Yuan Qi floated out from the Yuan Hai, and then spread throughout the body to nourish the body's limbs. Hundreds of skeletons.

"Open the system."


"The system is on."

The system immediately replied, and then a huge virtual screen appeared in front of Lin Taixu.

Looking at the virtual screen that appeared, the system was stunned. Is the poison cured?

Otherwise, why can't it be turned off but can be turned on?

"Ouch, I'll go, my power."

Lin Taixu ignored the hundreds of thousands of reasons in the system's mind and looked directly at his attribute panel.

I don’t know what I saw, and I was shocked when I saw it.

According to the strength of Fengyun Continent’s cultivation system, it is constant.

The spiritual cultivation of the fifth level of the fourth level martial arts, without using vitality, can explode the physical strength of 450,000 kilograms. Using the bursting power of vitality plus the bonus of the martial arts, it can be increased up to ten times, which is four hundred and fifty thousand kilograms. Thousands of catties.

Each time you upgrade to a level, one hundred thousand kilograms will be added.

At the fourth level of martial arts, the ninth level of spiritual cultivation, the maximum power when using the technique will reach 49.9 million kilograms.

As for physical training, the fourth level and fifth level of Wuzong has a strength of 4.5 million kilograms. If you add the skill bonus, it can be increased to several times or even dozens of times.

This is also the secret why physical training is invincible at the same level.

However, this is not the point. The point is that Lin Taixu found that his physical level has not changed, but his strength has reached the fifth level of the fifth level of spiritual cultivation, 55 million kilograms.

It's improved tenfold.

Oops, I'll go.

Lin Taixu immediately turned to look at Nangong Yidao excitedly. He was wondering if he could kill him with one punch.

I wholeheartedly want you to be my son-in-law, but you just want to punch me to death? : Nangong Yida.

"Exit system."

Lin Taixu said that although he wanted to find Nangong Yidao to test the effect of his power, but forget it, he had to be kind, after all, he didn't provoke him.


Go back and try to find the treacherous Zhenbei King.

Don’t you really want to beat me to death? : Nangong Yida.

Imperial Capital Famous Teacher Hall.

Ye Buixing stood quietly on the square, looking into the distance. He knew that God recognized the famous teacher, but he didn't know who God recognized.

This Crescent Moon Country may not be big or small, but it has tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of famous teachers.

Does this make him ask one by one?

Then he probably died before he even asked.

"Everyone, please don't spread this incident. Otherwise, you will be in trouble with this Hall Master."

Ye Buixing said to the several family heads who came to watch the excitement, although he knew that he could not hide it even if he wanted to, but it was always right to delay or give a warning.

"Haha, don't worry, Lord Ye, I don't know anything about this matter. I'm leaving."

Wang Zhengchu, the head of the Wang family, laughed, bowed his hands to Ye Buxing, and walked away.


The elders of the Hua family and several other family heads also resigned one after another.

They also wanted to know who the famous master Tian recognized this time was, but when they thought about it, they would not tell them even if they asked.

So, let’s avoid talking about it.

To be a person, you need to know your interests.


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