My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 83 Eighth Floor

"It's the footsteps again!"

Han Fei immediately stopped what he was doing, turned around and hid in room 1062.

He was leaning against the door, his eyes staring at the corridor outside through the cat's eyes.

"The owner of the footsteps doesn't even want to face Xu Qin, how terrifying will it be?"

The footsteps were getting faster and faster, and the ring in Han Fei's hand began to give off a biting chill. That thing came over!

Holding his breath, Han Fei kept his posture, he wanted to see what the other party looked like.

The footsteps stopped on the sixth floor, and the coolness from the landlord's ring almost froze Han Fei's fingers.

Han Fei knew that the other party was at the door, but he couldn't see anything through the cat's eyes. The corridor was dark and not even a ghost.

"Invisible neighbors?"

Not knowing the other party's appearance, only knowing the other party's existence, this unknown terror is even more frightening.

"Could he be looking at me through the cat's eyes now?"

Han Fei was startled by his sudden thought. He curled up behind the security door, daring to make any sound.

It was very quiet outside the door, just like usual. If Han Fei hadn't owned the landlord's ring and could sense the astonishing chill, he would probably have thought that the other party had left.

"That ghost is still waiting for me at the door!"

It took fifteen minutes for both sides to sound footsteps again, and the ghost outside the door left.

"What the hell is he? Invisible, but real, and making those strange footsteps."

After the ring no longer radiated coolness, Han Fei quietly pushed open the door, and seized the time to open the door of room 1063.

He searched all the rooms on the sixth floor, and a system prompt appeared in his mind.

"Players with number 0000, please pay attention! The G-level main quest to explore the sixth floor has been completed, and the basic reward free skill point will be added by one"

"Attention number 0000 players! You have been successfully upgraded to level five! Free attribute points plus one!"

After the task was completed, Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief. He added attribute points to physical strength, and skill points continued to be added to acting skills.

Now his physical strength has reached eight, and his acting skills have reached the intermediate level of seven, and he should be able to break through to the advanced level soon.

"After the physical strength has improved, all the indicators of my body have improved. Even if I put it in reality, I should be considered a relatively capable person, right?"

Han Fei waved his fist. He compared himself with the scarred outsider he encountered before: "My speed is almost the same as the other party's, but my physical strength is still a little worse. I guess I will upgrade a few more levels and encounter a similar murder next time. Crazy, it's him who should run away."

After making sure that he could quit the game freely, Han Fei started to do the human body puzzle task.

The most difficult part of this F-level mission is that players have to find corpse puzzles throughout the apartment building, and they will provoke something terrible if they are not careful.

But it was different for Han Fei. He figured out the hidden location of the remaining corpses in reality, and compared with the information left by Meng Changxi at the time, he easily found three "puzzles".

It is said to be a puzzle, but it is actually the mutilated body parts of the victims.

According to the system identification, in addition to the amazing curse and resentment remaining on these mutilated body parts, it seems that there are some special emotions hidden.

"The simple ones have been found. The remaining four pieces of the puzzle are two on the eighth floor and two on the ninth floor. I haven't been there yet."

"After quitting the game today, there is only one day left for this task. It is almost impossible to enter the eighth and ninth floors in one day to find the four pieces of the puzzle."

Han Fei took a deep breath: "If I don't want the mission to fail, I must find more puzzles today."

It was the first time that he accepted the mission, and the reward must be very rich. Han Fei was reluctant to give up easily.

He decided to go to the eighth floor to take a look when he was able to quit the game freely. If he couldn't, he quit directly.

"Meng Shi reminded me before that there is a problem with the stairs between the seventh and eighth floors. If you go there after midnight, you may go to another place and see something special."

Carefully came to the seventh floor, the door of room 1064 was closed, but it was still unlocked.

"Who closed the door? The owner of the strange footsteps? It doesn't want to look in the mirror?"

What the opponent is unwilling to do may be his weakness.

"Could the mirror take him out?"

Han Fei noticed this detail, but his relationship with the mirror on the seventh floor is even worse. If he dared to appear in front of the mirror, he would probably be able to get out of the mirror directly.

"Take your time, don't rush."

Stopping on the steps between the seventh and eighth floors, Han Fei observed carefully and found that there were a lot of bloodstains scattered on the steps here.

"A lot of people seem to have died on this step."

Trying to step on the steps between the seventh and eighth floors, Han Fei didn't feel anything unusual. He walked up step by step, but felt that the smell of blood in the air was getting stronger and stronger.


A voice suddenly came from his ear, followed by Han Fei's harsh laughter.

"The sound seems to be coming from me?"

He was accustomed to leaning against the wall to go upstairs, and when he looked around, his face instantly turned very bad.

There are some strange paintings on the mottled wall, and a few young people are dragging the hands and feet of a middle-aged man, it seems that

I want to tear him apart.

"Is it the young man on the wall laughing?"

Han Fei looked at the young people, and when he moved his eyes, he saw a young man on the wall turn his head, as if he was secretly looking at Han Fei.

His heart jumped, but Han Fei didn't show any uneasiness on his face. He pretended not to hear the strange sound at all, and ran to the eighth floor in one breath.

"The house is haunted, the hallway is haunted, and now even the steps and walls are not safe."

After Han Fei left the steps, the smell of blood in the air dissipated, he looked back at the wall, there was nothing there.

"Could it be that there are ghosts on the walls? They will hook the souls of pedestrians? But why do they only appear in the middle of the seventh and eighth floors?"

Han Fei was lucky not to be hit this time, but he couldn't guarantee that he was so lucky every time: "It's too dangerous to have such a hidden danger in the corridor, why don't I try to set fire to the wall? I don't know where there's gasoline or anything in the building."

Thinking about the countermeasures in his mind, Han Fei slowly touched the door of room 1084. The "puzzle" he was looking for was hidden in this room.

Holding the door handle, Han Fei exerted a little force, and the door opened.

"Not locked?"

Han Fei was a little surprised, but before he could regain his senses, the strange footsteps sounded again.

This time he heard it clearly, the voice came from the ninth floor, right above his head!

The opponent's speed was very fast, and Han Fei couldn't hesitate at all, and hid in room 1084 directly.

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