My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 912 The Wonderful Journey of the Immortal Sect

In the transparent martial arts arena, Li Qing was looked up to by thousands of people in Yilu Prefecture.

However, he didn't even look at the monk below.

Instead, with a single wave of his finger, he regained control of the thousands of swordsmen in front who had lost their pursuit of targets.

Then he looked up to the higher sky: "I have a sword, please take a look at it!"

The loud voice spread from high altitude to all directions, causing the monks from Yiluzhou to look at each other in shock.

"What is he going to do?"

"Bold enough to speak rudely to Lord Tianzun!"

"Stop him quickly!"

The monks who reacted screamed one after another, but it was already too late!

Behind Li Qing, the shadow of a black sword suddenly appeared.

The moment it appeared, those thousands of sword techniques seemed to have been violently stimulated.

The sword light surged several times.

The light was so intense that the monks below were almost unable to open their eyes.

Wan Zailai, who was already defeated and at a loss, also raised his head at this moment.

Seeing that his own moves could be further improved to such an extent, Wan Zailai's originally dim eyes suddenly felt a sense of hope.

Li Qing, however, didn't care at all about the reaction of the monk below.

With a long laugh, his body and the shadow of the black sword merged into one.

Surrounded by thousands of swordsmen, he was like an emperor of swords, leading thousands of troops and horses, cutting through the sky.

Stab straight into the sky!

The transparent circular martial arts arena only blocked it for a moment before being shattered inch by inch by this earth-shattering blow.

Ignoring the sword light, its momentum continued unabated, as if it was about to split the entire sky from it.

In the impact of the sword and the sky, the sword light exploded and scattered like fireworks, reflecting the sky in colorful colors.

Only the black sword embodied by Li Qing was firm and persistent.

Finally, he flew into a grand scene of the Immortal Sect that suddenly appeared in the sky.

In the crack that suddenly appeared, many different figures could be vaguely seen, all looking at the black sword that broke in rashly.

There are different expressions on the faces.

"Hey, this kid is so pitiful. He is so young..."

"What a pity for such a good person."

"Who told him to overestimate his capabilities and insist on pestering Senior Sister Zhao? Not long ago, Senior Sister Zhao has entered the foundation building realm, and she will be promoted to a core disciple in the future. This kid has not yet succeeded in refining Qi..."

"It's really a toad that wants to eat swan meat!"

"Well, I heard that he himself did reject Senior Sister Zhao's kindness many times and proposed to meet as little as possible in the future. Senior Sister Zhao was the one who refused to give in and always came to his door..."

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The sound of discussion in his ears woke Li Qing up.

When the people around him saw Li Qing waking up, they all shut up and left the room.

He was left alone to calm down.

There was chaos in his mind, and it took a long time for Li Qing to understand the current situation.

He was originally from Changfeng Village in Daqingshan.

Half a year ago, Changfeng Village was bloodbathed by a group of bandits. Only he and Zhao Ruoxi from the village escaped when they went out to play.

They saw the flames in the village rising into the sky and hurried back.

But he didn't want to run into the retreating bandits.

The bandits were all attracted by Zhao Ruoxi's beauty and wanted to rob her. At this time, fortunately, the immortal master of Dao Dao Sect descended from the sky and killed all the evil thieves.

Then, seeing how pitiful the two of them were, they took them back to the Daozong Mountain Gate.

A mortal is lucky enough to embark on the path of immortality. It can be described as a blessing in disguise.

But Li Fanqing is obviously not blessed enough, at least compared to Zhao Ruoxi, he is completely different.

In half a year, she has successfully built the foundation.

He worshiped the lineage of Yuehua and became the immortal king Zhang Wangshuang as his teacher.

But he, Li Qing, is still lingering in the Qi refining stage.

The gap is not huge.

If that's all, that's it.

What is most difficult for Li Qing to accept is...

Feeling the huge pain coming from her lower body, Li Qing was heartbroken.

All this is because beauty is a disaster!

Qin Shou, who is from the Lianshan lineage, fell in love with Zhao Ruoxi at first sight. However, due to the gap in cultivation and status between the two parties, Qin Shou launched a fierce pursuit of Zhao Ruoxi.

But Luo Hua was ruthless and Zhao Ruoxi showed no pretense towards him.

It's just that Fang Fang has already secretly promised Li Qing.

He doesn't just come to visit Li Qing at the outer door whenever he is free. She also secretly brought him many pills, including the extremely precious Foundation Establishment Pill!

This Foundation Building Pill is not an ordinary item, but the [Purple Rhyme Refining Pill] that Zhao Ruoxi specially asked for from her master because she knew that Li Qing was not qualified. It can attenuate to the greatest extent the sequelae of forcibly breaking through by relying on the elixir, and it can also slightly improve the cultivation qualifications of the user.

It is truly a magic medicine that can change your life!

That day, after sending Zhao Ruoxi away, Li Qing looked at the magic pill in her arms and was filled with joy.

Who would have expected that extreme joy can lead to sorrow.

His excessive closeness to Zhao Ruoxi aroused Qin Shou's dissatisfaction.

He actually sent someone to the door and gave Li Qing a severe lesson. And those people were really ruthless, and they directly destroyed Li Qing's life. Then they searched a lot and snatched away all the Ziyun Dao Refining Pill.

