My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,206 Being the source of immortal disaster

According to common sense, if it were just a simple skeleton, Li Fan should not be able to sense the breath of any living being from it.

But these two bones in front of me...

But Li Fan's heart suddenly tightened, as if he was being watched by someone.

The stone statue transformed from bones seemed to come alive at any time, with a strange aura emanating from it.

Li Fan made a prompt decision and ended Wuliangjing's spying without saying a word.

The scene in front of me suddenly changed.

The bones disappeared, and what came into view were still the two seemingly ordinary stone statues.

The sense of crisis in Li Fan's heart slowly faded away.

"Senior..." Sun Luyao was frightened by the scene just now and was a little at a loss.

"Tell your brother to stay away from those two stone statues." Li Fan ordered calmly on the surface, but in fact, there was already a huge wave in his heart.

Are those two bones those of the Archmage?

Judging from its external appearance, it most likely belongs to the Great Master of Tiandu.

But why does he, who is half-immortal, have two bones in the first sect?

"Is it possible that he was so seriously injured that he was unable to take back his bones even if they were snatched away by the cultivators?"

This idea suddenly appeared in Li Fan's mind.

But soon Li Fan raised a big question mark himself.

Is it possible?

The power that envelopes the entire Yuandao State and can swallow up ten years of time shows that the Archmage has not yet fallen.

The power of a semi-immortal, no matter how seriously injured he is, cannot be dealt with by ordinary monks.

Not to mention still the ancient method of longevity.


"Infinite Mirror."

Li Fan looked at the timid Sun Luyao, the new Infinite Mirror Spirit.

When the Sun brothers first picked up the broken Infinite Mirror, the spirit of the immortal weapon had disappeared, leaving two mortals to take advantage of it.

Judging from the annihilation disaster that broke out in the Wuliang Mirror not long ago, it seems that in the process of fighting against this disaster, the weapon spirit dissipated and the Wuliang Mirror was damaged.

"The Wuliang Mirror is an ancient fairy weapon of black and yellow color. It was awarded to the Wuliang Sect from the immortal world. Even if the immortal world is destroyed due to an unspeakable disaster, the Wuliang Mirror should not be affected. However, this disaster of annihilation that should not appear in the mortal world, in Wuliang What happened in the mirror..."

Li Fan suddenly remembered that on the other side of the star sea, the Holy Embryo sneaked into the Xuanxian Ark and brought the invisible disasters in the dark star sea into it simultaneously, causing the tragic death of several monks.


"Besides Xuanhuang..."

In the history of the Xuanhuang Realm, the only person known to have had contact with the Immortal Realm and come from outside the Xuanhuang Realm is the Great Master of Tiandu.

"It seems that the Wuliang Mirror and even the First Sect may have been affected by the Archmage."

The past here is too confusing, and there are too few clues available at present, so Li Fan can only make such a guess.

"However, if the guess results are quite accurate, then maybe the problem with the Infinite Mirror can be solved." Li Fan's eyes flashed.

After Ji Hongdao and Sun Luyuan learned about the risks here, they made a wise choice to leave the secret room temporarily.

However, the two had some differences about what to do next.

"The remains of Master Tiandu are no small matter. We should report this matter to the Immortal Alliance as soon as possible." Ji Hongdao said seriously.

Sun Luyuan clearly expressed his opposition: "Brother Ji is confused! According to legend, the great mage is the master of the ten sects of immortality. If the news reaches the Five Elders Association, I am afraid they will take it back at all costs. A war is inevitable. Life is in ruins! With the current state of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, can you guarantee that this matter will not be leaked?"

Ji Hongdao was speechless.

Sun Luyuan continued: "In the eyes of those who teach the Dharma, only the attitude of the Heavenly Lord..."

"Even if they are half-immortal bones, I'm afraid they won't have any respect for them. In the Immortal Alliance, the endings will not only be used for research, but will also be placed in the museum for people to visit and point out."

"Besides, the Archmage is a legendary semi-immortal. It's hard to say whether he himself has fallen. If he blasphemes today, he might get his revenge in the future." Sun Luyuan said this, his face full of sincerity.

Ji Hongdao was a little helpless: "Then what do you think we should do?"

"Untouched." Sun Lu said in a distant voice.

"Brother Ji, think about it, even if you have the bones of a semi-immortal, what benefit will it bring to us? With the new method, there is almost no hope of immortality, let alone becoming an immortal?"

"Taking it away may cause huge disasters in the future, and there are no tangible benefits. Why bother?"

In the end Ji Hongdao was convinced.

The fundamental reason is that these are just two bones.

Rather, it is just the bones of a half-immortal who has not successfully ascended.

Sun Luyuan was right, it was of little use to Hedao monks like them.

Of course, if it were the real remains of an immortal, the choice would definitely be different.

"Although we won't take it for the time being, we can't let others take it away. Brother Ji, your formation cultivation is a blessing, so why not use formations to completely seal off the ruins here. Coupled with the original protective formations here, we can ensure that everything is foolproof." Sun Luyuan He suggested again.

This is to express one's position and attitude.

Sun Luyuan knew almost nothing about formations. As long as Ji Hongdao laid out formations here, he would not be able to secretly come here and take away the remains.

Ji Hongdao didn't show any pretense and immediately set up the formation.

When the ruins were blocked again, and on their way back, Sun Luyuan said in a faint voice: "If either of us can achieve immortality, then we will take these bones out and study them. Maybe we can go further. .”

Ji Hongdao smiled bitterly and shook his head, not paying attention at all.

If before Hedao, they had great ambitions and the ideal of attaining immortality when they were young.

So now that they have reached the realm of harmony, they have long given up the thought of being able to live forever.

It takes four steps to join the road, but each step is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

The more I learn about it, the more despair I feel.

The two of them fell silent one after another.

After a long time, Sun Luyuan sighed: "I really don't know what kind of amazing talent it is that can succeed against logic."

"For so many years in our Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, apart from Tianzun, there is only one person. He is still missing."

"If there is another one, the situation of our Immortal Alliance will be greatly different."

"You said, why are there five immortals in the Five Elders Association? Is it possible that they are really more talented than us in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance and have accomplished things that we cannot accomplish?"

This is also the doubt that countless monks from the Immortal Alliance cannot let go of.

Hearing Sun Luyuan's emotion, Ji Hongdao seemed to have remembered something, but he hesitated to speak.

"We two brothers, is there anything we can't say?" Sun Luyuan teased.

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