My Last Girlfriend

Chapter 148: Want me to go to the battlefield?

The words of the hot woman seemed to pour cold water on my head, and I calmed down.

"Do you have Lin Junxia's whereabouts? Where is she?! She...has nothing happened, right?"

"I'll show you something."

The hot woman took me to the light of the toilet, then took out her watch phone, opened the album, and found a series of photos from it to show me, "These days, people from the Military Intelligence Department have detected There are a large number of gangsters gathering in the northern part of Huanglian Mountain, and the Spider Queen seems to have made a big move. And there are also investigators who have secretly investigated the situation in that area and brought back photos. These photos are an undercover biography of an intruder who broke into the gangster. When I came back, although the photo was blurry, I could still see the outlines of some people clearly. You can see for yourself."

I took the hot girl's watch and mobile phone, and then the strong light of the incandescent lamp in the toilet made me able to see the picture of the person in the photo clearly.

The picture shows two women talking. One of them is a seductive woman wearing a black strapless leather jacket. The woman is tall and has a devilish figure, with **** wavy curly hair like It was the spider's legs that spread out, highlighting the coquettish and coquettishness of that woman. The pointed face, wheat-colored skin, and half-bare shoulders are all full of women's charm.

What is even more surprising is that the woman wears a gun around her waist, and her right hand also holds a slender black whip. .

"This person in black leather clothes is the Spider Queen and the leader of the gangsters." The hot woman raised her eyes and glanced at me. "She was the planner of the Yunnan riots more than a month ago. This person is crazy. Several terrorist incidents have been created in China in the past few years, and we also want to separate our country's southern Tibet, Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi, so it is notorious in the world. The Spider Queen was originally named thanhlan, and she herself called herself the Spider Queen. I don’t know if you know this, but I’ll give you some popular science."

Terrorist incident? Hearing the explanation from the hot girl, I kind of understood this woman named Spider Queen. To put it bluntly, this woman is a base leader. She often brings a group of her men into riots and independence, and often comes to China to beat, smash, rob and burn. She has a deep feud with the Chinese. She is personally angry and sad. woman.

"Look at the person next to the Spider Queen, look carefully." The hot woman reminded me.

I squinted, then dumbfounded.

Because what really matters to me is not sending the weird Spider Queen, but the woman next to the Spider Queen, who is holding a map and wearing glasses. It is a young woman with choppy brown curly hair and a melon face. With fair skin, the woman was wearing a black uniform, with a little intellectual beauty, but also a little coquettish. Seeing her, I taught it on the spot:

"Lin... Junxia?"

Although the photos were not very clear, I recognized Lin Junxia at a glance, familiar square glasses, slim figure, eye-catching choppy brown long hair, it is indeed Leng Ao Nu!

Leng Ao Nu is a beauty after all, and she is very beautiful, and I have had personal contact with her, of course I recognized it at first sight. From the photo, it seems that the Spider Queen is asking Leng Aonv about something, while Leng Aonv is holding the map, frowning and looking at it carefully, with a serious expression on her face.

"Do you think this person is very similar to my sister?" The hot woman looked at me and asked.

"It should be Lin Junxia...but, how could it be hers? She can't possibly know the Spider Queen!" I raised my head and looked at the hot woman, with a cloud of suspicion in my heart. Originally, I didn't really believe the previous sturdy women who told me that Leng Ao-nv was next to the Spider Queen, but when I saw the photo, I had to believe it.

"I don't know, but it looks like it's really my sister." The hot woman's tone was a little anxious. "My sister hasn't been there for more than a month, and the only news I know is this photo."

"It seems that the fat cats didn't lie to me..." I held my watch and phone and fell into deep thought. Then I looked through the other photos one by one, but there were no Leng Ao Nu in the remaining photos, only some transport vehicles, supplies, and Some photos resemble caves and entrances to underground bases.

"I haven't seen you in the past few days, are looking for these photos?"

