My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 720: Longing for a baby

An Ge'er's eyes widened, wondering.

Bo Yan lowered his head and looked at the figure leaning against her. After her little nose was lightly scraped, he said in a somewhat helpless tone, "What does it feel like to be alone? When I was eating, I didn't dare to go to the bathroom, so I was worried. The waiter took the food away..."


An Geer laughed dullly when she heard it, and her arms and shoulders trembled.

It’s just that although she is smiling, she still feels more distressed for him in her heart. She can’t help but hug him tightly. She knows that my uncle doesn’t want to tell her the things that make her heart uncomfortable. He wants to make her happy, but doesn’t want her. Sentimental for him.

So she didn't ask any more, but from the bottom of her heart, everything was as clear as a mirror.

She thought, she must use the rest of her life to love him, and love him as much as possible every day.

The two sat on the grass for a while, and gradually, somehow the two rolled together, hugging and kissing each other.

Of course, just when An Ge'er's clothes were almost untied, I suddenly heard a lot of people chattering and laughing in the distance.

The two stopped their movements for an instant, and looked over there together.

I saw that there seemed to be a big family, with children and parents, six or seven people, all local people, but looking at their posture, it seemed that they were about to start camping here.

They were just getting close, and they were almost seen by those people. An Ge'er got up quickly blushing and tidied his clothes, while Bo Yan took a trip to the grass with one leg slightly bent, and one elbow supporting his body. Seeing An Ge'er's small appearance, she chuckled softly.

The smiling An Geer blushed again.

Turning his head and glaring at him, when he turned his head, he saw those people also looking towards them. The adults still smiled, and then waved hello to them.

They also returned.

It’s just that while looking at their family, I started to spread the list with various foods, fruits, and a youngest child of three or four years old, jumping around on the grass, but accidentally planted. In fact, An Ge'er was startled, but he didn't expect that the little child turned around by accident and stood up again.

She was relieved, and then laughed.

"What a cute kid..."

An Ge'er smiled, just talking, and in the end, there was some longing and longing in his eyes.

The French kid looks like a little girl.

The golden velvet curly hair, the white and tender face, the big blue eyes, the cute toot, the small pink lips, are simply incredible.

Especially when she looked over, An Ge'er was still smiling for one second, but her eyes were already moist the next second, she lowered her head and closed her eyes.

If she could have a younger brother’s child, she would look so good, and their children would be very smart and beautiful, right?

It's just a pity that she...

"I think of something else, Xiaogeer, let me go back with me." At this moment, Bo Yan suddenly said softly, as if he hadn't noticed her sudden gaffe, his voice sounded no strange.

An Ge'er nodded quickly, and the effort to get up secretly erased the traces of wetness.

Bo Yan held her shoulders tightly.

How could he not know what she was thinking?

It's just that those, to him, will never be as important as her.

Here they both got up and left, but didn't notice--

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