My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 936: Easy to relieve his worries

These four are all Hedao monks, staring at the holy fetus Li Fan with burning eyes, their own aura surging.

Li Fan didn't look nervous at all, and he cupped his hands to the left and right: "Seniors, please be patient and wait for my final confirmation."

"However, I need to separate out a ray of consciousness and go there!"

As he spoke, Li Fan pointed with his index finger at the little Yanfa girl who was sleeping on the long table.

The four Hedao monks looked at each other.

All looked troubled.

Li Fan just waited quietly for them to make a decision.

"Boy, is there no other way?"

Li Fan replied calmly: "The so-called prescribing the right medicine. If the cause of the disease is misdiagnosed and forced rescue is performed, it may cause greater damage."

"It's just the tiniest ray of spiritual consciousness. It's only used for inspection and communication. I'm afraid it can't be hurt even by mortals..."

"If you are really worried, forget it."

The four Hedao monks discussed for a while.

In the end, it was decided to let the Holy Fetus Li Fan give it a try.

After Li Fan separated a ray of consciousness, he felt that four different strands of consciousness immediately clung to him like chains.

The five are connected to a whole.

Everything you see and hear can be shared, and you can communicate with each other.

"Let's go."

Four voices came to Li Fan's mind at the same time.

Knowing that this was a necessary protective measure, Li Fan had no objection.

The next moment, five divine consciousnesses flew into Yanfa's sea of ​​consciousness.

The world is full of golden light, and there are books and books floating around.

Like the ocean of books, it is too vast and vast.

Once your spiritual consciousness enters it, you almost lose your way.

Li Fan could clearly see the names of the exercises floating around him, and if possible, he could even browse the contents of the exercises.

If there were not four powerful spiritual consciousnesses watching eagerly from the side.

Resisting the desire to spy on these countless techniques, his spiritual consciousness took shape and shouted loudly towards the surroundings: "Little guy, don't pretend to be asleep! Come out quickly!"

Although the voice is not loud, it is completely alien in this world full of martial arts.

Spreading unswervingly towards the surroundings.

And the spiritual consciousness of the four Hedao monks also appeared one after another at this moment.

"What did you say? Yan Fajue is pretending to sleep?"

"How can it be?"

They didn't think about this result at all. They stared at Li Fan with disbelief on their faces.

Li Fan ignored them, but continued to focus on himself and shouted around: "Little guy, do you think pretending to sleep will reduce your work? What belongs to you will always be yours! You can't escape!"

"When you wake up, are you going to continue to deduce? You even have to make up for what you owe during this period..."

Li Fan was like a black-hearted boss urging his subordinates to work, chattering endlessly.

Even the four Dharma protectors couldn't help but frown slightly after hearing this.

In this way, I don’t know how long has passed.

"It's so noisy!"

A petite figure suddenly appeared above Li Fan.

Holding a wooden stick several times bigger than himself, he was about to swing it down at Li Fan's head.


"You're awake!"

When the four Hedao saw this, they looked overjoyed.

Although Li Fan's actual combat power is very weak, he is not unable to avoid such an obvious attack.

His body flashed and he avoided the attack of Yanfa little Lolita.

With one swipe, the little Loli put the wooden stick on her shoulder and came to Li Fan angrily: "What little guy? Auntie, I am thousands of years old! I don't know how many times older than you!"

Li Fan's face darkened and he scolded: "In that case, why do you act like a child and insist on pretending to be asleep?"

"I wonder how many people are worried about you!"

Little Yanfa's body trembled, and her aura instantly weakened.

But then she snorted coldly and said forcefully: "I want you to take care of it! You are so annoying! If it weren't for you, they wouldn't be able to tell at all!"

As she spoke, she quietly touched the giant wooden stick on her shoulder.

Looking at Li Fan, an evil light flashed in his eyes.

Li Fan turned his head to look at the four Hedao people and cupped his hands.

it is more than words.

"My little ancestor, why are you so angry again..."

The white-haired old man came to the Yanfa little Loli with a wry smile and a look of helplessness on his face.

"Do you know that in the past few days, the Dharma Protector Hall has been almost paralyzed. Many urgent matters have been forcibly postponed..."

"None of my business!" The wooden stick on her shoulder disappeared, and the little loli covered her ears, looking like I don't want to listen, I don't want to listen.

"I've been working for 2,327 consecutive days! It's been very hard! The vacation I was promised before suddenly disappeared again!" she said angrily.

"I don't care! I just want to take a vacation!"

Unexpectedly, it was because of this person that Yan Fajue forced himself to pretend to sleep.

The four guardians all smiled helplessly.

"Isn't this happening for a reason..."

The four of them spoke to each other, constantly comforting and admonishing.

After a lot of effort, I finally managed to persuade the little Loli Yanfa to change her mind.

Promise to take another day off and then get back to work.

After saying that, the little loli disappeared angrily.

Several people were also forcibly expelled from the Loli Consciousness Sea.

Everyone who returned to their own bodies looked at the light ball in the distance where the character changing speed became normal, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"How did this little brother figure out that Yan Fajue was pretending to sleep?"

The white-haired old man looked at Li Fan at this time and asked curiously.

His attitude has improved a lot, not as cold as before.

"It's a unique skill, so it's inconvenient to reveal it." Li Fan was not flattered by being treated as a peer by the Hedao monks, but just refused to answer the question.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across the white-haired old man's face.

But it disappeared quickly and there was no attack.

In his opinion, this young monk could actually see Yan Fajue's "disease" at a glance.

His attainments in "medicine" are probably extraordinary.

His true self, even if he is not a Hedao monk, is not much weaker.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. As long as Yan Fajue wakes up." The other three Hedao tried to smooth things over with a smile.

"Speaking of which, I helped you solve such a difficult problem, so there should be some reward, right?" At this time, Li Fan suddenly asked.

The four of them were slightly startled.

It was the white-haired old man who reacted the fastest: "Yes! There must be!"

"The reward is easy to say. However, I have to ask my little brother to help keep it a secret when Yan Fajue breaks down."

"I wonder what little brother wants?"

Li Fan pondered for a moment and replied: "I haven't decided yet. If I need it in the future, I will come to you again. How about it?"

The white-haired old man stared at Li Fan for a moment, and then did not refuse.

Instead, he handed a jade pendant to Li Fan to express his identity.

Now that everything is back on track, Li Fan returns to the waiting space.

According to the previous queue order, wait for the derivation of the exercises.

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