The hot girl gave me a sullen face and glared at me, and said, "If it weren't for you, why would I have to spend so much time in the program when I got these photos?! Fortunately, these photos are all used to publish in the morning news. The photos are not the most core profile photos, otherwise at least the permission of the colonel or above can be obtained!"

Facing the hot woman's anger, I covered my ears, shrank my head, and couldn't help apologizing. After reading all the photos, I returned the watch and phone to the hot woman, and then asked:

"But, why does Lin Junxia have contact with the gangsters?'s not easy to say in the past."

"How do I know? My sister's disappearance was about the same time as the gangsters started the riots in Kunming. I think it's 50% of the time it was her!"

"Then what are you going to do? Is there any way?" I asked the hot woman squarely.

When I asked this, the hot girl's eyes were a little gloomy:

"I am not sure if the person in the photo is my elder sister, but if she is, I will definitely find her. My elder sister does not seem to be a treason. I think she is probably the one who was gangstered. I was kidnapped. After all, my family and the National Archives have a deep intersection, and my sister may take my aunt’s class in the future. She has studied a lot of historical documents. My sister is a doctor of history. I was very interested in that period of history when I was a man. I have also studied some ancient monuments in the world in depth, and I can also get access to some state secrets. My sister also published a book called "Men Save the World", which has been published internationally. She has had some influence, so it's not surprising that the bandits took her away."

When I heard the words of the hot woman, I suddenly remembered the rumor that the thief-eye women had told me before, and thought:

"Isn't that... The Spider Queen is looking for the Golden City? Your sister... Could she be captured by the Spider Queen for this reason?"

"Golden City?" Hearing my words, the hot woman raised an eyebrow, "I don't know the rumors of this kind of weird power... Anyway, we can only dream of standing here! You should listen to my arrangements. !"

Hot women have arrangements? I became calmer when I heard her.

"Yesterday afternoon, the Central Military Commission has issued an emergency document to the headquarters, requesting that in the morning after tomorrow, our Wenshan County Military Division sends three regiments of advance troops to the area south of Huanglian Mountain in the former Vietnam. Large-scale bandits carry out a clean-up operation. The goal is to capture or kill the Spider Queen alive."

"No...Is it going to be a big move?" No wonder the number of armed vehicles and freight trucks entering and leaving the military area in the past few days is so alarming, and the soldiers' training has become stricter and more frequent. .

"Yes, the country has announced that it is fighting head-on with the bandits. The first, second and third regiments, including our cooking camp, will all go to the front."

"Uh... now that the technology is so advanced, people have to rely on people to fight? Why don't you send bombers, armored vehicles or artillery?"

"Do you have basic common sense?! Three-quarters of Vietnam's land is high mountains and plateaus, and the north is even steeper mountains. For example, Huanglian Mountain and Changshan Mountain are large mountain ranges that cross the soil, layered on top of each other. Mountains and valleys criss-cross, dense forests, countless caves, many ditches, and the terrain is very complicated, not to mention armored vehicles or tanks, even motorcycles can’t get in. The bandits only need to hide us in the mountains. There is no way to strike with heavy firepower, you can only rely on the soldiers to fight in person!"

"Oh... I see... You are right."

In the 21st century, I am also a liberal arts student, and I still have some understanding of the environment of China's surrounding areas. As mentioned in high school geography, the terrain of Southeast Asia is distributed in a fan shape, high in the north and low in the south, the Naga Mountains and the Rakhine Mountains; The Denglao Mountains, the Tarnianthawg Mountains, the Birokdong Mountains and the Changshan Mountains are arranged alternately, endlessly, and the terrain is quite complicated.

The hot woman glanced at me impatiently and said, "Since you know this, it will be easier to save my saliva! In short, I am here to tell you that this time we will send troops to the frontline to suppress bandits. Go ahead and you will be on the front line together. This is the best opportunity for me to send you and two other friends out of the barracks!"

" want me to go to the front line to fight?"

The hot girl is shocking. I was shocked enough at first, but when I heard the last words of the hot girl, I suddenly found that the shocks in front were all clouds.

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