My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,199 The sky is broken, the earth is empty and the sea is missing

After wandering in the sea of ​​stars for thousands of years, even if there was no civilization gap, Xuanxianzhou's theoretical level of skills had not improved at all.

All the realms he saw were destroyed, and only the destructive power of the remaining true immortal seal characters echoed in the sea of ​​stars. As the saying goes, relying on mountains and mountains, relying on water to feed water, Xuanxianzhou therefore placed all its future on the research of this great power. As for other aspects...

Compared with the disaster-stricken Xuanhuang Realm, it is much weaker.

At the very least, in the extreme environment where Dharma cannot be practiced together, the various wonderful Dharma born in the Xuanhuang Realm are all amazing in the eyes of the Xuanxianzhou monks.

With the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance's Kung Fu library as his foundation, Li Fan was distracted and quickly found Zhao Xian the most suitable practice method for him. Of course, in Zhao Xian's own opinion, this is part of the huge number of skills that will be derived by the Zhengdao Academy through Yanfa Jue in the future.

"Spiritual God Harmony Skill. A magical skill that is still suitable for monks to practice even when resources are extremely scarce. It can achieve perfect coordination of spiritual consciousness and spiritual power. When either party is strong, it can be transformed into the weaker party. .”

"In the academy, the supply of spiritual power is really limited. It is already the limit for me to advance to the golden elixir. It is simply impossible to go further. But I can use the secret method that can increase the power of my spiritual consciousness. The growth leads to an increase in spiritual power..."

"In the exchange list of the academy, the value of those things needed to perform secret techniques is far inferior to that of spiritual stones."

Zhao Xian, who was worried about being stuck in a bottleneck, suddenly had a flash of inspiration and recalled more from that weird dream of the future. In excitement, he immediately spent all the contributions he had accumulated over the years to exchange them for the materials needed to temper his spiritual consciousness.

Black god glue, red ancient pulp, nourishing amber...

These ordinary and peaceful debris in the fairy boat were calcined and melted into crystal clear liquid by Zhao Xian using flames. Then, like a long whale sucking water, it continuously entered his sea of ​​consciousness.

The scalding heat wave almost instantly burned Zhao Xian's consciousness clean.

After a brief blank moment in consciousness, Zhao Xian found that he had adapted to the heat. At the same time, the intensity of his own consciousness also began to increase visibly to the naked eye.

"It's really a wonderful method!" Zhao Xian admired in his heart.

But what Zhao Xian didn't know was that the reason why his fragile consciousness during the Qi refining period could be preserved in such a violent smelting was all due to Li Fan's distraction.

Even the slurry refined from those treasures had most of its effects absorbed and refined by Li Fan's distraction. After all, Zhao Xian only has the cultivation level of the late stage of Qi refining. Just a little bit of it is enough to steadily improve his consciousness.

When Zhao Xian woke up from his practice, he felt that the intensity of his consciousness had almost doubled compared to before. It has reached the level of the middle stage of foundation building.

Compared with this "huge" power of spiritual consciousness, my own spiritual power seems a bit weak.

It feels like a giant playing with the body of a toy.

Zhao Xian suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and quickly activated the [Spiritual God Harmony Skill]. It was like an invisible millstone suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness. Crush the power of spiritual consciousness into pure power, nourishing Zhao Xian's body. ….

Without absorbing any spiritual energy, Zhao Xian's cultivation level was also improving crazily at a terrifying speed.

Finally, three days passed, and Zhao Xian's consciousness and spiritual power were balanced at the early stage of foundation building.

"Have I succeeded in building the foundation?"

Zhao Xian came back to his senses and looked at his hands in disbelief.

"This breakthrough was too easy. I didn't feel the inner demons or bottlenecks mentioned by Master and the seniors in the academy at all."

"After establishing the foundation, my authority in the academy has also increased a lot. There are more materials that can be exchanged. I am afraid that my training will be faster than before..."

After all, he was just a young man, dreaming about the future, and Zhao Xian couldn't help but feel excited.

In the end, it was the image of the immortal boat crashing in the future dream that brought him back to reality.

"It's a long road ahead. I still have a long way to go. Don't be arrogant."

Zhao Xian is thinking about how to make greater use of his "prophet first"

Feel the advantage and realize the rapid rise in status.

But Li Fan was distracted by reminiscing about the scene when Zhao Xian made a breakthrough.

It's not that Zhao Xian really encountered no obstacles to breaking through, but was blocked by Li Fan.

"That wave appeared out of thin air and pointed directly at the fluctuations in my heart."

"It's not the real immortal seal script. It's the Xinghai Tiandao..."

At this moment, Li Fan, the holy fetus outside the Xuanxian Zhou, suddenly felt something in his heart.

His body was in direct contact with this space filled with the breath of death. Li Fan, the holy fetus, had already understood during the process of crossing to the dark starry sky that this darkest sea of ​​stars actually shared a set of basic principles with the Xuanhuang Realm. The upper limit is even higher than that of Xuanhuang Realm.

His kendo, which had reached its limit in the Xuanhuang Realm, had actually broken through its original bottleneck and reached new heights unknowingly during the time he traveled across the sea of ​​stars.

The bottleneck that manifests itself as [Heaven's Disaster] in the Xuanhuang Realm has another form of existence in this dark sea of ​​stars.

"Every thought of trying to persuade people to return home is in vain. It's just a breakthrough in perfecting Qi refining, but it has such power. If I hadn't gone through too much, my tenacity would be unparalleled..."

"I'm afraid I have to use the Immortal Heart Curse to resolve it." Li Fan, the holy fetus, was secretly worried.

In the various illusions enveloped by invisible fluctuations, the holy fetus Li Fan seemed to see the scene of a successful breakthrough, then going through untold hardships, but finally dying of various disasters.

No matter how hard you try, you can't escape the ending of failure.

"It is better to return to the way and return, to return to the way and return..."

Obsession is like a magic sound, echoing in the sea of ​​consciousness. Persuaded to give up practice.

"The Heavenly Way of the Darkest Star Sea is a bit interesting. It is somewhat similar to the ancient inner demons recorded in the classics of the Xuanhuang Realm."

"If you look through the tube, you can see that although this sea of ​​stars was completely destroyed by the power of the True Immortal Seal Script, its basic underlying operations are still alive and well."

The holy fetus Li Fan kept thinking, and his vision suddenly opened up, as if he saw a wider world shrouded in black and yellow.

Even though the world is in ruins, it has brought new ideas to Li Fan's understanding of the world.

He once again thought about the contents of the Heavenly Medicine [Mending Heaven Record].

"If the situation in the Xuanhuang Realm is that of stitched monsters who are extremely ill and have been resurrected by others, then in this darkest sea of ​​​​stars, they have long since died, and most of their bodies have been crushed by huge force, with only a few residual limbs and fragments. Keep..."

"The Xuanhuang Realm can still be saved, but this Dark Star Sea is completely hopeless."

"Of course, I look at it from the perspective of the Heavenly Doctor when he wrote [Record of Mending Heaven]."

There is still another chapter around 12:30. 393197.


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