My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 703: Embarrassed, I can’t explain clearly to Uncle

"Here, this is leaving?" Fu Jiu said, her eyes widened, her gaze followed, until she was blocked by a white figure, she turned her head dumbly, and then took Qin Shuangshuang again. On the shoulders, molested, "Go, twin brothers, sister takes you out and pretends to lead you to fly."

Qin Shuangshuang was originally from Bo Yan's side, just to join in the fun together, but now after encountering that, she completely froze in her seat, and she didn't want to go, nor did she go, she didn't know what to do. It's good to do it.

At this moment, seeing Fu Jiu say this, she pulled the corner of her mouth stiffly, nodded, and said, "Okay."

Of course, after the sound of her word fell, she instantly felt a cold and sharp sight.

Qin Shuangshuang didn't understand what was going on with these people, nor what the relationship was.

Moreover, it’s important to run, so I can only stand up and help Fu Jiu, meet Su Chen's gaze with an awkward smile, and say, "Don't worry, I will send her back before going to bed at ten in the evening.

She said she was going to take Fu Jiu who was lazily leaning on her.


As soon as I reached a step, I was blocked in front.

In the next second, Qin Shuangshuang saw the cold and gentle man's face suddenly turned cold, and words came out of his thin lips without any emotions, "Then why are you busy all night?"


Qin Shuangshuang was stunned, his head didn't turn around for a while!

Su Chen didn't look at her again, and directly took Fu Jiu who was already drunk and couldn't open his eyes, and a princess snatched her from her.


This, what is this situation! ?

Qin Shuangshuang immediately stayed there alone, not embarrassed.

Then I had to scratch my head, grinning at the other people in the private room, showing all his white teeth, "I'm sorry, elders, I will leave if I have something to do."

When she bent over and wanted to withdraw, she suddenly raised her head, but it happened to meet Rong Bei's obscure sight, which made her feel a little bit in her heart!

Immediately turned around and ran away.

Until she ran for an unknown amount of time, she went down the stairs and exited the door of the hotel. She looked up at the starry sky, but found a haze.

Although the bottom of my heart was shocked by their ‘intricate’ relationship, but after hearing the beauty say that, apart from embarrassment, the bottom of her heart was painful like a needle stabbed and convulsive.

At this moment, she had to admit that for herself, this person had already missed her deep bones, humble and out of reach.


And now in a black car.

An Ge'er's small body was fidgeting, her cheeks were still red, rare tangled and a little twisted.

Since he came out, he hasn't said a word to himself.

Did you misunderstand me?

An Ge'er thought for a long time, but still mustered up the courage to look up at him timidly.

He is driving the car, his side face is delicate and charming, his jaw is firm and perfect, his pale pink lips are lightly pressed, his eyes are deep and he is looking ahead.

"Then, that boy...I don't have one."

She muttered awkwardly, and then glanced at his expression with her small eyes.

Hearing this, Bo Yan didn't have much emotion on his face, but his eyes flashed.

An Ge'er was still a little depressed. Why didn't he respond? He saw that his speed had slowed down, and there was a red light ahead.

She retracted her gaze and lowered her head.

See you in the next second--

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