My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 19 I am diligent and positive

Han Fei did not accept Zhan Lele's gift. Although his social fears are not as serious as before, he is still not very good at interpersonal communication. .

After returning home, Han Fei had a full meal. He used to be frugal in order to buy a house of his own one day.

But since playing the healing game, his heart has been opened directly, the house? Tickets? These things are so cheesy!

Now he just wants to be able to quietly watch the rising sun every day and savor the beauty in life.

"Why didn't I find the food in the gourmet shop downstairs so delicious before?"

After simply cleaning up the table, Han Fei stared blankly at the wall covered with photos of victims.

"My monster roommate's biggest wish is to catch the murderer, but how can I face such a vicious murderer?"

"I'm just an 18th-tier actor, but the other party is a perverted killer who is very logical, good at disguise, and has a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance. He can still evade the police by killing eight people in a row! If I really find the other party's clues, that Will the guy silence me in reality?"

Han Fei's complexion gradually deteriorated. It is not a cool thing to investigate a murder case alone and gradually approach the real murderer, but a very, very dangerous thing.

"I need to cooperate with the police, but I can't disclose the existence of the game, and the more people who know me, the more likely that murderer will come to the door."

"Now he is in the dark, and I am in the dark. Everyone is still safe. If I go to the light by myself, he will definitely try to kill me."

Clenching his fists, Han Fei is very self-aware that he is now a scumbag with only five physical strengths.

"You can quit the game, but not in reality." Han Fei stood up from the sofa: "I can't be so decadent anymore."

Turning on the computer, Han Fei directly ordered a metal tactical pen, a throwing stick, a strong light flashlight, and an electric shock wolf-proof device.

Then he opened relevant websites and purchased a large number of courses on criminal psychology, self-defense, and survival teaching. In this era when knowledge payment has been completely popularized, as long as you are willing to spend money, you can buy really useful knowledge.

"I was such a waste of time before, I should have made my life full."

Being positive, exercising, and constantly learning to recharge outside of work, people who don't know the truth will probably think that Han Fei is a very sunny and cheerful person.

After making a plan, Han Fei began to study seriously. He not only had to figure out the murderer's psychology, but also how to rescue the victim from despair, both of which were related to his life.

When it was almost midnight, Han Fei locked the doors and windows and put on the game helmet hesitantly.

"The last time I quit was on the third floor. I want to prevent that kid from guarding the corpse. After logging into the game, I ran directly to the fourth floor!"

After connecting all the lines, when midnight came, the world in front of Han Fei turned blood red.

"Welcome to Perfect Life! Now you can..."

Before the cold mechanical synthesis voice in his mind could finish, Han Fei opened his eyes, that is, at that moment, his face became very bad.

His fingers were frozen by the coolness from the ring, and Han Fei looked up. The door on the third floor, which was covered with talisman paper, was half open, and a child who couldn't see his face was sitting at the door!

"He's waiting for me!"

Goosebumps appeared in an instant, Han Fei thought that his psychological endurance had been greatly improved, but at this moment he realized that he was too naive, and the horror of this underworld game was far beyond his imagination.

"I haven't completed the task, I haven't stayed for three hours, if I'm dragged into the room by that kid..." Han Fei didn't dare to think any more. He tried to move back, but the kid raised his head as soon as he moved. head.

In the dark corridor, being stared at by a child who could not see a clear face, Han Fei only felt a chill on his back.

"I'm trying my best to run up and I should have a chance to reach the fourth floor. The problem is that I have to open the door." Han Fei was almost desperate, but at this moment the child suddenly stood up.

When Han Fei was puzzled, the security door behind him was suddenly opened.

"Come in!"

A force pulled Han Fei back, as if to let him into the house.

After hearing the familiar voice, Han Fei did not hesitate.

There was only one chance, and he quickly cooperated with the opponent to speed up and retreat.

Seeing that the child started to crawl wildly, Han Fei retreated into the grandmother's house by the slightest error.


The security door was slammed shut, and there was a constant sound of fingernails scratching outside the door. Han Fei sat on the ground, his back soaked with cold sweat.

"Are you all right?" Meng Shi coughed a few times, and she lifted Han Fei up from the ground.

"Grandma, if it wasn't for your help this time, I guess I'd be finished! Thank you!" Han Fei was sincerely grateful to the other party.

"Why did you come to the third floor all of a sudden?" Meng Shi's face was very bad, and his body seemed to be getting worse.

"My house is haunted! In addition, I have something to ask you about." Han Fei was not acting, his house was really haunted.

"You wait for a while, I'll see if the child is gone." The old lady placed the red candle on the table next to the security door, and the fire reflected on the wall. Only at this time did Han Fei realize that the light was not turned on in the room.

The old man stared at the beating flames and the shadows on the wall.

"What is the child

What's the matter? He looks so scary! "Han Fei has only regained his strength now.

Meng Shi didn't speak, took the candle, and walked tremblingly towards the inner room.

"Grandma, there was a short time between when I met the child and when you opened the door. Are you standing at the door the whole time? Or did you happen to find me?" Han Fei was a little puzzled. He knew that the old lady was not a bad person. , but there is nothing wrong with being careful.

"I've been in the room looking at the door opposite." Meng Shi put the red candle on the table and sighed, the wrinkles on her face deepened: "Chenchen is gone, I suspect he ran in in the opposite room."

"Chenchen lost?" Han Fei was also surprised.

"Hey, do you know why I always lock Chenchen in the bedroom?" The old lady sat on the chair weakly.

"Why?" Han Fei was really curious. He remembered the first time he came to the old man's house. At that time, the old man opened the lock on the bedroom door and called Chenchen to come out for dinner.

Han Fei almost forgot this detail, but now that he thinks about it, he realizes that something is wrong.

"Because Chenchen always wants to go out and play with the non-existent child, I found out a long time ago that an unfamiliar name always pops out of Chenchen's mouth, and he often sits alone on the fan Next to the door of Fu Zhi's room, he kept saying something, as if he was communicating with another child."

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