My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,186 Secretly Weaving a False Fairy Net

The sound of devout prayers echoed in the underground chamber.

It's like an ancient song, timeless and mysterious.

This group of people is naturally the You tribe.

With the joint efforts of several of Li Ping's disciples, almost the vast majority of the You tribe were captured in the small world of Daqi.

Li Ping knew that the being behind the Sea of ​​Darkness did not mind if his followers had other beliefs.

So after coercion and inducement, and finally demonstrating in front of the entire You tribe that coexistence is real, these You tribe people quickly adapted to this kind of life.

Some even have more firm and fanatical beliefs in the Holy Emperor than in the Sea of ​​Darkness.

After all, at the critical moment of annihilation, the Sea of ​​Darkness did not show any miracles. As for the Destiny Holy Emperor, he would really distribute a large amount of supplies to everyone every once in a while.

In the darkness, listening to the chants of the You clan people, Li Ping felt bits and pieces of golden source power being generated in his body.

"Just a hundred You clan members can gather more faith power than the entire Daqi people combined."

"What secrets are hidden among the You people..."

Li Ping has sent some corpses of You tribesmen who resisted alone to Master Yin, asking him to help with research.

"It just so happens that his research on the new laws has also reached a bottleneck. If he changes the research topic, there may be an unexpected spark of inspiration."

Of course, Li Ping didn't particularly care about the real reason behind the You clan's special physique.

It doesn't matter what the cause is, as long as it can be used by him.

With a flash of figure, Li Ping came to another enclosed place near the prayer space.

"Xuanba, how is the research? Can the transplanted flesh and blood promote the fertility of the You tribe?"

Wang Xuanba, who was concentrating on what he was looking at in front of him, quickly averted his eyes when he heard the master approaching.

He bowed respectfully, and then reported: "After several experiments, I have found the best combination of flesh and blood of alien beasts."

"I named it [Life Yuan Fei]"

"As long as there are enough male and female essences, it can cultivate a large number of larvae at an extremely terrifying speed."


"After all, they are not conceived in the mother's body. These larvae are born with deficiencies. Not to mention they are extremely weak when they are born, and their life expectancy may not be too long." Wang Xuanba said very cautiously.

Different from the honest and strong young man before, Wang Xuanba now has a slim figure.

He was carefully taught by Li Ping, and then he devoured the flesh and blood of many alien beasts and mastered the abilities of many alien beasts. Nowadays, the level of knowledge about strange beasts has even surpassed that of Li Ping.

After learning that Master was troubled by the low birth rate of the You tribe, he volunteered to share Master's worries.

So he actually created something astonishing as the [Life Yuan Fei].

It is completely composed of pink squirming flesh and blood of alien beasts, and its interior is a closed chamber.

Countless tubes connect these chambers to the body of the Yuan Fei.

While solving the problem of nurturing the daughter bodies to provide energy, it also allows the life embryo to absorb the characteristics of the large number of daughter bodies it cultivates.

"This is a win-win process. Every time a new child is cultivated, it will become smarter and more powerful."

"Although this process of progress is very small, it can be accumulated in sufficient quantities to achieve transformation within the expected time."

"If my prediction is correct, it is very likely that the life Yuan Fei will no longer need the male and female Yuan Essence in the future and will be able to create life on its own. As long as there is enough energy."

When talking about strange beasts, even in front of his teacher, Wang Xuanba's tone was full of confidence.

Li Ping's eyes pierced through the darkness and looked at the huge "meat ball" in the distance that was beating constantly and seemed to be breathing.

"I only need the number of things they can do for me at the same time. As for longevity..."

"Just die and be reborn."

The words of the Holy Emperor were full of coldness, and after hearing this, Wang Xuanba felt nothing strange in his heart.

After all, in his eyes, this headless You clan is actually no different from those alien beasts and cannot be considered human beings at all.

"You need to keep everything here strictly confidential. Even to your senior brothers and sisters." Li Ping said again.

"Disciple understands."

Wang Xuanba said in a deep voice.

After Li Ping left, he began to continue his research work.

Compared with dealing with the complicated things in the outside world, he still prefers these pure and simple things.

In just a few years, the life trajectory of the burly boy who used to be at the foot of the mountain has undergone such a huge change.

However, among Li Ping's disciples, Wang Xuanba was not the one who changed the most.

Wang Xuanba can still vaguely see the shadow of his past in his behavior.

The one who was completely different from before and after was a completely different person, it was Li Ping's fifth disciple, Ou Shangtian.

After following his father to Daqi and being accepted as his successor by Li Ping, he changed from being taciturn, wary and unconfident to the energetic young man he is now.

Act decisively and look down upon all things.

Although he is the youngest among the disciples, in terms of true strength, he is the best among them all.

In the entire Daqi, except for Li Ping, there is probably no one who can be his opponent.

Even if Li Ping comes forward, it will not be easy to subdue Ou Shangtian without using some secret magic powers.

In addition to the two rare objects that Ou Shangtian was born with, the Kungan Bone Hand and the Book of All Deaths.

Not long ago, Ou Shangtian was in the fishing pond, and under the guidance of Li Ping, he caught the colorful divine light.

With the seven-colored divine light protecting his body, coupled with the Kungan Bone Hands and Wanshengben's incredible escape ability, Ou Shangtian's life-saving ability is even stronger than that of most Hedao in the Xuanhuang Realm.

After several attacks and easily suppressing several small worlds, this young man became more and more arrogant.

But fortunately, with his father and Li Ping suppressing him, he didn't do anything extraordinary.

When he and Wang Xuanba worked together to capture the You tribe, he also became interested in Wang Xuanba's strange and strange beast abilities.

So I asked Li Ping for the practice method of [Good Fortune Baking Furnace Kung Fu], and I have been practicing hard during this period.

Li Ping is not worried that Ou Shangtian will lose control.

He will take action decisively before he shows signs of losing control.

The golden source power condensed by the You clan people has been quietly injected into the bodies of various key figures in Daqi.

This kind of power, which is infinitely close to the power of a true immortal, cannot be detected by so-called geniuses like them.

Only Baihua, an old guy from the ancient world of immortality, could know the details.

"Since you have fallen into my net, you have no choice but to die and work hard."

"After all, all gifts have already been priced."

With the pure golden source power as a trump card, we can already start to look forward to the invasion plan of the Xuanhuang Realm.

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