My Guardian Mr Bo

Chapter 288: There is a man in you! ?

Her hair is still wet, the strands of innocence and charming on her little face, her little face is flushed in white, a long T-shirt, slender white legs are faintly exposed underneath, she is innocent, and Rong Bei’s eyes are faint. The light like a hungry wolf licked the corner of his thin mouth.

An Ge'er was really mad at him.

Seeing that he couldn't resist him, he didn't come in as if he didn't give up.

Don't be too much!

"Don't worry, you can't escape. Since you know what I want, you give it to me obediently. If you are obedient, brother, I promise to do it-you will be gentle when you are." Don't stop until you reach your goal.

She can't hold on for long, as long as she rushes in, can this little girl be able to get him?

When she rushed in, she directly resisted falling on her shoulders and threw herself on the bed to be ravaged. The more she struggled, the more excited he became, but she couldn't escape, so he could only let him swallow it into the abdomen. That scene, just thinking Thinking, can make his little brother excited and drooling with excitement.

"Rong Bei!!!"

An Ge'er was ashamed and annoyed by his shameless words, gritted her teeth, "You will remember it! You will regret it someday!"

She will soon let him know that she is not someone he can control at all!

Rong Bei completely ignored her threat, but did not expect this little Nizi to be so strong, and worried that she would hurt her again if she hit it hard, so he reached in to catch her. If she avoided it, she would definitely Go in.

But at this moment, the sound of the rushing water suddenly stopped in the room. An Ge'er was startled, and Rong Bei's eyes widened suddenly, "You hide a man inside!?"

Originally, he hadn't noticed at all. At this time, some voices stopped abruptly to show that there was someone in the room!

Rong Bei's long and narrow eyes suddenly became gloomy.

An Ge'er did not respond. Instead, when he was in doubt, he suddenly lowered his head and bit on the back of his hand. Rong Bei retracted his hand in pain, and the moment he raised his eyes, he clearly saw a black bath. The slender and straight figure of the robe slowly caught his eye...


In the next second, the door was closed.

Rong Bei stood at the door stupidly. For a moment, he was filled with the figure of that man. There was a man in her room, and she had just come out of the bathroom, and she was also wet, just after taking a shower. What did they do in it?

What do you want to do?

Rong Bei didn't know what it was like at this time, anger, shame, jealousy, more and more craziness spread in his heart!

"Damn it!" Rong Bei cursed suddenly.

Inside, An Ge'er had just closed the door, and she saw her uncle coming out in a bathrobe. The cold and cold ascetic boy was very **** while taking a bath, but An Ge'er had some wandering eyes and inexplicably guilty conscience.

"Little, uncle, you came out." An Geer coughed, trying to keep her face calm.

Bo Yan didn't speak, his eyes fell on his mobile phone. There were messages sent to him and missed calls from Eric on it. Looking at the messages on it, his eyes flickered, first there was a meal, and then a faint mockery And contempt turned away from the bottom of his eyes.

Immediately, her eyes fell on the door behind her, her voice was light, "Someone has been here?"

When he spoke, his eyes were a little deep.

"Ah? Yes, someone kept knocking on the door just now. The wrong person was found and he has already left." An Ge'er said, hanging her head slightly and pretending to wipe her hair casually, as if nothing happened at all. thing.

Of course, as soon as her voice fell, the door suddenly--

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