My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 293: Rong Bei is a lunatic!

At first she thought that her uncle hadn't paid attention at all, and didn't move at all, but slowly...

I don't know when, the hair seems to be drying, but he still sits behind her and does not leave, and the breath in his nose is getting hotter and hotter.

The spray on her white and delicate neck was itchy, making her ears feel a little red.

But he still didn't have any deviant behaviors. An Ge'er felt a little intolerable. Let her be tempted again. Even if she thought about it, she didn't know what to do. She bit her lip and thought about it, and then whispered directly, "Uncle My hair is dry, thank you."

As she said, she was about to stand up from the blanket on the ground.

Of course.

In the next second, things were still expected by her.

Bo Yan clasped her waist, loosened the towel, and hugged her tightly with both hands.


An Ge'er half pushed, Bo Yan raged fiercely, but his eyes were extremely deep, and his voice couldn't hear any emotions, "Little girl, isn't this what you want? You deliberately hooked me."

An Ge'er stiffened, she was clearly leaning against his arms, but she felt a trace of coolness in her back.

Not to mention that Xu Wei is such a scheming woman, she is seen thoroughly in the arms of her younger uncle, indeed... how can he not see her deliberateness, just want to know whether he wants to be hooked by her That's it.

Only if he is willing, as a woman, can he have a chance.

"Yeah...Uncle, but are you willing to be hooked by me?" An Ge'er's cheeks were fascinating, she was like a fallen angel, pulling him into the abyss of desire.

Bo Yan was angry and angry, and wanted to control himself to throw her away, but he couldn't control it and couldn't stop at all.

Finally, when An Ge'er pressed his hand and turned around, Bo Yan suddenly cursed and got up and left.

He was really going to be mad at her self-righteousness.

For another man, she actually took the initiative to him, who never took the initiative. Should he thank him or be ridiculous for himself?

So he pushed her away and rejected her, otherwise he would definitely have the urge to torture her in bed.

An Ge'er was stunned on the spot, her face turned pale...

What can she do if such a thing happens?

She just didn't want him to be angry, and she didn't want him to be uncomfortable.

The uncle doesn't understand her, she doesn't blame him, she has her own difficulties that are unspeakable or even impossible for him.

In the evening, Bo Yan simply made some soup, but he didn't move a bit of it himself. He put it on the table. He closed the door of a room and couldn't come out. His handsome and handsome face was cold and cold, and his eyes were all frozen. ruler.

After An Ge'er was rejected, the courage she had finally plucked up before disappeared completely. She finished the soup in silence and went to sleep in another room.

She might have been too tired from work during the day, and when she came back in the afternoon, she was put together by these two people. She was sleeping deeply at night, but she did not know that in the dead of night, a slender and tall figure stood by her bed, wrapped in her nightgown, clear. The charming face, with tiredness and helplessness...

He deliberately didn't eat at night, and she didn't call him, she really hoped too much.


What can it do?

As long as she is willing to stay by his side and ask him to do anything, he is already willing to do everything.

And the night is quiet.

Outside the door, in the corridor of the hotel room, Rongbei was leaning against the wall depressedly, the smoke between his fingers flickered, and the corridor under the blue light seemed confusing and confusing. It was inevitable that it was a little bit cool late at night. The windows kept blowing in, and Rongbei was determined. Was blown all night.

So the next day, when he slowly raised his head, his exquisite and enchanting face, with depression and exhaustion between his eyebrows, and red-blooded eyes with shady birds, all night, they were in the hotel!

Sleep together, intimate and lingering.

And he has been standing alone outside.

He knows that all of this is what he asked for, but his heart is still very angry and jealous.

The darker the sky, the darker and gloomier his heart, they really let him wait from night to day.


Rong Bei sneezed suddenly and was blown by the wind all night. His throat was hot and his head was dizzy. He hadn't been sick for a long time, but he fell ill overnight, at 7 or 8 o'clock in the morning. There was a call, and after receiving it, Rong Bei left angrily and annoyed.

That morning, when it was working time at 8 or 9 o'clock, Fu Jiu and Su Chen also took a special plane to City A, and by the way, they were prepared with everything An Geer entrusted to them.

A Lamborghini was speeding along the road. Su Chen drove the car. Fu Jiu was sitting in the co-pilot wearing sunglasses and looking straight ahead. When he despised the place where the car would be so congested, but from a distance, there was The Ferrari drove forward, and did not hesitate to change lanes.

Of course, I didn't really crash. The driving skills were very high, but I didn't care about traffic rules.

Many people noticed the man driving the Ferrari, and Fu Jiu naturally took off his sunglasses and wanted to see clearly.

Not because of anything else, but because of this man, this car, she was so familiar with it.

Sure enough, the next moment I saw the car speeding by, but the scene inside made Fu Jiu's eyes stunned!

The driving inside seemed to have caught a cold. No, it was a cold. Fu Jiu didn't know how to describe the scene inside. He just felt that Brother Rong was really incredible, too wicked.

Because the car is tied to an iron frame by the headlights on the outside of the car, there is actually a dripping bottle on it. This scene itself is very amazing, so forget it, but he is still on the side, while driving In the car, there was a bottle of vodka in one hand and he kept pouring into his mouth.


This scene is simple.

It’s not being scolded and stupid on the street x that is a lunatic.

Unscrupulous drunk driving on the street, with a bottle on his left hand, this scene is really comedy and fierce, this must be something that makes him so crazy beyond ordinary people!

Fu Jiu immediately picked up the phone and snapped a few photos and threw them to Su Chen.

"He is crazy, why is he excited?"

Su Chen glanced lightly, his nose overflowed with a light sigh, "Let's go, turn around and follow up."

He is desperate, other people on the street are still desperate.


An Geer didn’t dare to go out until Ai called in the morning.

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