"Qin Shou..."

Li Qing slowly woke up from her memories, endless hatred flashed in her eyes.

But soon, the pain coming from his lower body brought him back to reality.

Li Qing mustered up her courage and reached out with trembling hands to touch her lower body.

But he got nothing.

Li Qing's heart suddenly became cold.

"The lifeblood is gone, and the hope of breaking through the Qi refining stage is gone."

"What's the point of living for me..."

Li Qing's eyes were full of despair.

At this moment, a figure suddenly pushed open the door and entered.

Without looking up, Li Qing knew who was coming just from the familiar body fragrance.


Halfway through her words, Li Qing suddenly remembered the warning given by the evil people when they committed the crime. The stinging pain in my lower body has not subsided.

Li Qing couldn't help but shiver and said, "Senior Sister Zhao..."

When Zhao Ruoxi looked at Li Qing's appearance, a hint of heartache flashed through her eyes.

The expression behind them was gloomy and full of solemnity.

"Where are you injured..." she asked softly.

Li Qing shuddered again and subconsciously blocked her crotch.

Zhao Ruoxi understood instantly and her face turned pale.

His consciousness swept away, and he clenched his pink fist tightly. There was overwhelming murderous intent in his eyes.

The flaws were clearly visible to the other party, and Li Qing instantly felt like dying.

I was just too ashamed to do anything but tremble all over.

Zhao Ruoxi looked at Li Qing who was shivering like a little chicken, and the pity in her heart grew stronger.

"It's okay, it's okay."

She comforted and held Li Qing in her arms.

"It's just physical damage. When you become more advanced in the future, you might be able to reshape your physical body..."

"Senior sister, although my cultivation is not as good as yours, I still know the common sense of cultivation. Before I even established the foundation, my body was already disabled. This is an innate disability..."

"I'm afraid that even at the stage of becoming a god, it's not easy to make up for it. What's more, with my qualifications, there is no hope of becoming a god..."

The more Li Qing talked, the more desperate she became, and she couldn't help but burst into tears.

Finally, under the double blow of body and spirit, he fell asleep in Senior Sister Zhao's arms.

Zhao Ruoxi looked at Li Qing with tears on her face, her eyes filled with distress.

However, when she gently wiped away the tears on Li Qing's face with her fingers, she felt a little lost when she looked at his handsome face with his brows slightly furrowed in his sleep.

Then, the expression on Zhao Ruoxi's face became a little strange.

He gently put Li Qing down and covered her with a quilt.

Zhao Ruoxi seemed to be making a difficult decision, her face was a little tangled, and she was pacing back and forth in the room.

After an unknown amount of time, she finally made up her mind.

He kissed Li Qing gently on the cheek and then left the room.

When Li Qing woke up from his sleep again, he did not get up immediately.

Instead, his eyes were blank, staring at the roof. My mind goes blank.

"It's so boring to live like this. It's better to die."

Just as he was thinking about how he would die.

Zhao Ruoxi walked in again.

With a strong smell of blood.


She threw the five human heads strung together in front of Li Qing: "I have killed all the perpetrators that day!"

"Of course, I know they are just following orders."

"The commander behind the scenes is Lianshan Qin Shou."

Hearing this name, Li Qing's originally gray eyes shone with a glimmer of light.

"But I can't move him now. Not only is Qin Shou's cultivation stronger than mine, but the backer behind him is also beyond my control for the time being."

"But I promise you, one day. I will pay back the pain Qin Shou inflicted on you a thousand times." Zhao Ruoxi said softly, with a firm tone.

Li Qing just nodded slightly. Didn't say anything.

"By the way, I found a technique specifically for you."

Seeing Li Qing's lack of energy, Senior Sister Zhao took out a jade slip and handed it over.

"Kung Fu?"

Li Qing was a little resistant at first, unwilling to reach out to pick it up.

However, after hearing Zhao Ruoxi say that this technique was particularly suitable for him, Li Qing hesitated for a moment before taking it and reading it.

"[Anti-Lun Jing]?"

Li Qing was a little listless at first, but after reading the sentence "If you want to practice this skill, you must first retreat from the palace" in the exercise method, she was shocked.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhao Ruoxi.

Zhao Ruoxi explained softly: "This is a skill hidden deep in the secret pavilion of the Dao Sect. Its origin is unknown. Because the prerequisites for practicing it are too harsh, few people have paid attention to it over the years."

"I also searched through almost the entire secret pavilion before I found this technique that is most suitable for you."

As if hope was ignited, Li Qing couldn't wait to read the next content in the jade slip.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, the universe is orderly, and Yin and Yang have their own way."

"This is the law of nature."

"However, if you go against the yin and yang, you can also seize the good fortune and trample the true immortal!"

Just the general outline of the opening chapter deeply attracted Li Qing's mind.

Forgetting everything around him, he was completely immersed in this extremely mysterious technique.

"You can enter the realm of true immortality..."

"If that's the case, even if it's self-imposed, it's not a big deal."

When Li Qing read through it roughly, he couldn't help but think so.


There is still one chapter left at around 1:30, so don’t wait any longer, brothers.

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